yes, they have been brought up like that...poor suckers, for what it may be worth...still, a total collapse, in my opinion, is actually needed (and desired) before we can even begin to move forward as an equitable, coherent society...these ingrained 'owners' are not amenable to sharing the wealth of humanity under any circumstance...or even admitting there is anything wrong at all, (except maybe too many poor people that need to go away) is sort of a psychological disease, you see...the one with the most toys wins...
but it's not really like that...if we cannot coexist peacefully or 'lawfully'...we are headed in a fantastically perilous phase where we may suddenly discover that we don't exist at all...what an amazing realization!....hey, they already dropped the bomb on people...what do they care...after all, they have the most toys, so they 'win'!
dr strangelove wasn't so 'strange', after all!
thank heavens...the laws of karma are still here, so good luck with the 'most toys' theory, fat cat bomb droppers...if you prosper due to others' suffering, (safe in your secured compounds) you will be held accountable, one way or the other, sooner or later...and you will not like it...not one little bit.
I agree so much with you..!, This are difficult times to keep hope alive, and I don't even know if what we need is hope, maybe all we need is one day to wake up, and start loving each others, so evil will disappear from Earth, when that will happen..?? Nobody knows, like someone I knew, he was always repeating "I don't know nothing". And that's the truth. So all I can do personally is to find peace inside of me, in my inner sanctuary. To stay away from the hustle and bustle. I'm becoming less and less sociable. I used to be a very open talkative person, now I just talk in blogs like yours, not too many by the way. I just want peace, away from this "reality". Today I went shopping for groceries and cigarettes, and all I heard, was people talking about how many jabs they got already, or if their test was positive or even worse, having their kids jabbed already too. So I couldn't wait to go home and be in my silent refuge. I'm becoming a hermit, it's not what I want, but I don't find any rebel near me, and I know that being surrounded by sheep's, it's better to keep my mouth shut not because fear, but because feeling their hostility is very unpleasant. I'm not a coward, I always was a fighter, I was born in a dictature, and has been always on the front line of fire defending freedom. But now, I just feel like talking with those alike, from the shelter of my home, while I'm thinking to move to live to a cabin in the mountains and become a hermit, that's all I want, not to see anybody and be in Nature. I love the way you write Jeffrey, you have a gift,and it's good to listen to someone so clear minded like you, like this haiku say : " At the edge of the tears, the Light of you here, bring with it rainbows". Thank you for being here now. Namaste my friend🙏
I feel the same way. I really don't like being around people anymore. Members of my own family are pro jab even though I tried to talk sense into them, they still got all 3 jabs. I felt some despair because even my own family would not listen to me. Luckily my husband and a couple of my in-laws are awake to what's going on in the world so I can talk to them. My husband is braver than I am and is now speaking to people outside our family circle about the dangers of the jab, about the killing fields that are now our hospitals, the harms of wearing the masks and some people have no idea what's going on but others are surprisingly knowledgeable and agree with everything he says. I tend to just speak out on social media now and occasionally pass info to family.
I think two years of this covid trauma that we've all had to endure is just too much. I don't blame you for wanting to move to a cabin. That is how I feel quite often, the need to just get it away from it all so I don't feel so depressed. I'm now trying to take breaks sometimes from the research and learning about all the evil crap going on and instead concentrate on the things that bring me joy.
You pull no punches. Most governments throughout history have been utterly worthless. You are free only to the extent you ignore governments. The last 10,000 years of wars and fighting have solved nothing. We still have megalomaniacs running the world. If the last 2 years have proven anything it's that the insane rule. And truth is in very short doesn't drop into your lap, you have to search for it.
I once asked- what I perceived to be a very enlightened spiritual teacher- as to what he perceived to be the greatest evil in the world today? Much to my surprise, he offered the standard bromide of greed and selfishness.
Everyone has to find their own truth….In this lifetime, my greatest discovery has been that if there is ever to be peace on earth, we must come to realize that we have aliens within our midst. No, I’m not talking about the extra-terrestrial kind although if you follow David Ickes that might also be in play. Or perhaps, Naomi Wolf’s belief in supernatural forces pulling strings in the current plandemic.
No, my aliens take the form of psychopaths disguised in terrestrial embodiment. For psychopaths, their burning desire for power is immune to the law of diminishing returns. The only cure that I can see is to adopt Murray Rothbard’s vision of society of decentralized individual sovereignty.
Yes Marisa, it's important to take a break, and also, to create our own time line. We are creators, and with our creative mind/imagination, we can create new life paths, like one of my gurus used to say: " because somebody give you a shit sandwich you don't have to eat it".
At the beginning of this circus, I knew everything was a lie, I Belong to the health profession, and I have friends doctors, biologist etc with whom we all agree this circus didn't had any scientific base. I was then very active telling everybody about the lie, being very involved in social media groups anti bugs, and anti jabs, constantly trying to open people's eyes, and after a while, I felt burned out, and as we say in my country " the worse blind is the one who don't want to see", all my words were falling into deaf ears, and one day I got into a weird break down I didn't knew who I was and I felt an stranger for myself. I had a partner then, and we were living togethers, he was hostile against me because he did believe the circus, and was calling me crazy all the time, things got worse with him, to the point that we ended up separating, we had marriage plans before, but all went down the toilet. I live in Spain, my friend the biologist moved to Germany where he thought were more freedom, other friends mostly doctors, they were following the game afraid to lose their jobs, even knowing all was a lie. I went to live with my sister, she didn't believe the circus either, but she just like being alone, so I moved to the rural area, to be close to nature in an small village, I made my sanctuary here at the moment, until I can move into the woods alone,I just need to save some money to buy a little land and build my cabin with an orchard and some animals to be self sufficient,like I said in my comment before. Now they are talking of a possible war here in Europe, they didnt got the results they wanted with the false bug, so now they are gonna try to promote more chaos with a war. But that's not my time line, not my story. My priority is to live my own life according to my soul desires and needs, and that's were my focus is. It's not that I'm being selfish, it's just that I feel I came to this world to follow the dictates of my heart and soul. I can't keep listening to so much toxicity and absorving it. I want to feel pure and clean, and don't let the crap hit me. So going back to nature is for me the answer. Society is a trap. I need very little to live, I has been living in the desert in an small wood cabin with nothing but a tiny wooden bed. I was living also in a yurt and in a tipi, I has learn that a simple life is the best way to find peace. I was living in EEUU and Canada for eithteen years, living in communes out of the grid, and I found out that we don't need society at all. And that all I want is peace. I wish you and your family the best from the bottom of my heart. Thanxs for sharing. Many blessings 💗🙏🌻
the biggest problem, in my opinion, is the apathy of citizens.
if diminished confidence in govt is what it takes to wake up sheeple, then, so be it.
anything to get the job done.
there are a lot of critical thinkers and freedom lovers in the world today...but there is just not enough to properly counter the totalitarian push.
the greed impulse is strong in human may be too strong , we don't really know if it can be defeated (temporarily)
hence, we 'freedomers' like it when the general public confidence and trust is diminished...with enough blatant, obvious encouragement, even stupid folks can get smart!
sometimes, things have to get a lot worse before they can get any better.
sometimes things have to crash and burn before people can pick up the shattered remains and then begin anew.
a totalitarian like hitler is not open to negotiation...nor is the american dream, according to big dick cheney.
these sorts of things have to is the only way forward.
there will be no real negotiation.
the worse things get, the more sheeple will wake up and join the ranks of the freedom lovers out of sheer desperation and necessity.
Diminished confidence in govt will only make them feed off of those around them, because that's how they've been brought up to live. To parasitize off of society, either through crime or govt handouts, or both.
If things continue, where almost all the wealth is being siphoned off from the working class and what's left of the middle class, there will not be anyone left for those at the bottom to feed off. This Orwellian authoritarianism is designed to turn almost all of us into peasants.
I believe more people are waking up. Even someone like me who was pretty jaded and cynical learned a lot more in the past 2 years about the evils embedded in all our institutions and that the globalists, the cabal whatever you want to call them are accelerating their plans now for a One World government. The fact that I can even talk about this to others and they don't think it's crazy anymore shows that people are waking up. I also noticed that people are now starting to organize against this evil whether it's the Trucker Convoy or the Bonds For The Win people taking on their school boards. Others of course are still asleep at the wheel and may need for things to get to rock bottom in terms of not having enough food to eat or watching their loved ones die from the covid vaccine in order to finally see the truth. I can only pray that enough people wake up in time to keep our country from being destroyed.
I have to tell you, the feelings of isolation, that no one is on our side? Those are caused by the medical-techno-fascist state censoring us in the most mainstream of public forums. But I believe we are a much greater number than we are led to believe. I live in a very solidly blue state, so when I walk outside and look around, it seems like I'm a crazy person who lives in an alternate reality. But by being increasingly vocal about my beliefs and refusing to kowtow, I've unearthed quite a few like-minded people just in my own county.
In addition, I've discovered many online communities of people who see what I see, and I've made a point to cultivate those connections and surround myself with people who speak the truth. There's Robert Kennedy's website, the community at,, and many of the speakers at the recent March on Washington who have YouTube channels, podcasts, blogs and vlogs where they speak about the important issues.
When I spend time in these places, with these people, it allows me to see that it's the people who are following the mainstream narrative who are delusional, not me. It gives me confidence and a sense of community, and a conviction that I'm on the right side of history. That confidence goes a long way towards making change. For example, I argue with everyone who tries to tell me to wear a mask. I quote studies and confront them with data. I am defiant. And it's hard because it doesn't really convince anyone in the moment. But I know that there are others out there doing the same thing, and that the more of us that refuse to comply, to be silent, to hide, the harder it becomes for the rest to tell themselves that we're just some fringe minority.
Some say that a third of the population is Awake, another third is lost and not able to be persuaded by reason - we can only assume that they will change their minds only when they feel that the majority, or the entirety, of society has already done so, and they are being left behind. The remaining 40% is what they call the persuadable middle. These are the ones who are responsive to data, to reason, and to popular opinion. Look at the Canadian freedom convoy. There are clearly a huge number of Canadians who see through the bs and have had enough.
Don't give up hope. The mainstream media is a dying institution. Their numbers are down to record lows as everyone with a functioning cerebral cortex is fleeing to independent media online. Joe Rogan has 13x the viewership of CNN. What does THAT tell you?
My point is, when you feel hopeless, go and surround yourself with people and news sources that speak truth. We are social creatures, and it messes with our heads when we feel isolated or ostracized. Be with your tribe and restore your sense of sanity, and you'll be ready to go and fight another day against tyranny. Our numbers grow every day as more and more people wake up to reality. The fear narrative doesn't serve anyone except the elites; all it does is play on the fears of the most broken members of our society. They'll come along when they're ready. In the meantime, it's up to us to build the society that we all deserve, and convince the reluctant that it's a better world to live in than the terrifying mental prisons they've constructed around themselves.
I have to tell you, the feelings of isolation, that no one is on our side? Those are caused by the medical-techno-fascist state censoring us in the most mainstream of public forums. But I believe we are a much greater number than we are led to believe. I live in a very solidly blue state, so when I walk outside and look around, it seems like I'm a crazy person who lives in an alternate reality. But by being increasingly vocal about my beliefs and refusing to kowtow, I've unearthed quite a few like-minded people just in my own county.
In addition, I've discovered many online communities of people who see what I see, and I've made a point to cultivate those connections and surround myself with people who speak the truth. There's Robert Kennedy's website, the community at,, and many of the speakers at the recent March on Washington who have YouTube channels, podcasts, blogs and vlogs where they speak about the important issues.
When I spend time in these places, with these people, it allows me to see that it's the people who are following the mainstream narrative who are delusional, not me. It gives me confidence and a sense of community, and a conviction that I'm on the right side of history. That confidence goes a long way towards making change. For example, I argue with everyone who tries to tell me to wear a mask. I quote studies and confront them with data. I am defiant. And it's hard because it doesn't really convince anyone in the moment. But I know that there are others out there doing the same thing, and that the more of us that refuse to comply, to be silent, to hide, the harder it becomes for the rest to tell themselves that we're just some fringe minority.
Some say that a third of the population is Awake, another third is lost and not able to be persuaded by reason - we can only assume that they will change their minds only when they feel that the majority, or the entirety, of society has already done so, and they are being left behind. The remaining 40% is what they call the persuadable middle. These are the ones who are responsive to data, to reason, and to popular opinion. Look at the Canadian freedom convoy. There are clearly a huge number of Canadians who see through the bs and have had enough.
Don't give up hope. The mainstream media is a dying institution. Their numbers are down to record lows as everyone with a functioning cerebral cortex is fleeing to independent media online. Joe Rogan has 13x the viewership of CNN. What does THAT tell you?
My point is, when you feel hopeless, go and surround yourself with people and news sources that speak truth. We are social creatures, and it messes with our heads when we feel isolated or ostracized. Be with your tribe and restore your sense of sanity, and you'll be ready to go and fight another day against tyranny. Our numbers grow every day as more and more people wake up to reality. The fear narrative doesn't serve anyone except the elites; all it does is play on the fears of the most broken members of our society. They'll come along when they're ready. In the meantime, it's up to us to build the society that we all deserve, and convince the reluctant that it's a better world to live in than the terrifying mental prisons they've constructed around themselves.
yes, they have been brought up like that...poor suckers, for what it may be worth...still, a total collapse, in my opinion, is actually needed (and desired) before we can even begin to move forward as an equitable, coherent society...these ingrained 'owners' are not amenable to sharing the wealth of humanity under any circumstance...or even admitting there is anything wrong at all, (except maybe too many poor people that need to go away) is sort of a psychological disease, you see...the one with the most toys wins...
but it's not really like that...if we cannot coexist peacefully or 'lawfully'...we are headed in a fantastically perilous phase where we may suddenly discover that we don't exist at all...what an amazing realization!....hey, they already dropped the bomb on people...what do they care...after all, they have the most toys, so they 'win'!
dr strangelove wasn't so 'strange', after all!
thank heavens...the laws of karma are still here, so good luck with the 'most toys' theory, fat cat bomb droppers...if you prosper due to others' suffering, (safe in your secured compounds) you will be held accountable, one way or the other, sooner or later...and you will not like it...not one little bit.
I agree so much with you..!, This are difficult times to keep hope alive, and I don't even know if what we need is hope, maybe all we need is one day to wake up, and start loving each others, so evil will disappear from Earth, when that will happen..?? Nobody knows, like someone I knew, he was always repeating "I don't know nothing". And that's the truth. So all I can do personally is to find peace inside of me, in my inner sanctuary. To stay away from the hustle and bustle. I'm becoming less and less sociable. I used to be a very open talkative person, now I just talk in blogs like yours, not too many by the way. I just want peace, away from this "reality". Today I went shopping for groceries and cigarettes, and all I heard, was people talking about how many jabs they got already, or if their test was positive or even worse, having their kids jabbed already too. So I couldn't wait to go home and be in my silent refuge. I'm becoming a hermit, it's not what I want, but I don't find any rebel near me, and I know that being surrounded by sheep's, it's better to keep my mouth shut not because fear, but because feeling their hostility is very unpleasant. I'm not a coward, I always was a fighter, I was born in a dictature, and has been always on the front line of fire defending freedom. But now, I just feel like talking with those alike, from the shelter of my home, while I'm thinking to move to live to a cabin in the mountains and become a hermit, that's all I want, not to see anybody and be in Nature. I love the way you write Jeffrey, you have a gift,and it's good to listen to someone so clear minded like you, like this haiku say : " At the edge of the tears, the Light of you here, bring with it rainbows". Thank you for being here now. Namaste my friend🙏
I feel the same way. I really don't like being around people anymore. Members of my own family are pro jab even though I tried to talk sense into them, they still got all 3 jabs. I felt some despair because even my own family would not listen to me. Luckily my husband and a couple of my in-laws are awake to what's going on in the world so I can talk to them. My husband is braver than I am and is now speaking to people outside our family circle about the dangers of the jab, about the killing fields that are now our hospitals, the harms of wearing the masks and some people have no idea what's going on but others are surprisingly knowledgeable and agree with everything he says. I tend to just speak out on social media now and occasionally pass info to family.
I think two years of this covid trauma that we've all had to endure is just too much. I don't blame you for wanting to move to a cabin. That is how I feel quite often, the need to just get it away from it all so I don't feel so depressed. I'm now trying to take breaks sometimes from the research and learning about all the evil crap going on and instead concentrate on the things that bring me joy.
You pull no punches. Most governments throughout history have been utterly worthless. You are free only to the extent you ignore governments. The last 10,000 years of wars and fighting have solved nothing. We still have megalomaniacs running the world. If the last 2 years have proven anything it's that the insane rule. And truth is in very short doesn't drop into your lap, you have to search for it.
Another great article, Donald, containing so many great quotes.
But didn’t you get the message? We’re not supposed to be talking about Covid anymore.
Our latest talking point orders have been given: We are all supposed to obediently be talking about Russia and the Ukraine now.
Speaking of which, something fishy is going on:
I once asked- what I perceived to be a very enlightened spiritual teacher- as to what he perceived to be the greatest evil in the world today? Much to my surprise, he offered the standard bromide of greed and selfishness.
Everyone has to find their own truth….In this lifetime, my greatest discovery has been that if there is ever to be peace on earth, we must come to realize that we have aliens within our midst. No, I’m not talking about the extra-terrestrial kind although if you follow David Ickes that might also be in play. Or perhaps, Naomi Wolf’s belief in supernatural forces pulling strings in the current plandemic.
No, my aliens take the form of psychopaths disguised in terrestrial embodiment. For psychopaths, their burning desire for power is immune to the law of diminishing returns. The only cure that I can see is to adopt Murray Rothbard’s vision of society of decentralized individual sovereignty.
Yes Marisa, it's important to take a break, and also, to create our own time line. We are creators, and with our creative mind/imagination, we can create new life paths, like one of my gurus used to say: " because somebody give you a shit sandwich you don't have to eat it".
At the beginning of this circus, I knew everything was a lie, I Belong to the health profession, and I have friends doctors, biologist etc with whom we all agree this circus didn't had any scientific base. I was then very active telling everybody about the lie, being very involved in social media groups anti bugs, and anti jabs, constantly trying to open people's eyes, and after a while, I felt burned out, and as we say in my country " the worse blind is the one who don't want to see", all my words were falling into deaf ears, and one day I got into a weird break down I didn't knew who I was and I felt an stranger for myself. I had a partner then, and we were living togethers, he was hostile against me because he did believe the circus, and was calling me crazy all the time, things got worse with him, to the point that we ended up separating, we had marriage plans before, but all went down the toilet. I live in Spain, my friend the biologist moved to Germany where he thought were more freedom, other friends mostly doctors, they were following the game afraid to lose their jobs, even knowing all was a lie. I went to live with my sister, she didn't believe the circus either, but she just like being alone, so I moved to the rural area, to be close to nature in an small village, I made my sanctuary here at the moment, until I can move into the woods alone,I just need to save some money to buy a little land and build my cabin with an orchard and some animals to be self sufficient,like I said in my comment before. Now they are talking of a possible war here in Europe, they didnt got the results they wanted with the false bug, so now they are gonna try to promote more chaos with a war. But that's not my time line, not my story. My priority is to live my own life according to my soul desires and needs, and that's were my focus is. It's not that I'm being selfish, it's just that I feel I came to this world to follow the dictates of my heart and soul. I can't keep listening to so much toxicity and absorving it. I want to feel pure and clean, and don't let the crap hit me. So going back to nature is for me the answer. Society is a trap. I need very little to live, I has been living in the desert in an small wood cabin with nothing but a tiny wooden bed. I was living also in a yurt and in a tipi, I has learn that a simple life is the best way to find peace. I was living in EEUU and Canada for eithteen years, living in communes out of the grid, and I found out that we don't need society at all. And that all I want is peace. I wish you and your family the best from the bottom of my heart. Thanxs for sharing. Many blessings 💗🙏🌻
that can only be a good thing, i think.
the biggest problem, in my opinion, is the apathy of citizens.
if diminished confidence in govt is what it takes to wake up sheeple, then, so be it.
anything to get the job done.
there are a lot of critical thinkers and freedom lovers in the world today...but there is just not enough to properly counter the totalitarian push.
the greed impulse is strong in human may be too strong , we don't really know if it can be defeated (temporarily)
hence, we 'freedomers' like it when the general public confidence and trust is diminished...with enough blatant, obvious encouragement, even stupid folks can get smart!
sometimes, things have to get a lot worse before they can get any better.
sometimes things have to crash and burn before people can pick up the shattered remains and then begin anew.
a totalitarian like hitler is not open to negotiation...nor is the american dream, according to big dick cheney.
these sorts of things have to is the only way forward.
there will be no real negotiation.
the worse things get, the more sheeple will wake up and join the ranks of the freedom lovers out of sheer desperation and necessity.
keep up the fight.
Diminished confidence in govt will only make them feed off of those around them, because that's how they've been brought up to live. To parasitize off of society, either through crime or govt handouts, or both.
If things continue, where almost all the wealth is being siphoned off from the working class and what's left of the middle class, there will not be anyone left for those at the bottom to feed off. This Orwellian authoritarianism is designed to turn almost all of us into peasants.
I believe more people are waking up. Even someone like me who was pretty jaded and cynical learned a lot more in the past 2 years about the evils embedded in all our institutions and that the globalists, the cabal whatever you want to call them are accelerating their plans now for a One World government. The fact that I can even talk about this to others and they don't think it's crazy anymore shows that people are waking up. I also noticed that people are now starting to organize against this evil whether it's the Trucker Convoy or the Bonds For The Win people taking on their school boards. Others of course are still asleep at the wheel and may need for things to get to rock bottom in terms of not having enough food to eat or watching their loved ones die from the covid vaccine in order to finally see the truth. I can only pray that enough people wake up in time to keep our country from being destroyed.
I have to tell you, the feelings of isolation, that no one is on our side? Those are caused by the medical-techno-fascist state censoring us in the most mainstream of public forums. But I believe we are a much greater number than we are led to believe. I live in a very solidly blue state, so when I walk outside and look around, it seems like I'm a crazy person who lives in an alternate reality. But by being increasingly vocal about my beliefs and refusing to kowtow, I've unearthed quite a few like-minded people just in my own county.
In addition, I've discovered many online communities of people who see what I see, and I've made a point to cultivate those connections and surround myself with people who speak the truth. There's Robert Kennedy's website, the community at,, and many of the speakers at the recent March on Washington who have YouTube channels, podcasts, blogs and vlogs where they speak about the important issues.
When I spend time in these places, with these people, it allows me to see that it's the people who are following the mainstream narrative who are delusional, not me. It gives me confidence and a sense of community, and a conviction that I'm on the right side of history. That confidence goes a long way towards making change. For example, I argue with everyone who tries to tell me to wear a mask. I quote studies and confront them with data. I am defiant. And it's hard because it doesn't really convince anyone in the moment. But I know that there are others out there doing the same thing, and that the more of us that refuse to comply, to be silent, to hide, the harder it becomes for the rest to tell themselves that we're just some fringe minority.
Some say that a third of the population is Awake, another third is lost and not able to be persuaded by reason - we can only assume that they will change their minds only when they feel that the majority, or the entirety, of society has already done so, and they are being left behind. The remaining 40% is what they call the persuadable middle. These are the ones who are responsive to data, to reason, and to popular opinion. Look at the Canadian freedom convoy. There are clearly a huge number of Canadians who see through the bs and have had enough.
Don't give up hope. The mainstream media is a dying institution. Their numbers are down to record lows as everyone with a functioning cerebral cortex is fleeing to independent media online. Joe Rogan has 13x the viewership of CNN. What does THAT tell you?
My point is, when you feel hopeless, go and surround yourself with people and news sources that speak truth. We are social creatures, and it messes with our heads when we feel isolated or ostracized. Be with your tribe and restore your sense of sanity, and you'll be ready to go and fight another day against tyranny. Our numbers grow every day as more and more people wake up to reality. The fear narrative doesn't serve anyone except the elites; all it does is play on the fears of the most broken members of our society. They'll come along when they're ready. In the meantime, it's up to us to build the society that we all deserve, and convince the reluctant that it's a better world to live in than the terrifying mental prisons they've constructed around themselves.
What a great line: I've read a lot of Ambrose Bierce but watched a lot of Frank Capra...I love those guys too.
I have to tell you, the feelings of isolation, that no one is on our side? Those are caused by the medical-techno-fascist state censoring us in the most mainstream of public forums. But I believe we are a much greater number than we are led to believe. I live in a very solidly blue state, so when I walk outside and look around, it seems like I'm a crazy person who lives in an alternate reality. But by being increasingly vocal about my beliefs and refusing to kowtow, I've unearthed quite a few like-minded people just in my own county.
In addition, I've discovered many online communities of people who see what I see, and I've made a point to cultivate those connections and surround myself with people who speak the truth. There's Robert Kennedy's website, the community at,, and many of the speakers at the recent March on Washington who have YouTube channels, podcasts, blogs and vlogs where they speak about the important issues.
When I spend time in these places, with these people, it allows me to see that it's the people who are following the mainstream narrative who are delusional, not me. It gives me confidence and a sense of community, and a conviction that I'm on the right side of history. That confidence goes a long way towards making change. For example, I argue with everyone who tries to tell me to wear a mask. I quote studies and confront them with data. I am defiant. And it's hard because it doesn't really convince anyone in the moment. But I know that there are others out there doing the same thing, and that the more of us that refuse to comply, to be silent, to hide, the harder it becomes for the rest to tell themselves that we're just some fringe minority.
Some say that a third of the population is Awake, another third is lost and not able to be persuaded by reason - we can only assume that they will change their minds only when they feel that the majority, or the entirety, of society has already done so, and they are being left behind. The remaining 40% is what they call the persuadable middle. These are the ones who are responsive to data, to reason, and to popular opinion. Look at the Canadian freedom convoy. There are clearly a huge number of Canadians who see through the bs and have had enough.
Don't give up hope. The mainstream media is a dying institution. Their numbers are down to record lows as everyone with a functioning cerebral cortex is fleeing to independent media online. Joe Rogan has 13x the viewership of CNN. What does THAT tell you?
My point is, when you feel hopeless, go and surround yourself with people and news sources that speak truth. We are social creatures, and it messes with our heads when we feel isolated or ostracized. Be with your tribe and restore your sense of sanity, and you'll be ready to go and fight another day against tyranny. Our numbers grow every day as more and more people wake up to reality. The fear narrative doesn't serve anyone except the elites; all it does is play on the fears of the most broken members of our society. They'll come along when they're ready. In the meantime, it's up to us to build the society that we all deserve, and convince the reluctant that it's a better world to live in than the terrifying mental prisons they've constructed around themselves.