It should be crystal clear to all Americans, and all Canadians now, that the world is run by absolute despots. Well, actually the despots are the face of unseen masters who pull their strings. Joe Biden and Pierre Trudeau couldn’t run a lemonade stand, with a million dollar grant from their governments.
If there is hope, Orwell said in 1984, it lies in the Proles. Right now, our only hope may lie in those angry truckers up north. They have shown steadfast bravery, in the face of increasing tyranny. Risking their bank accounts being frozen. Threats of having their dogs euthanized. Without a peep of protest from the normally crazed animal rights activists. And many Canadian citizens remain supportive, despite threats of arrest and frozen bank accounts themselves.
Our Founding Fathers were the One Percent of their era. No revolution, or independent movement, was or is possible without the support of some great power somewhere. In the case of both the Bolsheviks and Hitler, it was Wall Street. In the case of our own birth as a nation, it was some of the wealthiest people of the time risking everything for a greater cause. Most of them did, indeed, lose their fortunes. Some lost their lives. But their sacred honor remained intact. Today, the richest among us have greater fortunes, but no honor.
I write quite a bit about history. Hidden History. Most people don’t realize just how many great crimes have gone unpunished during the course of human events. Just going back a hundred years, when the Bonus Army was formed to protest the fact they never received their promised remittance from the government, for fighting pointlessly in the senseless holocaust that was World War I, they were crushed by government troops led by young Douglas MacArthur and George Patton.
During the 1930s, the great “enemy of his class” Franklin Roosevelt hobnobbed with Bernard Baruch and all the other plutocrats of the day, and almost certainly plotted to rub out his greatest critic, the populist firebrand Huey Long. No one who has studied the evidence honestly thinks a young doctor killed Huey. But the Court Historians do, and that’s all that counts. All the evidence in the Lindbergh Kidnapping exonerates hapless patsy Richard Hauptman (who hated being called Bruno, and was of course referred to relentlessly by that more Germanic-sounding name). But the Court Historians tell us he was guilty. The Deep State never gets it wrong.
Was World War II a “good war?” As Benjamin Franklin said, in perhaps his most ignored phrase, “There is no such thing as a good war or a bad peace.” As I detailed extensively in my book Crimes and Cover Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963, the “greatest generation” committed enough atrocities to make most serial killers blush. And they were only following in the footsteps of the “good guys” in the 1860s, when monsters like Sherman and Grant raped, stole, and murdered their way to victory. It can never be said too often that history is written by the victors.
The Court Historians tell us that the Soviets were basically a misunderstood bunch, much less dangerous than the cartoonish Nazi villains. And yet now, with eastern Europe freed from their rule, Russia is considered the foremost “bad guy” of our present times. By the very same Leftist politicians, writers, pundits, and historians. Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden were two recent, CIA-backed “good guys” who were converted into the ultimate “bad guys” with the help of our kept press.
Image is everything, they tell us. And who creates images for the masses? It certainly isn’t “conspiracy theorists” and bloggers like me. The same people who tell you that Oswald killed JFK, and nineteen crazed Arabs did 9/11, and Iran is an international “bully,” and Vladimir Putin is the new #1 bogeyman, are creating a negative image of the heroic Canadian truckers. Their attempts to inject the tired refrain of “racism,” and focusing on confederate flags which were probably brought there by paid government assets, are laughable.
These same professional mythmakers have also, of course, promulgated the hopelessly impossible official COVID narrative. What a disjointed, ridiculous script: mandate multiple vaccines, and boosters. But the vaccines aren’t guaranteed to stop you from getting COVID. They tell you that, not me. Classic Doublethink. But still the majority line up for the shots. Lockdown the mom and pop stores. But the big chains, selling the same products, can stay open. Wear your mask, but we will be caught regularly not wearing ours. Do as we say, not as we do. When in doubt, blame the Unvaccinated.
With all the mandates, and unlegislated “laws,” we have almost returned to the Middle Ages, where a King could have his lackey blow a horn and announce a new “mandate” that decreed this or that. Justin Trudeau’s hip new Martial Law must be making his mother Margaret almost as giddy as she once was at Studio 54 back in the day, free loving it with Mick Jagger and an endless slew of other celebrities. It’s instructive to see just how similar the lack of “representation” the Canadian people receive is to our own sorry disenfranchised position here.
People write me often, and ask what we can do, or urge me to do something. Frankly, I have no answers. Responding to the kind of unprecedented, worldwide tyranny we see now would require millions of people coming together in a joint effort. Dysfunction appears to be the norm everywhere now, so this is unlikely to ever happen. We have the numbers, but the numbers don’t have us, or something like that. You can’t even get other parents to back up the few who stand up and courageously criticize school board members. The masses are largely apathetic and incredibly dumbed down.
Santayana’s great expression, “Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it” once had great meaning to those who can critically think. Now it’s largely meaningless, because the vast majority don’t know any history to have forgotten. Our masters can literally regurgitate propaganda they used in 1898, or 1918, or 1989, word for word, if they choose to. They freely plagiarize their corrupt predecessors, and the uninformed public is none the wiser.
We are beyond political answers here. The last election should have drummed that message home to everyone. The political prisoners still behind bars over a year later, guilty of entering a building that should be accessible to the public that funds it, have surely gotten the message. But those mired in the phony two party paradigm continue to blather on about the “cherished” right to vote. I’m sure Canadians blather on about it, too. Voting rights are not compatible with Martial Law. Or fraudulent elections that feature dead voters, no voter ID, unchecked mail-in ballots, etc. “Democracy.”
So where do we turn, to address this “long train of abuses and usurpations,” which are indeed consistently directed against the mass of humanity? The courts? Any average person who has experienced our “justice” system knows that this is not the answer. The “free press?” Our state controlled media serves the same purpose that Tass and Pravda once did. The only difference is, Americans (and Canadians) don’t seem to understand that. The churches? How many pastors defied the royal “mandate” in 2020 and held Easter services? The military? Sorry, I don’t see any signs of “White Hats.”
As some of us tried to say a long time ago, our utterly corrupt militarized police will never stand with the people when things hit the fan. They’re obviously hitting the fan now, and we can watch video from all around the world and see that no country’s police forces- least of all America’s- is disobeying those mandates and decrees. They can’t even defy a petty tyrant barking orders at a school board meeting. They haven’t been on your side for a very long time, and they certainly aren’t now.
Popular culture? Perhaps the musical performers, comedians, and actors will expose this naked tyranny for what it is. Uh, no. The Neil Youngs of the world are drooling over censorship. They almost all seem to love the cancel culture. Even the brilliant Joni Mitchell- who has been suffering from a disease the Medical Industrial Complex insists doesn’t exist- has opted to march in lockstep behind them, and against the right of free expression. If we still had any artists left, they’d undoubtedly be painting homages to the state, and exposing the threat of racism and white supremacy.
In short, we have nowhere to turn but to each other. We have the greatest weapon imaginable, besides the Truth being on our side. We outnumber all the despots at all levels of power put together, by the billions around the world. Like Orwell’s Proles, they would have no hope if we confronted them in unison. But also like Orwell’s Proles, there is virtually no chance of us ever doing that. They have successfully divided us along so many lines; Black and White, Red and Blue, young and old, etc. Divide and conquer. Order out of chaos.
Maybe we will reach a tipping point, where even the most asleep and indoctrinated will wake up to what’s really happening. Mass food shortages, or lengthy power outages may do that. Certainly the young (and many older) smart phone addicts will react in some appreciable way if the cell towers go down. Perhaps they’ll finally raise their eyes from their screens and realize how screwed up the real world has become. It may take them a while though to adapt back to face to face communication.
We can at least take solace in our faith. They can’t take that from us. But it would be really nice if, while we’re all waiting for our final reward on Judgment Day, we could do something to make this world more tolerable. More just. More fair. Just because the Bible says “the poor will always be with you” doesn’t mean we can’t strive to eliminate poverty. Just because it says there will always be wars doesn’t mean we should support them. There is no rational reason why we can’t all not buy gas on a particular day, or even better, all call in sick on the same day. Make our presence felt. Flex our muscles. Show them just how outnumbered they are.
They also can’t stop us from being kind and considerate. Loving our neighbors, even when they don’t love us. A national movement to start local “John Doe Clubs,” based on the idea proposed in Frank Capra’s classic 1941 movie Meet John Doe, might be our best chance. Those clubs, as in the film, would not be overtly political, but would stress trying to get to know people, treating them decently, and recognizing all that we have in common. And promoting the Golden Rule. The elite hate the Golden Rule, and very few people practice it.
I hate being so negative. As Ambrose Bierce defined it, pessimism is “A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile.” I haven’t heard a better definition. I don’t know how I would parent if my children were small today. It must be extremely difficult for the awake among us to summon up the prerequisite mood when guiding those precious little angels who are facing a forlorn future. Hug them all the tighter, I suppose.
We are told that the meek, like my late brother Ricky, will inherit the earth. I take heart in picturing all those poor souls who were laughed at, bullied, and treated unfairly inheriting this world. Blessed are the peacemakers? Doesn’t that basically mean that the vast majority of our leaders, who have consistently opted for war over peace throughout the course of modern history, are not blessed? I find great comfort in the Beatitudes. They represent the part of the Bible that rings the truest to me; I can feel the timelessness of those words in my soul.
I’ll keep doing what I can, with the platforms I have. Standing up for everyone’s right to free speech. Period. Opposing war. Opposing injustice. Opposing corruption at all levels. And right now, concentrating on the medicide- medical murder- of my brother, and so many others. If we can get the slumbering sheeple to understand the full truth behind any of the corruption, you will see a domino effect, with other great crimes and coverups tumbling behind it. All of these things- from JFK to the phony COVID narrative- are connected. They are part of the same timeline of organized corruption.
To paraphrase JFK, we are confronted today with what is primarily a spiritual battle. The dark force- call it Satan or whatever- is obviously real to those high profile persons who utilize satanic symbolism and flash occult hand signals. We must align with the force of light- God- and never allow those who have destroyed pretty much everything else to destroy our faith. For whatever reason, the dark side seems in control on this earth now. The truth will prevail. God- the good- will win.
I’m fond of quoting Robert F. Kennedy, and asking all those who listen to me, or read my work, to send forth tiny ripples of hope. Every time you wake up anyone who is asleep, it’s a monumental accomplishment. The ancient proverb that says “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” is relevant here. This is a huge journey- a very imposing task. But we have to start somewhere. I’m not giving up, even though I must sound like I believe things are hopeless. I’ve read a lot of Ambrose Bierce, the ultimate cynic, but I’ve also watched a lot of Frank Capra.
To be a populist, you have to have some optimism in you. You have to think that things can be better. I still have a lot of idealist in me. But the people are long overdue for any kind of victory over their criminal overlords. You could argue that the last victory for the people was when Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown. I still hold out a bit of hope that the example set by the Canadian truckers will inspire others around the world.
In a quote apparently misattributed to Gandhi, labor leader Nicholas Klein said, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." They used to ignore “conspiracy theorists” like me, and then they began laughing at us. The record is pretty clear that over the past few years especially, they have been actively fighting us. Canceling us. As we await the final stage of Klein’s quote, we should remember that we have to fight back first, in order to win.
yes, they have been brought up like that...poor suckers, for what it may be worth...still, a total collapse, in my opinion, is actually needed (and desired) before we can even begin to move forward as an equitable, coherent society...these ingrained 'owners' are not amenable to sharing the wealth of humanity under any circumstance...or even admitting there is anything wrong at all, (except maybe too many poor people that need to go away)...it is sort of a psychological disease, you see...the one with the most toys wins...
but it's not really like that...if we cannot coexist peacefully or 'lawfully'...we are headed in a fantastically perilous phase where we may suddenly discover that we don't exist at all...what an amazing realization!....hey, they already dropped the bomb on people...what do they care...after all, they have the most toys, so they 'win'!
dr strangelove wasn't so 'strange', after all!
thank heavens...the laws of karma are still here, so good luck with the 'most toys' theory, fat cat bomb droppers...if you prosper due to others' suffering, (safe in your secured compounds) you will be held accountable, one way or the other, sooner or later...and you will not like it...not one little bit.
I agree so much with you..!, This are difficult times to keep hope alive, and I don't even know if what we need is hope, maybe all we need is one day to wake up, and start loving each others, so evil will disappear from Earth, when that will happen..?? Nobody knows, like someone I knew, he was always repeating "I don't know nothing". And that's the truth. So all I can do personally is to find peace inside of me, in my inner sanctuary. To stay away from the hustle and bustle. I'm becoming less and less sociable. I used to be a very open talkative person, now I just talk in blogs like yours, not too many by the way. I just want peace, away from this "reality". Today I went shopping for groceries and cigarettes, and all I heard, was people talking about how many jabs they got already, or if their test was positive or even worse, having their kids jabbed already too. So I couldn't wait to go home and be in my silent refuge. I'm becoming a hermit, it's not what I want, but I don't find any rebel near me, and I know that being surrounded by sheep's, it's better to keep my mouth shut not because fear, but because feeling their hostility is very unpleasant. I'm not a coward, I always was a fighter, I was born in a dictature, and has been always on the front line of fire defending freedom. But now, I just feel like talking with those alike, from the shelter of my home, while I'm thinking to move to live to a cabin in the mountains and become a hermit, that's all I want, not to see anybody and be in Nature. I love the way you write Jeffrey, you have a gift,and it's good to listen to someone so clear minded like you, like this haiku say : " At the edge of the tears, the Light of you here, bring with it rainbows". Thank you for being here now. Namaste my friend🙏