Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

Traditional American white families have been decimated and I believe this writing tells it all. I was/am a traditional housewife, mother and my husband was the traditional breadwinner, father and husband. We chose it to be that way when we married in 1962 and that thought still prevails in our family. Make men, manly again and quit listening to family wreckers. Let women be women without chiding them to be "more"...it's confusing and stupid and mostly destroying civilization as it was meant to be.

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That's great to hear, Vicki. Thanks!

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1962 was a banner year. That was when the Vatican began the Liberal Coming Out Party, the Russians came to Cuba, and the Eagle Landed in Peking. That was the year the chastisement warned about by Our Lady of Fatima began in earnest. How quickly we went from Leave it to Beaver to the Partridge Family to Archie Bunker to Three's Company to Designing Women. And all intended by the Satanic Pederasts that contoll Hellywood.

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I call it a race to the bottoms.

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They certainly took the plunge all right. Fallen Human Nature did the rest.

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Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

You've hit the nail on the head. I would just like to add that the overwhelming attacks on Christianity, via our institutions, have done tremendous damage in this regard. Early 20th century leftists/communists, primarily jewish, literally took their orders to " march through our institutions."

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Indeed they have, Robert. The attacks on Christianity are directly related to the attacks on the traditional family. Thanks!

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Yes, they completed the "Long March through the Institutions" by the late '70's. But they were all Useful Idiots. The Satanic Pederasts were in control all the time, from their seats in the WHite House, 10 Downing Street, 100 Wall Street, and, of course, the Vatican.

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It hasn't helped that most Christians have offered no resistance to these attacks. Say what you will about Islam but they don't take ANY crap from anyone about their religion.

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Evangelical christians in the West are zionist, and they love and worship the tribe. As such, they deserve to be attacked for their misplaced and self-deluded beliefs.

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I presume you yourself are not a Christian, for two reasons. First, no true Christian can hate other Christians. Christians may deplore what they believe are the theological errors of other denominations, but they cannot hate genuine brothers and sisters in those denominations.

Second, no true Christian can be an anti - Semite, which you obviously are. Christians lament the spiritual blindness to Jesus' identity which The Apostle Paul tells us in his Epistle to the Romans has been sent to Jews by God as judgment for their rejection of their Messiah, Jesus. However, there is abundant reason in Romans, chapter eleven, to believe that eventually God will remove this blindness which, with some marvelous exceptions, has been the case among Jews in every generation since. Then, Israel will be reconstituted in glorious belief.

Being anti - Semite is like hating your parents. With the exception of Luke's writings, the entirety of the Bible was given to us by Jews, believing Jews, whether in God as He revealed Himself in the Old Testament or in God Incarnate, Jesus, who is, oh yeah! The King of the Jews. The greatest anti - Semite of all is the Devil. It would be good if you pondered that as you crawl off in search of a brown sack.

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"Hate other Christians." Evidently reading comprehension is not your forte. I never said I hate Christians. "Anti semite" Another label used by those who cannot debate but resort to name calling. Next you will be calling me a racist. You believe the bible and I do not. I do not believe any book written by Hebrews. Your god is yahweh, a blood thirsty monster who only loves hebrews and says they are the chosen people. It contains a grain of truth surrounded by perversions and lies. Your view of the Creator is sad and self-deluded, but it is a view held by Christians in the West. Someday, christians in the west may wake up and realize that they have been punked by the Tribe. Then again, probably. not. And by the way, as a child I was christened and then baptized. So, you are barking up the wrong tree.

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Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

"One of the primary reasons our criminal leaders remain in their ill begotten positions of power is because of family dysfunction." And you ain't whistling the proverbial Dixie. I tend to trace it back to the encyclical by Pius XII: "Sponsa Christi." It really should have been titled: "Sponsa Diabolus" because it trained women how to marry hell, and bring same to their husbands. Of course, conversely, the males were being made effeminite, starting with Elvis the Pelvis, and ending with the Beatles. In just a few short years, we went from Captain James Tiberius Kirk "Blast Regulations Bones" to Captain Jean Luc Picard, who would have been a perfect commander for the Love Boat, but somehow ended in the Military. (They even sissified the Klingons- not a small feat.) And, so yes, they have inverted everything. In one way, the women being blasted out of the boxing ring by the Trannies is poetic justice. Women in a boxing ring? Puh-lease. That is as out of place as men in the lingerie department. (Do they still have lingerie departments? I really shouldn't ask.)

I am an unabashed Male Chauvinist Pig. Women belong in the home as domestics, in the hospitals as nurses, and in the convents as true Sponsa Christi. They do not belong on Battleships, atop Bulldozers, or in Military Uniforms. Now, I am not saying that women are the slaves and servants of men. Far from it. The woman is the heart and life of the domestic front and the first line of formation of society. (They used to sum this up in the saying that "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.) In the New Sodom these Fat Dysfunctional Karens are the shock troops, along with the Trannies, shoving society over the hedge. Go ahead, femmes and perverts. Burn it all to the ground. Bye bye Miss American Pie. You can join the Thrygians, Carolingians, Philistines, Hermethodytes, and Pharaohs in the dustbin of history.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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Well put, WW. Thanks!

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This is the best comment, love how you summarize the feminization of men by using Star Trek as an example brilliant!

And I'm with you as well, they can join that collective dustbin!

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Yes, sadly, many can identify with Star Trek. The series first came out when I was still an impressionable sheeple, but Captain Kirk, for all the liberal traits that Hellywood gave him, still had some of those chivalristic attributes of the knights of old- a code of honor, and absolute boundaries that were inviolable. But Captain Picard was just a smiling bureaucrat, leading the Love Boat on its mission to sissify the Galaxy. Mission Accomplished.

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Reminds me of a funny thing while watching ST. I loved the first series too - Kirk always had that mischievous look in the corner of his eye. My son and I had the misfortune to see one of the later STs with that utter douche bag, Picard. In this particular scene, he was agonising, surrounded by a bunch of Earth mothers, over whether to destroy some kind of alien force shown on the screen. I can't recall what happened in the end, but it was all very emotive and betaboy-ish. I remember my 12-year-old son turning to me and saying, "Dad, why didn't he just zap that f*cker?!" There is hope yet.

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The only character I liked in Star Trek- The Next Generation was Tasha Yar. And they killed her off in the stupidest way because she was not going to renew her contract. Seriously, could they have just had her transferred off the ship after the end of the first season, rather than being eaten by the Cookie Monster? (Not that I had any real emotional investment in anything from Hellywood after 1988 or so.)

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"...in the home as 'domestics',..." WTF?

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Yes, SheThinksLiberty, in the home as Domestics, which is the most noble and sublime a role a woman can accomplish, as helper and mother. Modern Women are like Esau in the Book of Genesis, who traded his birthright for a "Mess of Pottage". First, Satan enticed the men from the home and hearth into the "corporate jungle". Work in the factories was hard and dusty. But one no longer had to rely upon the providence of Almighty God. Instead, they could procure that precious paycheck, or cash, and then live "high on the hog" like the Prodigal Son, at least for a time. And soon, the primary concern of a man was losing that link to newfound temporal security, and the greatest tragedy became "being unemployed". Later, the "unemployed" even if still living in a domestic environment, became looked down upon as "losers". The next step was the dawn of what Don Jeffries calls "The Bullyocracy", where the "winners" are taught that "might makes right" and "nice guys finish last". (I saw that on display when my brothers played Little League, among other venues.) And once the corporate structure was established, the next step was to woo women in. That was one of the primary objectives of WW2. My grandmother in particular saw this, and I had many long conversations with her when I was a child, about how womanhood was destroyed by the factories. In the '60's, women were going to work to get that extra kitchen gadget or a second car. But then they loved being liberated, and decided on a career over children. And that was when Contraception and Abortion exploded, and birthrates plummeted. And divorce skyrocketed, and the ghettos of the cities became temporal versions of Hell. What Donald Jeffries rails against week after week is the culmination of the loss of Faith, sensual indulgence, materialism, and now, a neo-gnosticism. If you really want to succeed as a woman, become a mother, or a nurse, or a nanny, or another of the Traditional roles of women. But if you want to propel the New Sodom to its hellish conclusion, well go be a deacon, or a priest, or a president, or an admiral in the Rainbow Navy.

Our Lady was the greatest woman who ever lived, Mediatrix of All Graces and Co-Redemptrix with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And yet she wall fully a woman- virgin and mother- the very Mother of God. (The Technical Greek term is Theotokos. And it was the Grandmothers at the Council of Ephesus who beat the bubble-brained bishops over their collective heads until they conferred that title upon Our Lady- some of the greatest theology does come from the blunt end of a rolling pin.) But Our Lady never preached a sermon- she did not have to. One day, St Francis told a brother they were going to go to town and preach a sermon. They walked for two hours, and then returned to the hermitage. The Brother complained that St Francis never opened his mouth. He replied that he did not have to. In the same context, a valiant mother with her six well-behaved children at the grocery store is the most eloquent sermon the lost souls of the New Sodom can hear, in the silence of their hearts.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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Which century's definition of that word, "domestic," are you using, White Wolf?

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The Definition of Domestic I am using is not from any century, but from ETERNITY. "As it was in the Beginning, Is Now, and ever shall Be."

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Wow! one thing though, all this has been planned to exterminate us! There's no battle of the sexes, but a psy-op against the sexes.

What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?

Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.

The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!

The most effective strategy is asking about the person’s opinion on some of these topics:

Would you be interested in the story of how a father got 20 million dollars from the Government?

Or, show the video of the baby seizures:


That usually works, especially with young couples having children.

If the person doesn’t want to discuss injections, then food is a good start:

Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


Then I’d follow with "Are you opened to see if the actual data matches your opinion?"

Then I start showing some of the shortcomings of the Pharma industry:


Then, show that every single person on the planet should be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA in their vaccines, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!

Didn’t like that topic? Show 10 secs in the middle of this video (who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):


(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)

9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings. The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!



There's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:


- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI mason agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


In 2022, the same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the demonstrations of millions of Brazilians against the stolen elections through the rigged voting machines owned by mason Soros:



Weaponization of migration to steal elections and destroy nations


All political parties are compromised/infiltrated. For example, Italy supports vax pass and WHO Pandemic Treaty !!! Meloni's Government! People voted her for being against that!


- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom of next link:

Free 100 redpill movies and documentaries:

(don't miss the 1st one, 10 min at 2x, an amazing tool to start a discussion):


- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:





- You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:


Elon's top secret: EVs cause cancer

Go green with gasoline!


- It's genocide for depopulation:

Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):

https://scientificprogress.substack.com/p/depopulation-or-extermination https://scientificprogress.substack.com/p/depop-vaccines-no-myth

- You are the carbon they want to exterminate!

1. No one denies there's man-made climate change but scientists disagree on the cause and remedies.

Prehistoric data from ice cores proves that temperature rise precedes carbon release in the atmosphere, not the other way around.


2. There's proof of deliberate geoengineering to increase global temperatures and droughts and decrease albedo by dissolving clouds with satellite Electro-Magnetic Frequencies.


3. Life involves a carbon cycle. A war on carbon is a war on life, causing food scarcity, increase in food prices and famines. Decarbonization is part of the plan to exterminate 95% of the population.

Killing me softly with green songs:


Carbon reparations:


Climate deaths:


- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.

This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:

Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?


Weaponization of Justice


Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:


Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:


Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:


The way out of this mess:

1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)

2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with

3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)

4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits

Anything else you might think of?

Now, are you really ready for this?:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.

Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:


Mason confession: we worship deities/demons








More lifesaving articles, like the cure for cancer and dengue, at:


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Thanks for sharing, Prof.!

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wow. great links. liked. (my like function does not work).

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Wow!!!! Conspiracy Theory encapsulated in 50 Links. I do have to cut and paste and have many thoughts to digest. With gratitude.

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I've known many, "Fag Hags" in my time. These women, overwhelmingly White, had husbands and boyfriends they professed to love, yet at every opportunity, they had to be with and hang out with their Homo buddies. I think it's because they can bond emotionally with them and never have to worry about them trying to get into their knickers, even if they wind up drunk and alone with them for hours at a time. One of the tenets of Communism (forget the Marxist gibberish, what it really is) is to get White male youth obsessed with sex. To paraphrase them: " ... take away their ruggedness, make them sexy and soft. Then they will be unable to fight and resist our takeover." It really worked. The fagot, bulldyke, woke, transgender imposed freak show has taken degeneracy to previously unknown levels. The scumbag Controllers plan the agendas they intend to promulgate years in advance. Thank you, Don, for a provocative and timely piece of writing.

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I work with two bulldykes you speak of and if you want to talk about mean women, that is it! Why be so nasty when you're wearing a wedding ring from your "partner" and the State has granted your union? I don't get it; underneath, I think these people are very miserable. They don't want to admit it.

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It is my thought that their anger comes from one of two sources. The first is being molested by their father or by a trusted male family member. This causes them to suppress whatever they feel might be desirable in the presence of men and to turn toward women for comfort and for intimate relationships. Second is because they were the unchosen. It can be brutal to be one of those women never looked at by a man and never asked out on a date or to be an escort to any special occasion. After all, women are given their status by men. They are either attractive or not. And if you are unattractive you can still gain status from Men if you are particularly good at something such as Athletics or cooking Etc. Many of these women were given no status from men for any reason and the bitterness has consumed them. They will never acknowledge it. The pain is too great. So I think that a lot of these women have become the way they are because of suffering endured during the formative years. I am very sad for them. Particularly for those who are molested. I know one such lady. Her situation was tragic.

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I rarely felt attractive, but that didn't drive me into the arms of another female. I was called many names, Ugly, Dumb, etc. in my younger years, and not just by family members either. The worst was from that nasty Catholic grade school. There have been some pretty homely females I knew that did get married, women that I never thought could catch a husband. Well, in the end, women don't have to feel they have status just because they have a man around. Thats what bugs me the most.

Yes, I knew of a couple of women who were molested. One was by a priest at a Catholic college. Another one had a daughter that was molested by her son, and another her babysitter's husband was molesting her daughter. The last two have severe anger management issues. Men who molest should be castrated. Sorry, thats just how I feel about it. They never stop and its disgusting.

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Amen, Fran! I went through a prolonged awkward stage and I too felt the sting of those names and I certainly never thought about females as sexual partners at all! And in my teacher group at school I have noted that many women that are married are, as you said, homely. And yet some of the most beautiful in my school have not been able to find a match! I just think this is the trigger for those who maybe don't have any affection at all for the male sex.

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There are women who I think are very attractive with beautiful bodies, but I don't want to lock lips with any of them or be wrapped up in the same bed sheets.

The one type of female I don't understand are street walkers. How can anyone service some creep who pulls up next to you in a vehicle and you don't even know if you'll live another day? Its sad that a female has to feel that way about her body and her life. Or those that make huge amounts of money at the Chicken Ranch. Those women don't think much of themselves, and I don't care what they brag about.

It takes all kinds, JoJo. Perhaps when our hormones are kicking in, it takes some down the wrong paths. I know, I've done some really stupid things and wished I hadn't.

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I was surrounded by good men all of my life. I cannot imagine being betrayed by a male family member in this way. How does one even begin to deal with the pain?

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My experience brings me to the same conclusion. I knew alot of lesbians in high school and college because it was when the gay agenda was really ramping up. They are all mostly miserable and depressed and always have an axe to grind if you are a straight man.

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They don't want anyone else to be happy in their normal, straight lives. They need professional help. I do not condone this behavior and don't associate with any of these sick people. They want others to be as decadent as them so they can feel part of a group. Misery loves company.

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Despite all the usual crowd saying that homosexuality is "normal", I have never met any homosexual or lesbian who is well-balanced or normal.

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In the blue collar area I was born and raised in, state of Zoo Jersey, we called the particularly nasty Bulldykes, Bulldaggers.

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Thanks, Hereticdrummer!

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You're welcome, Don. On topic, we would do well to look at our remote ancestors. I speak of the era of swords and shields, spears, daggers, and battle axes. The battles were fought hand to hand, where you were so close to your adversary that you could smell the wine on his breath, and see the light of life flee from his eyes as you slew him with his blood splattered all over you. These Aryan men had a healthy and lustful appetite for the opposite sex. Whether they were swiving Earth Maidens (whores or prostitutes) or the women they loved, married or not, they enthusiastically indulged in coitus. However, they never, ever, let that detract one scintilla from their strength, inner and outer, their manliness, courage, and battle prowess. First and foremost they were fighting men, and they knew they had a non-discretionary obligation to protect their tribe from enslavement and annihilation by foreign invaders. Tragically, that warrior ethos has been lost to us today, with very few exceptions. The dire consequences of it are plainly visible.

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"The battles were fought hand to hand, where you were so close to your adversary that you could smell the wine on his breath, and see the light of life flee from his eyes as you slew him with his blood splattered all over you." Wow, HD, you must have gone to the same kind of parties I did!

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I don't doubt it, Steghorn, and wild parties they were.

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Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

This has been a mystery to me as far back as I can remember. When I hear women talk about their gay best friend, I simply don't get it. What could I possibly have in common with a gay man... especially since I totally reject pop-culture? What on earth would we talk about? My best friend is a man. I have had two male best friends (now deceased) before him. However, the gender differences always remain. I frankly prefer the company of males, because I hate drama and emotionalism.

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What I have in common with a "Gay" man is what I have in common with a Jew or a Hell's Biker- nothing... nada... nihil. I can talk about the weather and wish them a nice day and all else is controversy.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

Gay men and women have in common, their shit don't stink. And if it does, it is a normal white man's fault.

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Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

If you want something to tell your trouble too that asks nothing of you in return except food, water and love; get a dog. That is truly my advice.

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Which is why the Austrian Painter had all the porn burned and the perverts rounded up the moment he came to power after the "Enabling Act".

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Yeah, right. He got rid of some problems and made some nice motorways, but he happened to have a few down sides too.

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Yes, one of those was he was a Bankster Puppet, like Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin. He had a great retirement in Patagonia after he oversaw the burning of Germany to the Ground.

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If he was a bankster puppet, why then did he nationalize all of the Rothschild banks in Germany, cutting off the usurious, exploitative profits they were making and put those banks at the service of the German people? This is a matter of record. It seems he was a disloyal, "puppet". His "retirement" in Patagonia is unverified conjecture. Germany was attacked unjustifiably by the Kosher consortium of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". He was a warrior. Was he supposed just lay down for them? He did everything in his power to avoid war, it was forced upon him. That also is a matter of record.

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He was a Bankster Puppet because "World War II" was all choreographed theatre from start to finish, Heretic Drummer. Yes, he did "Nationalize" all the Rothschild Banks, and I even think he confiscated part of their holdings and put some of them in prison to await trial. But, in the end, the Rothschild Fortune suffered little. Meanwhile, he played his role for the Banksters superbly. Most notably, he led the bulk of his elite fighting force into a trap at Stalingrad, where they were destroyed- a blow from which Germany never recovered. He also betrayed Rommel's Afrika Corps at a crucial moment when they needed supplies so they were not able to overrrun Egypt. Moreover, German U-Boats could have starved the British at Gibraltar and turned the Mediterrianian into an Axis Lake, making an invasion of Italy well nigh impossible, and making the Sahara the only possible route to the "underbelly" of the Axis. I could go on and on. In 1941, the war was very winnable for Germany, but Hitler committed what is now termed blunder after blunder...

The "Battle of Britain" for example, was insane. The bulk of the Luftwaffe should have been committed to Operation Barbarossa and Rommel's Afrika Corps. Then he could have gained control of Arabia and had all the offshore oil he needed to field an impregnable military in Western Europe. He should have never allowed the British to invade either Madagascar or Algeria, two tremendous blunders that cost him the support of Petain and Vichy France, which would have been fighting side by side with Germany in Afrika AGAINST Britain, but remained uncommital.

No, Hitler's job was to come just to the brink of victory, and then sabotage the effort, in order to ensure the destruction of Europe, maximum loss of life, and a conflageration that would also engulf the Far East. And in the end, the Rothschilds and other globalists suffered not at all. Their structures remained perfectly intact. In fact, the looting operation of the Germans and the Japanese were all turned over to the Cabal after the war.

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Hitler refused to play to the Kosher choreographer's tune. That's why the Tribe unleashed the whole world against him. I reiterate with emphasis, Hitler wanted peace, not war. All of his more than reasonable peace overtures were rejected out of hand by the Tribe's sycophantic, puppet politicians. (This is well documented). That is why against the advice of his generals he spared the English army at Dunkirk when he could have annihilated them and knocked England out of the war early in the conflict. It was a magnanimous gesture of his desire for peace. He regarded the English as fellow Aryans and knew the two nation/tribes should not be slaughtering each other at the behest of a diabolical, alien Race. He was NOT their puppet, he was the only one with the stones to not only defy and fight them but name who they are plainly in his writings and speeches. Tragically, the Talmudists and their goyim, Freemasonic tools had infiltrated the 3rd Reich with secret fifth columnists and traitors. It was these vermin who sabotaged his war against bolshevik Russia by surreptitiously cutting off the vital food, medical, clothing, weapons and ammo supplies for his troops on the Eastern Front. That is why they lost and endured such horrific suffering in the process. No man in this time cycle of history, this Judaic Kali Yuga, has been more falsely maligned and hated with the possible exception of the Solar Aryan Christ. That, in and of itself is clear evidence that he was the antithesis of what his enemies (who are the enemies of all mankind) purport him to be.

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Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

Well, Don, that proves you've still got cojones. I've noticed for years that every time you see a photo of a protest, the front line is made up of young white women screaming at the top of their lungs. Michael Yon was just interviewed today on Man in America and also mentioned that the birth rate has gone down simply because of the narrative about it. He said if you told people today, "hey, you should be making babies!" there'd be no problem w/ a declining birth rate. I can remember even in the 70s when pregnant women would get cold, disapproving stares by other women. Thanks for saying what needs to be said.

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Yes, and the ones wearing pussy hats really stepped the screaming up to warp levels, Aelred. Thanks!

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I'm glad I don't understand this comment.

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Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

Don Jeffries... the Last One with a Pair in the Swamp.

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Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

I think it's the younger generations who have been the most indoctrinated with woke ideology. But it started in our generation too. Just look at how television and movies have changed through the decades. Little by little they introduced themes that made us more sympathetic to gay and interracial relationships, and sexual promiscuity. Sure I was caught up in it too thinking myself to be so "progressive", open minded and tolerant. But then I started waking up to the mind manipulation and stopped watching TV about 15 years ago. The woke insanity has now been pushed so far there's bound to be a major pushback, and I think we are just starting to see the beginnings of it.

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It definitely started with us, Annette. I bought into a lot of it myself in my twenties. Thanks!

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In my humble experience, the majority of youngsters are NOT fooled by the Woke crap. Like their elders, most of them either think it's crap, or just go along to get along. Woke will pass.

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Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

Throughout all of human history hierarchy and patriarchy have constituted the foundation of society - with rare, brief exceptions proving the rule. This is the case because this is how God designed his human creatures to live and function.

Again Mr. Jeffries, what you describe is the antiChrist agenda. This perverts all Truth. Its goal is the entrapment, enslavement, debasement and destruction of humanity, the usurpation of the authority of God by Satan and his children. This is accomplished first and foremost with sexual deviance, which rots and destroys God's properly ordered family structure. This is why massive emphasis is made throughout God's word related to appropriate sexuality, gender roles and headship. Break the family often enough and you ruin the society. Beyond that, even if God had given us nothing in the way of scripture, all of nature and visible reality testify that egalitarianism is a lie, a counterfactual absurdity that can only lead to disorder and chaos. Do we really believe that women in Western Civilization today have more meaningful, fulfilled lives than women of 500, 1000, 5000 years ago. I don't.

But Western Civilization is too wise for all that now. We are enlightened. None of that primitive god stuff for us. We're much too sophisticated to go in for that sky daddy bit.

Our Godlessness is serving us well, don't you think?

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Yes, it absolutely is an anti-God agenda, Jody. Thanks!

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Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

Great comment! Absolutely nailed it. Thank you.

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Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

Brilliant as usual.

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Thanks, RB!

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Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

So, Donald, I guess you won't be celebrating "Women's Equality Day" on August 26th? lol

The holiday is tied to the League of Women Voters, which is supported in part by one of George Soros' Foundations & The Ford Foundation. 750 leagues across the USA & more than a million members.

A whole lot of (well financed) Karens....

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I believe in equal rights for all, Printer. I don't imagine that holiday is about equality, though. Thanks!

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

one day , perhaps not too far in the future, the robots, of whatever gender, if any, will be marching for E-Quality day. Though if the jews still are in control of everything, it will be called I-Robutt.

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The League of Women Voters was largely what made the debacle of 2020 possible.

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Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

As a white female, I disagree with a lot of what you wrote but hey this is your Substack. I'm so very thankful that I CHOSE not to have children b/c I see familial patterns repeating themselves in my nieces and nephews and it is heart/gut wrenching. I've never particularly enjoyed my experience here and wouldn't subject another soul to this hell we are living. But hey, let your big balls hang low and condemn people for seeing through the facade of being alive. I'd wager that 50% of women who have children should not because they are unable, unwilling or too stupid to raise a human capable of surviving on their own wits. Regardless of my parents telling me what a gift they had given me by dragging my soul into their reality, I saw through the gaslighting early and deemed myself unworthy of ruining another generation. Thank goodness!

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Author

I appreciate you sharing your opinion, Kat. I take controversial stances, and understand that some will disagree with what I say. No one should be forced to have children. That wouldn't make for a good situation for anyone. I object to the propaganda coming from the mainstream for all my life that it's irresponsible for White people to have children. Thanks.

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Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

I have also chose not to have children, although I would have loved being married (not to be because I would have carried on like my parents and/or my partner was a cheater, so quit dating). My childhood was not kind or memorable in a good way. My parents were mean and abusive. But I will never begrudge anyone else from having children. I love to see weddings and parents who raise their children like its the best thing that ever happened to them. Not being married at all is better than being in a horrible union. I do not like to see all the divorce, its rather sad.

Personally, I like men to be men, not some sissified faction of what is going on today. I can admit to the experience of being a child that was not loved or taught to love. Infatuation is entirely different, so I've learned.

Don mentions women with cats - well, thats me. I'd much rather be around animals. But do enjoy being around men more than women; its hard to find those that just want to be friends - it always "something more". Most women are just way too bitchy, competitive, hateful, selfish, and overly giddy.

I don't have gay friends either, or trannies. I don't believe in that lifestyle, its sinful and just plain wrong. If those people feel they can break God's laws or the laws of Nature, thats on them.

I hope you love your life and find a way to peace and harmony. There are many good and kind people out there.

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Fran, I think you've talked a bit about your own experiences here before. So many people don't experience a loving childhood. I had an alcoholic, depressed father who never told me he loved me, never hugged or kissed me. But my mother made up for that with plenty of hugs and kisses, and told me she loved me every day.

As I told Kat, I don't insist that every woman have children. You may not meet the right person. As I've seen in my own family, far too often women choose the wrong man, who at worst abuses them and at best is not a good father to their children. I probably use the cat generalization too often. I love animals. I just think that an essential part of the programming over the decades has been an attempt to redirect the natural maternal instinct away from babies and onto cats and dogs.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me. I put myself out there and I'm prepared for any reactions. I do appreciate your support. Thanks.

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Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

I agree with your article, Don. But its not a lifestyle for everyone. Whether children are loved or not. My siblings won't even admit our parents were abusive. I have stated it out loud and I hear Crickets from all of them. Yet, two of them are divorced, two had children out of wedlock, and the others are not married. One has a gay daughter who is "married", another sibling doesn't even talk to his daughter going on 20 years now because they had a falling out. One other sibling's daughter in law can't stand her because she is too snotty, which she is. So there is a pattern like Kat mentioned and its carried on down thru the generations.

My father showed NO LOVE at all, ever. But Mom never made up for it until her much later years before she passed. Her words of "love" really didn't mean a thing to me. I'm sorry your own father was a jerk and glad you rose above that.

I will also agree with you about women marrying the wrong man. I dated someone who became abusive but I dated him because I thought my status in the family would improve; to this day, they believe he was such a "nice guy". Totally ignoring what experiences I had with him (and they did not know it all). Well, I finally figured out that MY life was far more important to me than anyone else's ignorant opinions. You would think that having a couple of brothers that they would come to the defense of their sister. Not so. It all worked out in the end anyways as God paid this creep back, a couple of times. And I am free.

I can only try and be kind to others or share my words of wisdom and hope it falls on open ears. One can always learn from each other and your articles are most appreciated. You handle your commenters with respect and I appreciate that.

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I understand completely, Fran. I've known of so many bad marriages myself that it's hard to recommend it for everyone. For some, maybe being alone is better. No one should be forced to do anything. I just object to the nonstop bashing of the nuclear family. Thanks!

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I don't like the bashing of the nuclear family either. Its all this alphabet soup gender garbage they keep pushing. Men can't have babies. Men can't be women and vice versa. Those in control want test tube babies, or I think thats their plan. They want to play God. They can make you, they can break you.

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Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that the people who get caught up in an abusive marriage usually leave it after the bloom is gone in their life. Invariably most if not all end up in another abusive relationship with the same lowlife type they took years to escape from. One of the best ways to control someone is to destroy their self esteem. What better way is there to do this than neutering them when they are children?

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Aug 8Liked by Donald Jeffries

Unfortunately, the abused don't have any self-worth and many cannot pull themselves out of it. I don't care what anyone says or thinks, this comes from your childhood. I walked that walk, and I've done a lot of self-evaluation. The last person you should be a traitor to is yourself. You are your own best friend. Its why the siblings hate me. They cannot look in the mirror, so the saga continues, in their lives.

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Aug 8Liked by Donald Jeffries

Yes. My father and now my brother have done this to their wives. It's horrific to watch. Yet they are doing nothing wrong!

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Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

I think some of us are just born with a sense of self but it's not easy to let or get it out. I don't recall anyone including my caring but utilitarian well meaning mother telling me they loved me for years. I tell my children that all the time and was loving to them from day one. I don't think my mother knew how, she was too damaged herself by too many kids in the family just trying to survive. I have always had a rule about men who I love, if I can't kiss them I am not interested romantically. But men are often best friends as they easy and fun even as far back as high school, riding around in cars, smoking cigarettes , laughing (occasionally drag racing) and listening to rock and roll. No hanky panky, just Happy Days. Some women are bitchy, etc., but I told my girls early on, the only competition you have is yourself so women don't bother me, I just write off the hateful ones with agendas and I can spot fakes at second encounter if not first. Move right on to someone else more interesting and it can be anyone. Trust yourself and your instincts. We've all suffered broken hearts, disappointments, ugliness and life's problem but just keep moving on and don't expect too much. I've always made my own fun and life but do love people, Life is not fair, Life is not easy, but be optimistic. Mostly be curious. There is always "something new under the sun."

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Aug 7Liked by Donald Jeffries

Don't get me wrong. I really enjoy talking to people, many are interesting and kind. I've pretty much had it all as far as experiences and do not blame others for my own foibles. Its my own fault who I chose as a partner or friend. There is a man at work who I would like to be a friend with, but when he mentioned he wanted "the perks" along with a friendship, I figured he was out. Well, at least he was blatant about it!

I'm happy for you that you have a family you really love. For nine years, I stayed away from my family because it became too toxic for me. Then I got "woke" and started to contact them, thinking and hoping things would be far better, that everyone had moved on. Mistake of my life. They are worse, so with that being said, I am not unkind to them, I chose to stay away and keep my life to myself. The gossip, bitterness, and hate is too much for me to handle.

If I met a man who was for me, that would be great. But I don't sit and pine over it. Whatever shall be, shall be.

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Aug 8Liked by Donald Jeffries

You are finding your way just like everyone else and that's all you can do. At least the guy was upfront with you, sadly a lot of men are not like they used to be. I don't know your age but there are a couple decent sites you could try and be careful. Some of my friends have had good luck there finding widowers etc that are decent.

Families can be very toxic so you have to save your sanity and find other friends like a church group. I know that sounds hokey but not a bad idea, doesn't even have to be your religion unless you are committed to one church. Try something new for the heck of it, may work, may not. Personally I like music groups, pipe organs, etc, very soothing.

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Aug 8Liked by Donald Jeffries

I'm in my upper 60's, sad to admit. Can't believe it, came up on me so fast. The mind doesn't want to face that fact, but the body has a different agenda. lol

Years ago, I tried a couple of different dating sites, but yuck. Guys' photos with their shirts off. Seriously? Do I really want to see your big stomach and man-boobs? I've had various relationships because I was pretty wild, but its no longer on my "to-do" list anymore. I just don't care. If I could find a man who would fix some things for me, I'd cook him a steak then tell him to get out. lol

Reason why I ditched the family for so long was because I was getting physically sick, so had to cut the cord. They're extremely unforgiving. Catholics they claim to be. My mother trained them well.

A church group doesn't sound so bad. I'm just not ready for that right now. That can also be toxic. I worked with a gal who was a Baptist and some of the things she told me, curled my hair. Of course, they're not all like that, but I don't invite a lot of people into my business. I'm still trying to heal from all the knife wounds.

You seem to be a very nice person, Vicki. I really appreciate your advice and recommendations. Its so nice to be able to sound off here without anyone getting too wicked. I don't always want my talons stretched to the limit.

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Aug 8Liked by Donald Jeffries

Ladies, be you and enjoy yourselves. I gave up on Catholicism when the nuns started wearing street clothes and the pope has now gone rogue. Organized religion is not for me, nor are born again fanatics so I just go occasionally to social events and listen to the pipe organ recitals. Out of some things there are to do, just pick the parts of it you enjoy. Diversify your interests and don't take too many people into your confidence, just always be pleasant and smiling, paying attention to the signs you abhor and keep moving. There is a lot to be said for being your own best friend. I definitely do not want to see anything you described but (yuck) be picky on who you allow into your life. After 60 it's extremely difficult to make any new friends because times are different than they once were. Keep the faith, you will get there. I do believe in the golden rule and the 10 commandments are a good outline to think about. Don't discuss religion, money and most of all politics, just give the Mona Lisa smile and move on. Just remember, in your life, you are #1. :-)

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I think we've had similar experiences. And like you, I'm good! The less drama the better.

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Hope it works out for you, Fran. It's all a big lottery, isn't it?

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Aug 8Liked by Donald Jeffries

"Gossip, bitterness and hate is too much for me to handle." Amen. It stokes a fire in many people and gets them roused. Ick. I don't get it and I certainly don't feel better after I partake. I have a sister that absolutely thrives on this behavior.

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Aug 8Liked by Donald Jeffries

My oldest sister is like this, unbelievable. No matter what I try to do to rectify it, makes no difference. She is hell-bent on trying to destroy me, just like my mother tried, and failed. These are people who bow to the Catholic Church and are more demonic than anyone I know. I've learned well over the years. I just do not want to be like them!

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Wow, I feel sorry for you, almost. I am glad you didn't have children either, it's a blessing. If you cannot survive on your own, don't blame anyone but yourself. Thank goodness is right. Wow!!!

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yes, the good news is that the perverts, trannies, and narcissistic WASPS do not reproduce. They can only corrupt. And corrupt they have. Mission Accomplished.

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Who said I can't survive on my own? I'm thriving and proud of my ability to see through the shit and make different choices than most. Despite others looking down at me while they live with monsters who abuse them and pretend life is grand. Most don't accept the harsh reality that they shouldn't have children either and succumb to pressure from society and f&ck up another generation.

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Kat your comment is painful to read. I appreciate the honesty. It demonstrates the success our enemy has achieved. You are correct. So many of us are entirely incapable of functioning as humans should. We don't even know what it means. How could we?

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Just do it, times a wastin'. No one knows anything for sure, they just keep being and doing and seeing what's out there. Get busy. There is no instruction manual to life.

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but I bet you are all for non whites breeding like rabbits

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who will be the ones wiping her arse in the nursing home, depending on the (Japanese led) robot solution

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who will be the ones wiping her arse in the nursing home, depending on the (Japanese led) robot solution

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You raise important points, Kat Bro. Not every women is cut out for motherhood, especially if, like you, they've come from painful family backgrounds. As for those 50% of women, well, kids can also be resilient and survive the worst parenting. Sounds like you did!

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Aug 7·edited Aug 8Liked by Donald Jeffries

How anyone could find Big Mike beautiful, defies the imagination. I've been waiting for for you to write this, Donald. I'm not offended in the least. I agree with you 100%. I had no idea how far American women had fallen until the videos started popping up in my YouTube feed. Loud, rude entitled women craving attention, seemingly trying to look as ugly as possible. It's gotten so that I cringe when I hear a female voice in YouTube and podcast ads ...because I can picture the horror behind that voice. If the stuff I see on YouTube is actually happening, than all I can say is that dating has gone 180 degrees in the opposite direction, than it was in the eighties when I was in my twenties. I feel so sorry for young men these days.

Before I left for my first winter in Mexico, I was hounded by fear-porn (people and guide books) warning me about how many terrible things I would face as a woman traveling alone, especially in my own car. By then I had figured out that all the scary travel stories were pretty much designed to keep Americans ignorant and at home, so I ignored all that. Actually I fit in like a hand in a glove. I LOVED the fact that the men were so macho. I LOVED the distinct difference between the sexes...and if things went over the top (which they often did) I found it very funny. I can tell you I experienced things that would make the looney purple-hairs back home have their head's explode. As a seasoned traveler I can say that if one does not have a sense of humor, and a willingness to let go of American ideas, one will be miserable in a foreign country...UNLESS one is in a sanitized tour group with a local guide who will "protect" their sensitive feelings. I think all this female outrage is all about virtue-signaling and attention seeking. Folks with a strong sense of self, and a healthy self-confidence absolutely do not engage in this silly, embarrassing behavior.

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Thanks, Kris!

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In Mexico women are always escorted when they go out, so a woman driving alone in Mexico would be seen as a lout and a flirt. But then they would just say it is just another AMerican ignoramus, and go on with the day. I know so many wonderful Mexicans and I do hear they are mad as hell that another Jewish pervert has been elected El Presidente. Perhaps there will be another Cristero Revolt, and perhaps this time they will tell the Vatican and pope Frantic to go to hell.

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I'd love to read about those over the top anecdotes from your travels in Mexico. I think you have a distinct p.o.v., one that deserves airing . Why not start a blog?

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I have a blog. Link is on my Substack profile.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Donald Jeffries

Recently an old boomer guy (ten years older than myself) whom I've been talking to in the park for years, informed me that he had seen me naked in his dream. The description did not fit the reality, I'm afraid, but I laughed until the tears were streaming. This guy reminds me of the Jack Lemmon character in Under The Yum-Yum Tree. I felt grateful to hear this, because not much can make me laugh these days...and I find it cathartic. I think folks WANT to be outraged. It's what we used to call "spoiling for a fight".

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Big Mike's a handsome guy.

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Aug 9Liked by Donald Jeffries

Listened to a Sales Presentation several weeks ago from a really cool guy who had a wonderful career. In his early years he worked with the Imagineers At Disney for a spell. During the presentation the man asked “Now who do you think the people at Disney were trying to sell to?” The audience unanimously said children. He said nope, it was mom. And then he went into he his spiel explaining how Disney wasn’t the only one doing it.

My point is the big marketers of the largest corps have indeed been trying to find ways to get into Mom’s head. I suspect single young women too. It was back in the 90’s if a young feller wanted to get laid he would listen to the latest RnB music with his girl. Well not this guy anyway but many others used to do it.

I always found it odd because I really had nothing in common with these rap and other black musicians. I did get to the point where I tolerated some of it (cough cough). I used to become angry seeing some silver spooned white boy singing about his poor life in the ghetto. Once in a while I would even have words. May have even engaged in a fist fight or two over it 😉

I could always sense something nefarious about it tho. Something much darker than the lyrics. Looking back now you can almost see how this industry helped to pull society apart. I never understood it at the moment but time has a way of revealing things.

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Great points, Luke. Thanks!

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Aug 8Liked by Donald Jeffries

I must have an amazing butt. Every time I walk away from someone, I hear them whisper “what an ass.” 😎

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Lol. Now that is funny, Michael. Thanks!

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Aug 8Liked by Donald Jeffries

Good article Don. You do realize that through this comment section you’ve given all the women who have had a lousy upbringing and abusive marriage a forum to vent their angst against “whatever”. I grew up in a family of 10 kids with an alcoholic father and an enabling mother in the 60/70’s. Not a lot of love to go around or money. Made a lot of poor choices and some good ones. We’re supposed to learn from this.

What we’re experiencing in this f’d up country was by design. Until we collectively wake up and pull our heads of our asses we will continue this now quick slide into the abyss.

Short pray: Dear God help me pull my head out of my ass and show me what to do next.

All the best

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Well, I want people to express themselves freely here, Dennis. So far, there haven't been many negative comments. But that's usually the case, and I'm grateful for that. Thanks!

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Aug 8Liked by Donald Jeffries

A lot to unpack here, bottom line, all my conservative girlfriends love men! We love manly men. God made us different for a reason. We are all strong and independent, we can stand on our own, but it sure is nice to have that testosterone around!

I actually have white liberal girlfriends that feel guilty for being white, I was shocked when I heard them express this! I am embarrassed for them, I wonder what has gotten into them? You nailed it, the liberal nonsense shoved down our throats 24/7.

I am blessed to have come of age where women were feminine yet strong and men were rugged and smelled of Old Spice!

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It is especially hard for those of us that knew a different world, Robin. Thanks!

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It is hard for those of us who remember the times before the contemporary madness, but it also gives us some perspective. The entirety of western civ seems locked into an historical cycle of collapse at this point. So many of the current ideas and institutions just make no sense. Something else will eventually evolve out of the present mess, but the bottom isn’t in yet. I feel for the younger cohort that never had any of what we once enjoyed. There’s a hard road ahead.

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Aug 8Liked by Donald Jeffries

I remember all those Christmas mornings when I gave my dad Old Spice. He died of the Jonestown jab, and I miss him. Thanks for the memory.

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How I still love that smell, Old Spice. It is making a come back

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