I mention the 80/20 rule quite a bit. 80 percent of the people “lose” to varying degrees economically, while 20 percent “win” to varying degrees. It’s like the casinos- 80 percent have to lose for the owners to turn a handsome profit. Or sinful- depends upon your perspective. In many ways, we have a casino economy.
The internet was the great hope of the world. At least that’s what I used to say. “They can’t control it, or they already would have,” I said. “If they try, some brilliant teenager will quickly find a way around it,” I said. And it seemed that I was right, until maybe 2016 or so. When Donald Trump was elected, regardless of how phony he himself was, they used his radical rhetoric as an excuse to crack down on “conspiracy theorists.” You know, us. The ones exposing their monstrous corruption.
But it wasn’t until 2018, when Alex Jones was deplatformed on You Tube, Twitter, and the rest of social media, that I was hit with the cold reality that they could indeed control the internet. Jones, again regardless of how phony he is, too, symbolically represented the ultimate kill shot for the conspirators who misrule us. He was unquestionably the biggest name in alternative media. Once they took him down, it was easy to come after all the next biggest conspiracy-friendly channels on You Tube, and the next biggest conspiracy analysts on Twitter and Facebook. They even banned Trump himself. The President of the United States.
And what happened when all this censorship started happening? Did you hear any condemnation anywhere, outside of a few voices like mine in quiet corners of the internet? Much of the alternative media applauded Jones being censored. “Good! He’s disinfo! He’s a government stooge! He’s a shill for Israel!” were just some of the things I heard. As I pointed out, that may all be true, but you’re applauding them setting the precedent to censor you.
In fact, they are kind of using Alex Jones as a figurative Goldstein- leader of the opposition, fake or legitimate. How many times has he been tried in kangaroo courts for the same “offense” regarding Sandy Hook? And again, much of the alternative media cheered it on. “He went too far! You can’t say no one died there!” shouted all too many people. It’s really irrelevant that Jones was never extreme on Sandy Hook, and threw Wolfgang Halbig under the bus at the first opportunity. They are using him to stop us from questioning Sandy Hook, or anything else.
Even before the internet, Americans sat by idly on their hands- they’re really good at doing that- as unconstitutional road blocks to stop drunk drivers were instituted. They were just as idle when no-knock raids and really cool SWAT teams became all the rage. Really, the first opposition to them, outside of our little conspiratorial world, only came recently when the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago. The feeling seemed to be that you can kick in doors, usually of the wrong home, and ransack people’s belongings, shoot their dogs and even their kids, but you don’t mess around with Trump. Then it becomes personal.
It was inevitable they’d come for the internet, despite my former optimism. Our grandparents and great-grandparents let them create the FCC to monitor (i.e., censor) radio, motion pictures, and television. They never added an addendum to the First Amendment to include these unforeseen inventions under the umbrella of freedom of the press and speech. I can only imagine how much it irked the elite to watch the unwashed masses surf freely, start their own web sites, and write their own opinions on blogs and forums, in those Wild West days of the late ‘90s-early 2000s on the internet. You knew they wouldn’t let that stand. And they didn’t.
There’s a reason whey they’ve abandoned their preferred “boiling frog in the water” gradualism, for a “warp speed” Orwellian tyranny. I assume they figured, “Why delay?” Not enough people will oppose them no matter what they do. Cut off your right hand to stop COVID? Sure, where do I sign up? Give up your first born to the state, to combat “Climate Change?” Well, okay, you know best. I’m not really exaggerating much here. I really don’t think there is anything the authorities can order the majority of sheeple to do at this point, that would cause them to say, “Hell, no!”
The fear and subservience is written on the faces of those driving alone in their cars with their masks on. Well, okay, if you could see their faces. It’s obvious in the parents who sit there silently when a courageous mom or dad blasts the petty tyrants at a public school board hearing, while the police escort them off the premises. It’s there when a ‘roided out cop beats some drunk girl or someone in a wheelchair, and bystanders do nothing more than maybe film it. The bystanders do the same thing when some punk plays the “knockout game” with an old woman merely walking peacefully down a street. Bystanders don’t hold people accountable for their barbaric behavior, and the injustice system certainly doesn’t.
So, if we can’t depend on witnesses trying to stop a rape or a beating, then can we expect them to resist the figurative rape by the criminal state? But then again, every election, they vote back in some 96 percent of all our criminally bad political “representatives.” This is the one supposed opportunity for them to strike back without fear of reprisal. Well, actually you and I know they don’t really count the votes, but then again they don’t acknowledge there is any electoral corruption. So either way we lose. They are either actually voting for the worst people on earth, or they are wasting their time and thinking it’s their precious democratic right.
I imagine it must have been a pretty thankless job to be a member of the old Washington Generals basketball team. The all White Generals played the all Black Harlem Globetrotters in exhibition games for decades, all across the country. The Globetrotters always won. Now, even those who would quibble with my contention that all big sporting events are fixed admit that those games were fixed. It’s an interesting psychological question to explore; why did so many White audiences get so much enjoyment out of those Black victories and White losses, which they clearly understood were rigged? Quite a strange tradition in those racist days of yore.
Speaking of the Globetrotters, about fifteen years ago, my son’s friend got tickets to see them at a local university, and invited me along. Some people actually enjoy my acerbic commentary. At any rate, I was astonished at how pedestrian the Globetrotters looked. No really spectacular tricks. The new leader- I forget his name- tried his trademark hook shot from half court probably a dozen times before making it. It registered very clearly that these events are heavily edited, to make the Globetrotters look a lot more magical than they are. The Generals, on the other hand, played their hapless parts very well.
My point is, the sleeping majority has always accepted loss, and even reveled in it. They are certainly reacting to the loss of internet freedom this way. They will nod their heads in appreciation to “We need to combat misinformation!” Speaking for myself, I don’t knowingly spread any “misinformation,” just as I don’t have any “theories.” I try to expose what are inconvenient truths, to quote the beloved Al Gore, who actually specialized in convenient lies. And share my opinion, of course. Everyone from Alex Jones to Joe Biden has the right to their own opinion.
But thanks to decades of intellectual atrophy, of plunging average IQ scores, the American public now no longer believe that we all have a right to whatever opinion we choose. Sure, they’ll still give you a narrow choice. You can like CNN or FOX. Rap or Country. Coke or Pepsi. But try wearing a MAGA hat around town. Or even more daringly, one of Kanye West’s “White Lives Matter” shirts. Bolder still, try saying the Earth is flat, like NBA star Kyree Irving. Kyree also won’t get vaccinated. They actually banned him from playing in home games. You can very quickly be “cancelled” for such verboten opinions. Some opinions are more equal than others.
And that really was the great promise of the internet. To find those forbidden views. That information you couldn’t get on your 250 satellite or cable channels. Or in any big daily newspaper still functioning on life support. Sure, it rapidly became infested with porn, but again that’s part of freedom; to go browsing for whatever. And there are worse things than beautiful naked women. The downside of liberty is that some people will make bad choices, and even harm themselves. But some of us think it’s worth that risk. It’s kind of like preferring to let 99 guilty men go free, rather than convicting one innocent individual.
The early efforts to stop the free internet revolved around child pornography. We were told that it could be easily found online. Now, I haven’t searched for it, but I would venture that it has never been easy to access that on the internet. The thought was that people would be willing to give up their freedom, to stop child pornography. That’s the kind of strategy they’ve always used, and it has worked magnificently. As Jim Garrison once said, “Why would they stop? It’s been very successful for them.” But now topless pictures of underage former girls, with their Frankenstein scars advertising the excision of their breasts, are everywhere online. Exactly why isn’t that child pornography?
When the kiddie porn hobgoblin didn’t work, our horrific leaders used the election of Trump, and all the hatred it instilled in millions of people, to crack down on what remained of our civil liberties. Trump had appeared a single time on Alex Jones’s show, so those now stricken with TDS were predisposed to hate him, even if they’d perhaps once been listeners. After four years of nonstop beating of Trump’s mostly dead horse, they managed to demonize any inference of 2020 vote fraud, and censored it as “misinformation.” So, we now have at least four subjects that cannot be questioned in public. Period. Sandy Hook. Pizzagate. 2020 election fraud. COVID.
Social media has already banned the hashtag “Died suddenly.” They are overtly covering up the truth about the deadly COVID vaccine, which has undoubtedly killed far more people than the virus, whatever it is. They’ll lecture you on “taking something out of context,” when you’re simply quoting some asinine authority figure verbatim. They’ll continue to parrot the laughable lie that the vaccine is “safe.” You can’t question the ridiculous “COVID” narrative, or the “warp speed” vaccine that is supposed to combat it. I’m presently writing a book about all this, which will work further wonders for my social credit score.
And don’t doubt that the Chinese-style social credit score is coming to a theater near you. All the “right people” want it. So it won’t be enough that they transform the internet into a twisted version of Fox News or The New York Times. They will also punish you, for whatever real truth that seeps through the authoritarian cracks, by lowering your social credit score. Which may very well be linked to the new digitalized currency. So, posts like this may mean I won’t be able to pay my mortgage, or my utilities. But don’t worry, the celebrities will assure you it’s really cool.
If someone can explain the difference to me between “hate speech” or “misinformation,” and Orwell’s Thought Crime, I’d like to hear it. Those questioning Sandy Hook now, like those virtually everywhere outside of America that question the Holocaust, are Thought Criminals. So are Pizzagate believers. Or people who keep insisting the 2020 election wasn’t the fairest in history. Like Snow White, the fairest of them all. People were fired from their jobs for expressing “hateful” views online. And very few cared. And most won’t care if they are imprisoned for their opinions.
They indeed went beyond censorship, or “cancelling” this time. The unknown number of political prisoners, still sitting in jail nearly two years later, is testament to that. You can only find the truth about this monumental injustice on places like this, that have yet to feel the virtue signalers’ wrath. On my weekly live streaming show “I Protest,” I have interviewed several of those in danger of prosecution for exercising their constitutional rights on January 6, 2021. This past Friday, my guest was Micki Whitthoeft, mother of Ashli Babbitt. Those denied all due process, who waste away behind bars, await sentences more draconian than Dickens could have imagined.
This is why it’s essential that you support the work of people who are trying to get the truth out, while we still can. If they shut down Substack, or independent blogs, or independent podcasts and live streaming shows like mine, then the best you can hope for is Tucker Carlson. We are the new media. The real media. People doing actual investigative work, unlike any professional “journalists.” Tell your friends and family about us. Sure, most will say you’re crazy, but maybe a few will give us a try. I don’t have a highly paid spot on network television. We use the platforms we have.
If they finally unleash World War 3, and I’m not suggesting they will, then voices like mine will certainly be quashed, and we’ll all be smeared as “domestic terrorists.” We’ll be called “appeasers” and charged with promoting “Russian disinformation.” Just look at what happened during the Civil War, when Lincoln shut down over 200 newspapers. Or in World War I, when Wilson imprisoned protesters. Or in World War 2, when there were no protesters, and those of the “wrong” ethnicity were sent to concentration camps, while their wealth was stolen. Think about that, when you mindlessly declare “Putin’s a madman! We have to stop him!”
We have been dealing with increasingly heavy-handed censorship now since Trump entered the White House nearly six years ago. And this was in a time of supposed peace. Can you imagine giving special wartime powers to the likes of Biden and his clownishly “diverse” administration? To this FBI and Justice Department? Maybe they’ll enforce “transgenderism” on advocates of peace. Maybe they’ll lock you up for criticizing the beloved Zelenskyy. Even mocking his height or his acting career will be a Thought Crime. Don’t let your neighbors catch you without your Ukrainian flag waving out front.
I have felt the censorship myself. I really can’t post anything relevant on Facebook any more. If I do, only a handful of people (out of 5,000 friends) see it, and most see it days later. They are shadow banning me. So I started focusing more on Twitter. I began doing regular Twitter “Spaces,” which attracted me because there were no boundaries. True free speech. And on Twitter! But after a handful of successful Spaces, I noticed that only a fraction of the people were participating. Twitter had already started shadow banning my tweets, and even “unfollowing” people from me without their knowledge or consent. Now they’ve ruined Spaces for me as well. If they block or delay your notifications, then they’ve stopped you from increasing your audience.
I’m hardly alone in being shadow banned. But it makes it very hard not only to share information or opinions, but to promote yourself. Every writer has to use social media for promotion now. But thanks to this authoritarian censorship, that wonderful platform is essentially closed to me. Have a book signing? Promoting it on social media won’t do you any good, when they simply block people from seeing your post. Want to advertise a really big guest on your show? Again, they block people from learning about it, and potentially becoming new listeners. Each ban represents another spike of the football for the cretins who are “winning.”
Like the old Washington Generals, those being shadow banned or outright banned have no chance to fairly compete. It’s not even close to a level playing field. So, no matter how lame the competition- and everyone from Stephen Colbert to Sean Hannity is decidedly lame- they still win. The information imparted by state controlled mainstream media didn’t fairly prevail in the marketplace of ideas. They have no ideas, other than to regurgitate stale talking points from our corrupt authorities. But they’ve seen to it that independent thinkers, who can make them look like the fools they are, cannot play in the game.
Our only chance is to make alternative platforms grow. I mean really grow. This platform is growing, thanks to all of you. But we need bigger and bigger audiences. Please tell others about “I Protest.” For myself, contact Fox News, and ask them to have me on Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham. Laura asked me on once, a few years ago, then they cancelled a few hours later. Contact shows with large audiences like Jimmy Dore. His producer has Survival of the Richest (so does Tucker’s). Or Tim Dillon- my friend Chris Graves swears that he openly praised Hidden History on his show. The more independent voices that get wider exposure, the better it is for all of us.
As I’ve noted many times, this is a spiritual battle. And we are already fighting a real World War, because it’s taking place all over the Earth. The elite versus the people. Our greatest weapon is our huge advantage in numbers, which we have never utilized, and continue to ignore. But the internet was another powerful weapon in our arsenal. Don’t let them take it away. This is indeed a war not only for our minds, but our hearts and souls as well. It is light versus dark. Good versus Evil. God versus Satan. Make sure you remember what side you’re on.
Great article, Don. In the 80s one of the bands I played in had a bassist whose family was from eastern Europe (Yugoslavia I think) when it was under the Iron Curtain of the USSR. He told me his father lost everything and risked his and his family's lives to get them to America. One day while his father was driving him somewhere, they got into a gridlock because of a police roadblock/checkpoint. He said his dad could not contain his rage, yelling that he left at great peril a communist country to get to America only to find out that America was a communist country as well. I told him it was indeed, and of course it is much more Bolshevik/totalitarian now. About 35 or more years ago, Princeton U. made it into the NCAA tournament. It was highly unusual for an Ivy League school to be good enough for this, which determines the number one college basketball team in the U.S. I forget which round it was but it was near the finals. Princeton had an all white team. They were playing Georgetown from Washington D.C. and they were all black. Georgetown was heavily favored and they had a significant size advantage. Yet astonishingly, late in the game, with teamwork, great shooting, passing, ball handling and defense, Princeton was winning. It would have been one of the greatest college basketball upsets of all time. "They" would not allow that to happen. Spurious foul after foul was called on the Princeton players, some for just lightly brushing against a Georgetown man. Very soon several of the best Princeton players had fouled out of the game and that combined with all the free throws Georgetown got as a result of those bullshit fouls, Georgetown won the game in the final minutes by a close margin. Those politically correct, scumfuck bastards will never allow whites to beat blacks, in sports or anything else.
Pareto's law (principle) works with everything. It is usually an excellent guidepost and framework for making decisions and estimations. We do have the option of exiting the Internet. I survived without it for over 50 years. Big tech can't control what they don't see and know.