the US is way beyond fixing. 80% of whites hate whites. I told that to a guy and his wife they didnt believe it. I said next time you at a barbecue with 30-40 white people and someone might bring up immigration just say if I had the power I would throw every non white out of the US then see what happens. a month later the couple said I was right but I wish I was wrong
the US is way beyond fixing. 80% of whites hate whites. I told that to a guy and his wife they didnt believe it. I said next time you at a barbecue with 30-40 white people and someone might bring up immigration just say if I had the power I would throw every non white out of the US then see what happens. a month later the couple said I was right but I wish I was wrong
You are so correct. America "1'0" was just a very thin veneer over a country that was already morally bankrupt. Our behavior in WW2 was atrocious, as was the decadence and materialism of the 1950's. Most of us- including this wolf- were fooled by the Biggest Enemy Bankster Money Could Manufacture- The Bolsheviks.
Of course, neither the Vatican nor Washington was any help, and by the time most of woke up, the operation was a Fait Accompli.
тАЬMost of us- including this wolf- were fooled by the Biggest Enemy Bankster Money Could Manufacture- The BolsheviksтАЭ. Please elaborate WW, I appreciate your Knowledge and candid flair on the comment boards very much! I have never been much into studying history until the last few years, I fell for most of what the history lesson in school sold to us, itтАЩs never too late to wake the f upтАж I hope
Most "Conspiracy Theorists" are aware that Trotsky was put on a boat and sponsored by Kuhn, Loeb, and Co out of New York, bound for Russia, with a goodly amount of Gold Bullion to finance the Bolsheviks in 1917. The boat was impounded by Canada, but a wave from the Wilson White House guaranteed smooth sailing. The Germans might have had a reason to assist the Russian Revolution by putting Lenin on a sealed train. The Allies????????
It is well known that for years American farmers were paid by the US gov't to send grain and other foodstuffs to Russia after WW2. This was ostensibly to help the starving masses...
During WW2, massive aid was sent to Russia via the Alaskan Highway and the Trans_Siberian Railroad, both of which were obviously built for this purpose. (The fact that the Trans-Siberian railroad was built by the Czars shows how far back this plan and conspiracy goes, and that the Czars were in on it.
Mysteriously, during WW2 the Japanese never tried to break this pipeline, which was part of the reason Russia was able to recover from Operation Barbarossa.
(Of course, I could discuss how the US and Japan were in cahoots, how Pearl Harbor was theatre, and how it was a massive gold heist so the Yamato Dynasty under Hirohito could transfer loot from Buddhist temples across the Pacific rim into the coffers of the soon-to-be-created CIA for their "black ops"...)
The Russians had MASSIVE factories on Sakhalin Island, right on Japan's doorstep, which were never molested during the war...
After WW2, we gave our technology to the Russians. A famous plane crash in Canada in the Yukon was chanced upon by a dogsled team that recovered a treasure trove of communiques. Of course, that is all a "conspiracy theory"...
All of these things make perfect sense if all of the players are controlled by single group, I donтАЩt t buy into all of these things were fate. I have been reading about the KhazariansтАж. Along with their banking clans all things can be paid for and manipulated. Everything we know about history is fabricated bullshit to take us into the nation-state games of the 20th century, I believe we are about to enter the new era of zero nation-statesтАж. I donтАЩt feel the need to study detailed history, probably because it is all fake, and I am not a writer. I believe you, I believe my intuition and gut that this has been going on since the end of the tribes.
White Wolf I am reading and loving all of your comments. You got to give me a reference or book for that information on Trotsky, how the US paid farmers to feed Russians, how Pearl Harbor was theatre to commit massive gold heist.
This is fascinating information, I have to know more! Especially that I love that historical period.
The US Congressional Record has the results of an investigation from the 1920's. If you just goggle Trotsky, Kuen Loeb Co, Paul Warburg some sources should come up.
While Peggy Seagrave does not get all the way to the bottom of the rabbit hole, she gives enough of an expose that one can connect the dots.
Also, if you have never watched "The Greatest Story Never Told" that will help connect the dots too, if you can get past the lionizing of Hitler. (He still has lots of big fans, but I think he was a Banksta puppet.)
"Day of Deceit" by Ron Stinnent ( is the best book on Pearl Harbor. Once again, Ron does not get to the bottom of the hole. But he has more than enough documentation that one must ask: Why the Hell did the Japanese not know the Americans knew they were coming? And the answer, of course, is the Japanese High Command darn well knew the Americans knew they were coming, but they were committed to the game.
I've read Day of Deceit a while ago and have a hardcover copy in my collection, its been a while I don't remember the book saying how Japanese high command was involved with FDR but this is possible. I remember plenty of evidence that proved we didn't have to use the atom bomb in the book The Decision to use the Atom Bomb by Gar Alperovitz. I've watched The Greatest Story never told like 3-4 years ago now that was a long six hour video if I remember right. I will definitely check out Gold Warriors though thank you!!
The passivity of the Japs toward the Russian commies is an area that I think needs examining. I read something about a super spy Sorge who was able to deflect the Rising Sun into seeking oil from the south rather than in neighboring Soviet territory. If anyone knows about this strategic failure which allowed the USSR to only have to fight a one front war, please comment and/or provide a link.
Actually, the Japs were not passive, as witness the Katlin-Gol campaign. But even that seems to be theatre. Everybody knows the Japanese had the crummiest tanks during the war, while the Russians were second best. Where was the Japanese air force? (The same place the Luftwaffe was during the Battle of Stalingrad, apparrently.)
Many people would agree with you. The T-34, engineered by Ford Motor Company, was rugged, reliable, and designed for the deepest cold of Russian winter. But the T-34 would have been an absolute flop in the Ardennes, or the deserts of Libya. The German Panzers were the best all-terrain vehicles ever developed. They had the same floating bearing system utilized by the Mercedes Unimog, I believe, and in their element were absolutely unbeatable- which the Allies learned to their chagrin during the Battle of the Bulge.
The problem with the Germans in Russia, in my opinion, was trying to adapt their tanks, rather than their tactics, to best the Russians in 1942.
I always thought the Germans had the best tanks, but a Russian friend of mine
told me no WAY. He might have been a little,,, or totally biased idk, anyway there is
a pretty good Russian movie called Tankers. I think there was a Russian tank survived something like 70 impacts. Imagine getting one's bell rung that many times.
Khalkhin Gol seems to have been a stand off. The peace treaty after was what stopped the Japs re USSR. If you look at the aftermath stats Japan seems to have a slight advantage in all depts. No mention of oil as a resource Japan needed. No mention of Sorge's intrigue. I'm wondering if he wasn't crucial in negotiating the peace treaty. He was a Soviet mole.
Khalkhin Gol has always been an enigma to me. If the Japs were in for the proverbial penny, why not go in for the pound? Their naval air force at the time could have blown the Russians out of the sky and pounded the Russian infantry into the dust. To limit the campaign to a series of tank and infantry battles seemed to be galactically stupid on the part of the Japanese.
At that time, Japan could have rapidly resupplied their forces using air transports and the Manchurian railroads only a short distance from ocean ports. Meanwhile, the Russians had two choices- the vulnerable Trans-Siberian railroad... or dogsleds. In a prolonged conflict, nobody can doubt the outcome would have been the same as the Sino-Russian war of 1905.
But the Japanese did not commit enough forces to the campaign, and they were ultimately bested by Zuchov.
I think communist spying/infiltration was extensive and first rate. Jews certainly had centuries of practice. Richard Tedor tells how the 3rd Reich was undermined by different groups of dissidents, not all Jews either. Christian generals were critical of neo-paganism. Just look at E Michael Jones, a redoubtable warrior but has no time for the "White Boys".
If we have a flaw as a race, it's being gullible, possessing the goyische kopf, assuming fellow Americans have the same sense of honor to common cause. But over time indoctrination into "respectable" ideology - woke left or cucked right - overrides truth as an ultimate value.
You are right over the target. As for E Michael Jones, my jury is still out on whether he is a deep shill working for Octopus Dei, or just somewhat of an ignoramus. (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.)
The 3rd Reich was not exactly undermined. The top echelons of the Third Reich were-drumroll please- a Jewish Bankster operation. Just like Donald Trump went from being a Pro-Abort Democrat to "The Greatest Pro-Life President" with virtually no repentance, Adolf Hitler went from being practically a Bolshevik to the Great Anti-Communist, all the while leading the "National Socialists".
The Catholics and Old Guard Protestants of Europe held their collective noses and saw Hitler as the "lesser of two evils" and cast their lots with him. And he proceeded to undermine Operation Barbarossa even as the German tanks were rolling across the Ukraine.
You are absolutely correct- indoctrination and "hopium" spring eternal, and the Sheeple never learn.
Wolfie, "Octopus Dei" is hilarious. It reminds me of an ex conspiracy friend, traditional, practicing Catholic who dumped me (a gnostic) unceremoniously. The lack of closure still hurts 2 years later. Anyway, he showed me the brief on Jones as Opus D. Interesting but not condemning in my eyes. He also pushed the anti-Hitler line that you've accepted. Yet Jones subscribes to it also.
I totally agree about Trump being hopium but he never had any integrity. Hitler was working for army intelligence after the war. His job was to spy on commies and fascists. He liked what the latter were saying. The reading of him as practically a Bolshie is in error.
Everything is fake in MM world. Ain't that the truth. That's his m.o. in general. Every critical thinking conspiracy searcher upon encountering MM is wow'ed by his outrageous chops. Like amateur guitar players encountering a master shredder. After being blitzed by a few virtuoso displays (Charles Manson crime scene was my fave), I decided to tackle his JFK analysis. It was the subject I knew most about having studied it for 20 years and, instead of finding irrefutable fact at the bottom of his rabbit hole, I discovered that his theory was built on a laughable premise - JFK had taken an unscheduled piss break where he allowed a double to replace him in the limo and take the shots while Jack gets whisked off into some unknown sanctuary. Nobody else seems to have noticed the piss break, but why spoil a good yarn w/ small-minded, niggling details.
So Miles's take away is that JFK was just another fake politician playing the puppeteer's game. Cynics say the same about Hitler. We're not to be allowed actual heroes or true martyrs to an authentic cause. My advice to Peter and others who are prone to fall for complicated theories presented at breathtaking speed, piling one revelation on top of another - don't be dazzled by the technical sleight of hand. The shredding may be impressive but the song and its emotional feeling is what counts. If the amazing licks don't support the melody line, what good are they?
you could always dress up as a cat and visit him saying you want to pay him to do a portrait (I like his art too). my bottom line is if it is WWIII, and it all goes off, when I look north and see the mushroom cloud over Brisbane 80 miles away my first thought will be 'miles was wrong, nukes are real after all'. or holograms and Lahaina treatment just got a whole lot better. anyway, my contribution to comment cancer. can't help myself, bad habits....
15 years at it in ernest , and about that long Rusted On Rense, it at the very least meant I was in no way going to take the jab. so it saved my life, I hope.
Be proud of your choice, we all will die someday, but why from fear? My beautiful wife is a nurse, a wonderful, kind and caring nurse, went through hell for nearly three years. We are thankful to be clean and free of the fake vaccine. Have a wonderful weekend Peter!
A deadly bioweapon has been released that can make unjabbed very ill, to say the least. What is there about shedding that is not to fear? Fear not, said the jewish UFO wrecker in (original) Lost In Space , Have No Fear, Dr Smith is Here, with a jab for 6 billion people. 'jeff and erica' at FYI . Unvaxed AND unshedupon sperm is the new bitcoin. Data Mining 'em up here, Boss / Cool Hand Luke movie..
Yes, that is what we're up against, SPQR70AD. Think of the final scene in the 1978 remake of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," with Donald Sutherland's character yelling and pointing his figure at the lone remaining human. Thanks!
tell the that Israel has developed a new vaccine for whiteness, any babies born to 'vaccinated' mrna'd white women will be not white. then Tikum Olem , the world will be perfect.
and the jews can rule this perfect world from Jerusalem. (as per Schofield bible types). problem is they would probably just ask 'where can I get it'.
the US is way beyond fixing. 80% of whites hate whites. I told that to a guy and his wife they didnt believe it. I said next time you at a barbecue with 30-40 white people and someone might bring up immigration just say if I had the power I would throw every non white out of the US then see what happens. a month later the couple said I was right but I wish I was wrong
You are so correct. America "1'0" was just a very thin veneer over a country that was already morally bankrupt. Our behavior in WW2 was atrocious, as was the decadence and materialism of the 1950's. Most of us- including this wolf- were fooled by the Biggest Enemy Bankster Money Could Manufacture- The Bolsheviks.
Of course, neither the Vatican nor Washington was any help, and by the time most of woke up, the operation was a Fait Accompli.
Insightful and accurate
тАЬMost of us- including this wolf- were fooled by the Biggest Enemy Bankster Money Could Manufacture- The BolsheviksтАЭ. Please elaborate WW, I appreciate your Knowledge and candid flair on the comment boards very much! I have never been much into studying history until the last few years, I fell for most of what the history lesson in school sold to us, itтАЩs never too late to wake the f upтАж I hope
Most "Conspiracy Theorists" are aware that Trotsky was put on a boat and sponsored by Kuhn, Loeb, and Co out of New York, bound for Russia, with a goodly amount of Gold Bullion to finance the Bolsheviks in 1917. The boat was impounded by Canada, but a wave from the Wilson White House guaranteed smooth sailing. The Germans might have had a reason to assist the Russian Revolution by putting Lenin on a sealed train. The Allies????????
It is well known that for years American farmers were paid by the US gov't to send grain and other foodstuffs to Russia after WW2. This was ostensibly to help the starving masses...
During WW2, massive aid was sent to Russia via the Alaskan Highway and the Trans_Siberian Railroad, both of which were obviously built for this purpose. (The fact that the Trans-Siberian railroad was built by the Czars shows how far back this plan and conspiracy goes, and that the Czars were in on it.
Mysteriously, during WW2 the Japanese never tried to break this pipeline, which was part of the reason Russia was able to recover from Operation Barbarossa.
(Of course, I could discuss how the US and Japan were in cahoots, how Pearl Harbor was theatre, and how it was a massive gold heist so the Yamato Dynasty under Hirohito could transfer loot from Buddhist temples across the Pacific rim into the coffers of the soon-to-be-created CIA for their "black ops"...)
The Russians had MASSIVE factories on Sakhalin Island, right on Japan's doorstep, which were never molested during the war...
After WW2, we gave our technology to the Russians. A famous plane crash in Canada in the Yukon was chanced upon by a dogsled team that recovered a treasure trove of communiques. Of course, that is all a "conspiracy theory"...
All of these things make perfect sense if all of the players are controlled by single group, I donтАЩt t buy into all of these things were fate. I have been reading about the KhazariansтАж. Along with their banking clans all things can be paid for and manipulated. Everything we know about history is fabricated bullshit to take us into the nation-state games of the 20th century, I believe we are about to enter the new era of zero nation-statesтАж. I donтАЩt feel the need to study detailed history, probably because it is all fake, and I am not a writer. I believe you, I believe my intuition and gut that this has been going on since the end of the tribes.
Yes, now that we are at the end it is easy to see things in retrospect.
White Wolf I am reading and loving all of your comments. You got to give me a reference or book for that information on Trotsky, how the US paid farmers to feed Russians, how Pearl Harbor was theatre to commit massive gold heist.
This is fascinating information, I have to know more! Especially that I love that historical period.
The US Congressional Record has the results of an investigation from the 1920's. If you just goggle Trotsky, Kuen Loeb Co, Paul Warburg some sources should come up.
The best book on "Yamashita's Gold" is "Gold Warriors" by Peggy Seagrave, which you can peruse at ...
Just make sure you are sitting down.
While Peggy Seagrave does not get all the way to the bottom of the rabbit hole, she gives enough of an expose that one can connect the dots.
Also, if you have never watched "The Greatest Story Never Told" that will help connect the dots too, if you can get past the lionizing of Hitler. (He still has lots of big fans, but I think he was a Banksta puppet.)
"Day of Deceit" by Ron Stinnent ( is the best book on Pearl Harbor. Once again, Ron does not get to the bottom of the hole. But he has more than enough documentation that one must ask: Why the Hell did the Japanese not know the Americans knew they were coming? And the answer, of course, is the Japanese High Command darn well knew the Americans knew they were coming, but they were committed to the game.
I've read Day of Deceit a while ago and have a hardcover copy in my collection, its been a while I don't remember the book saying how Japanese high command was involved with FDR but this is possible. I remember plenty of evidence that proved we didn't have to use the atom bomb in the book The Decision to use the Atom Bomb by Gar Alperovitz. I've watched The Greatest Story never told like 3-4 years ago now that was a long six hour video if I remember right. I will definitely check out Gold Warriors though thank you!!
The passivity of the Japs toward the Russian commies is an area that I think needs examining. I read something about a super spy Sorge who was able to deflect the Rising Sun into seeking oil from the south rather than in neighboring Soviet territory. If anyone knows about this strategic failure which allowed the USSR to only have to fight a one front war, please comment and/or provide a link.
Actually, the Japs were not passive, as witness the Katlin-Gol campaign. But even that seems to be theatre. Everybody knows the Japanese had the crummiest tanks during the war, while the Russians were second best. Where was the Japanese air force? (The same place the Luftwaffe was during the Battle of Stalingrad, apparrently.)
I think the Russian tanks were the best in WWII.
Germans had a hard time killing them, while the Russian tanks could take a beating.
Many people would agree with you. The T-34, engineered by Ford Motor Company, was rugged, reliable, and designed for the deepest cold of Russian winter. But the T-34 would have been an absolute flop in the Ardennes, or the deserts of Libya. The German Panzers were the best all-terrain vehicles ever developed. They had the same floating bearing system utilized by the Mercedes Unimog, I believe, and in their element were absolutely unbeatable- which the Allies learned to their chagrin during the Battle of the Bulge.
The problem with the Germans in Russia, in my opinion, was trying to adapt their tanks, rather than their tactics, to best the Russians in 1942.
I always thought the Germans had the best tanks, but a Russian friend of mine
told me no WAY. He might have been a little,,, or totally biased idk, anyway there is
a pretty good Russian movie called Tankers. I think there was a Russian tank survived something like 70 impacts. Imagine getting one's bell rung that many times.
Khalkhin Gol seems to have been a stand off. The peace treaty after was what stopped the Japs re USSR. If you look at the aftermath stats Japan seems to have a slight advantage in all depts. No mention of oil as a resource Japan needed. No mention of Sorge's intrigue. I'm wondering if he wasn't crucial in negotiating the peace treaty. He was a Soviet mole.
Khalkhin Gol has always been an enigma to me. If the Japs were in for the proverbial penny, why not go in for the pound? Their naval air force at the time could have blown the Russians out of the sky and pounded the Russian infantry into the dust. To limit the campaign to a series of tank and infantry battles seemed to be galactically stupid on the part of the Japanese.
At that time, Japan could have rapidly resupplied their forces using air transports and the Manchurian railroads only a short distance from ocean ports. Meanwhile, the Russians had two choices- the vulnerable Trans-Siberian railroad... or dogsleds. In a prolonged conflict, nobody can doubt the outcome would have been the same as the Sino-Russian war of 1905.
But the Japanese did not commit enough forces to the campaign, and they were ultimately bested by Zuchov.
I think communist spying/infiltration was extensive and first rate. Jews certainly had centuries of practice. Richard Tedor tells how the 3rd Reich was undermined by different groups of dissidents, not all Jews either. Christian generals were critical of neo-paganism. Just look at E Michael Jones, a redoubtable warrior but has no time for the "White Boys".
If we have a flaw as a race, it's being gullible, possessing the goyische kopf, assuming fellow Americans have the same sense of honor to common cause. But over time indoctrination into "respectable" ideology - woke left or cucked right - overrides truth as an ultimate value.
You are right over the target. As for E Michael Jones, my jury is still out on whether he is a deep shill working for Octopus Dei, or just somewhat of an ignoramus. (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.)
The 3rd Reich was not exactly undermined. The top echelons of the Third Reich were-drumroll please- a Jewish Bankster operation. Just like Donald Trump went from being a Pro-Abort Democrat to "The Greatest Pro-Life President" with virtually no repentance, Adolf Hitler went from being practically a Bolshevik to the Great Anti-Communist, all the while leading the "National Socialists".
The Catholics and Old Guard Protestants of Europe held their collective noses and saw Hitler as the "lesser of two evils" and cast their lots with him. And he proceeded to undermine Operation Barbarossa even as the German tanks were rolling across the Ukraine.
You are absolutely correct- indoctrination and "hopium" spring eternal, and the Sheeple never learn.
Wolfie, "Octopus Dei" is hilarious. It reminds me of an ex conspiracy friend, traditional, practicing Catholic who dumped me (a gnostic) unceremoniously. The lack of closure still hurts 2 years later. Anyway, he showed me the brief on Jones as Opus D. Interesting but not condemning in my eyes. He also pushed the anti-Hitler line that you've accepted. Yet Jones subscribes to it also.
I totally agree about Trump being hopium but he never had any integrity. Hitler was working for army intelligence after the war. His job was to spy on commies and fascists. He liked what the latter were saying. The reading of him as practically a Bolshie is in error.
everything is fake in Miles Mathis world. try out the 18 part (around 50 pages each ) of Lestrade's Pacific Theatre, emphasis on *Theatre*. and just head north of Japan from there.
I will never watch a WWII Pacific Newsreel again without insisting on dead Japs, and lots of them. not some fishing village drill exercise .
Everything is fake in MM world. Ain't that the truth. That's his m.o. in general. Every critical thinking conspiracy searcher upon encountering MM is wow'ed by his outrageous chops. Like amateur guitar players encountering a master shredder. After being blitzed by a few virtuoso displays (Charles Manson crime scene was my fave), I decided to tackle his JFK analysis. It was the subject I knew most about having studied it for 20 years and, instead of finding irrefutable fact at the bottom of his rabbit hole, I discovered that his theory was built on a laughable premise - JFK had taken an unscheduled piss break where he allowed a double to replace him in the limo and take the shots while Jack gets whisked off into some unknown sanctuary. Nobody else seems to have noticed the piss break, but why spoil a good yarn w/ small-minded, niggling details.
So Miles's take away is that JFK was just another fake politician playing the puppeteer's game. Cynics say the same about Hitler. We're not to be allowed actual heroes or true martyrs to an authentic cause. My advice to Peter and others who are prone to fall for complicated theories presented at breathtaking speed, piling one revelation on top of another - don't be dazzled by the technical sleight of hand. The shredding may be impressive but the song and its emotional feeling is what counts. If the amazing licks don't support the melody line, what good are they?
As I've mentioned before, years ago Miles Mathis wrote that I wasn't real, either. He "doesn't do interviews." Thanks, Billy!
you could always dress up as a cat and visit him saying you want to pay him to do a portrait (I like his art too). my bottom line is if it is WWIII, and it all goes off, when I look north and see the mushroom cloud over Brisbane 80 miles away my first thought will be 'miles was wrong, nukes are real after all'. or holograms and Lahaina treatment just got a whole lot better. anyway, my contribution to comment cancer. can't help myself, bad habits....
15 years at it in ernest , and about that long Rusted On Rense, it at the very least meant I was in no way going to take the jab. so it saved my life, I hope.
Be proud of your choice, we all will die someday, but why from fear? My beautiful wife is a nurse, a wonderful, kind and caring nurse, went through hell for nearly three years. We are thankful to be clean and free of the fake vaccine. Have a wonderful weekend Peter!
A deadly bioweapon has been released that can make unjabbed very ill, to say the least. What is there about shedding that is not to fear? Fear not, said the jewish UFO wrecker in (original) Lost In Space , Have No Fear, Dr Smith is Here, with a jab for 6 billion people. 'jeff and erica' at FYI . Unvaxed AND unshedupon sperm is the new bitcoin. Data Mining 'em up here, Boss / Cool Hand Luke movie..
Yes, that is what we're up against, SPQR70AD. Think of the final scene in the 1978 remake of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," with Donald Sutherland's character yelling and pointing his figure at the lone remaining human. Thanks!
tell the that Israel has developed a new vaccine for whiteness, any babies born to 'vaccinated' mrna'd white women will be not white. then Tikum Olem , the world will be perfect.
and the jews can rule this perfect world from Jerusalem. (as per Schofield bible types). problem is they would probably just ask 'where can I get it'.