A few nights ago, a formerly obscure defensive back on the Buffalo Bills, Damar Hamlin, collapsed during the Monday Night Football game with the Cincinnati Bengals. Players were kneeling, and hugging each other, some in tears. It later was reported he’d suffered cardiac arrest on the field.
There are many questionable aspects to this incident. The NFL, like any other part of our monstrously corrupt society, instantly attempted damage control. There were “experts” on social media proclaiming that it couldn’t have been the vaccine, while Hamlin still laid prostrate on the ground. Nothing had been established at all, and yet “experts” instantly insisted “Nothing to see here. Move along.” It reminded me of JFK’s National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy assuring his cabinet members that there had been “no conspiracy,” a few hours after shots had been fired, and when no “investigation” had taken place. Bundy wasn’t even in Dallas.
When I was researching my book about show biz, On Borrowed Fame: Money, Mysteries, and Corruption in the Entertainment World, I was amazed at how “foul play” was almost always instantly dismissed as a possibility in the countless unnatural deaths of entertainers. In the case of Hamlin, the “foul play” being dismissed immediately was the “warp speed” vaccine. Something has caused athletes all over the world- hundreds or even thousands of them, depending upon the source, over the past few years, to suddenly collapse, and often die, while playing. Now what has been introduced into the equation during that period of time? The same period of time that has seen the overall excess mortality rate increase by 40 percent?
The corrupt medical authorities, and the corrupt NFL, and the corrupt state-controlled media, have developed one of their typically ridiculous explanations for what happened to Hamlin. “Heart experts” explained that Hamlin suffered an extremely rare phenomenon called commotio cordis, during the last tackle he made. Having seen the tackle, it was not “vicious,” it was not even “hard.” It was routine, the kind of play that happens a multitude of times every game. It shouldn’t cause an athlete’s heart to stop. But “experts” and apologists have appeared all over, assuring us that something like this happened to their neighbor’s brother’s cousin.
Then there are the aspects of this case that real journalists like my fellow Substack author Mike Huggins has noticed. Read and subscribe to his excellent Vaccine Reaper Report: https://michaelhuggins50.substack.com/ Huggins notes that there were no lights on the ambulance transporting Hamlin from the field, not even inside the vehicle. This seems exceedingly strange. Wouldn’t it be difficult to give medical treatment to someone without proper lighting? That would be a hard task, even for the courageous First Responders, who are even greater heroes than the Postal Service employees we all know and love.
Part of the reason for the inexplicable delay in transporting Hamlin away, in that unlit ambulance, was that they were said to be waiting for his mother. Huh? Does that make any sense at all? Is that normal procedure, to delay getting the victim of cardiac arrest to one of our wondrous medical facilities, just so the victim’s mother can ride along? I’m no First Responder, and thus perhaps I don’t truly understand the heroic perspective. Ours is not to question why, as they have been telling the pesky questioners since time immemorial.
Where have the courageous doctors been, giving out breathless updates at medical press conferences? The public has been told very little, despite the culture at large treating the incident like the death of the courageous Kobe Bryant. The uninquiring average American wants to know what new implausible elements are being added to the narrative. But at least the Hamlin incident has a lot of people praying, especially NFL players and fans. It would be mean to comment on the rather non-masculine reactions from fellow players on the field, but it’s just impossible to picture the likes of Ray Nitschke and Dick Butkus acting like that over anything.
Was Hamlin’s heart restarted once, or multiple times? How long did his heart stop beating for? Many of us suspected that he had died on the field, like so many soccer players in Europe, and that the corrupt NFL and corrupt media were simply delaying the news until they came up with one of their crackerjack cover stories. But it’s been days now, and all we hear is that he’s in “critical condition,” with “stable” vital signs. Did he suffer serious brain damage, as usually happens when the heart stops beating for any appreciable amount of time? Are they afraid to reveal this?
But just after writing this, I heard an update on the local sports talk radio here. Boy, did the “journalist” thank the heroic doctors and nurses. Evidently, Hamlin is doing remarkably well. He is now said to be writing, although not speaking yet. So, maybe they’ll trot him out at games in another of the endless virtue signaling gestures that drive this decaying culture. Maybe he’ll lecture us, and urge us to get the vaccines. If he hadn’t had his latest booster on December 26 (which his doctor supposedly acknowledged on social media, before both he and the post were disappeared down the memory hole), then think of how bad it might have been.
Hamlin was not the first player in NFL history to collapse on the playing field. That would be Detroit Lions wide receiver Chuck Hughes, just as obscure as Hamlin, who dropped dead in a 1971 game. His death was attributed to an undetected heart condition, the kind of thing that later took the life of basketball star Hank Gathers in 1990. I don’t recall the players crying on the field when Hughes collapsed, and he was quickly forgotten. The “warp speed” vaccine wasn’t around then, so we can’t blame it for their deaths. So it does happen, just not hundreds or thousands of times, as it has all over the world, since the COVID jab was introduced.
The same day that Hamlin dropped on the field, to be taken to a hospital at a very leisurely pace, in an unlit ambulance, thirty eight year old former NFL player Uche Nwaneri was found dead. Nwaneri’s vax status was not in doubt; he had blasted anti-vaxxers repeatedly on social media, and in fact advocated for the imprisonment of those who refused the COVID shot. It was almost as bad as the sixty two year old bodybuilder who died after tweeting that his death would prove the anti-vaxxers right. Or the surly cookbook author who derided anti-vaxxers and then wound up dead after complaining online about what felt like hair on her tongue.
It’s crystal clear to anyone who doesn’t have an agenda, whose job depends on him “not knowing” something, to paraphrase Upton Sinclair. They have a vested interest in not knowing. But for those of us without a job they can fire us from, and a desire only to know the truth, the answer to the unprecedented excess deaths all over the world, and in particular to young athletes dropping dead from previously unheard of heart conditions, is that they trusted the corrupt authorities, and allowed an untested and dangerous vaccine, that is in reality a bioweapon, to be injected into them.
I don’t want this to be true. Everyone in my family, except for myself and my children, has been vaccinated. I fear for them. I don’t want Jeff Rense and others to be right when they predict everyone who has taken this deadly poison is going to die from the effects. If that happens, it will be pretty hard to hide. The streets are going to be noticeably empty. The laughable propaganda the conservatives have been peddling for years, that there are more jobs than workers wanting them, will finally come true. You’d think they’d finally have to pay employees more then, given the rules of the marketplace they brag about, but they won’t. Their rules are meant to be broken.
But maybe the unvaccinated won’t be so lucky, either. Rense and an increasing number of people have been saying that we are in danger from the vaccinated “shedding” some of the awful stuff they put into this “warp speed” monstrosity onto us. This could really be a problem during sexual contact between vaccinated and unvaccinated. So, something else to kill off intimacy between humans. A peer-reviewed study- not a “conspiracy theory”- out of Italy recently found that 94 percent of the vaccinated had “abnormal” blood. They found lots of nasty stuff in there, including metallic and man-made objects.
I have mentioned this before, but it bears repeating. Angry Black people may be our only hope at this point. Because Identity Politics lauds and celebrates even truly toxic behavior from Blacks, they enjoy something as close to free speech as exists in America 2.0. Kyree Irvin in the NBA, and the entertainer formerly known as Kanye West have both demonstrated the restlessness that all of us feel under this draconian rule. I’m hopeful that enough NFL players question the Hamlin narrative, and mention the vaccine as the true culprit, to bring it into mainstream discussion. We all know it isn’t going to be a bunch of high profile Whites that shatter this all-encompassing coverup.
I call the COVID narrative The Greatest Psyop in the History of the World. I’m finishing up my book on the subject, Masking the Truth: How COVID-19 Destroyed Civil Liberties and Shut Down the World. When you see how this story has progressed, with lie after lie from the very beginning, you’ll be amazed at how quickly those lies become forgotten. This goes way beyond the lie that Oswald killed Kennedy, or that nineteen crazed Arabs did 9/11 with box cutters and plastic knives. This lie has impacted the peasants in Sri Lanka and Honduras, the population in Australia and India, and the sons and daughters of the upper crust at Ivy League universities.
This is World War 3. And it has little to do with Putin or the penis-piano-playing tyrant in Ukraine. When you lie enough, we were told as youngsters, it will eventually catch up to you. It’s hard to keep track of all those lies. Some of simply recognized it’s not only the right thing to do, but also a lot easier just to tell the truth. Our leaders never tell the truth, and that systemic dishonesty permeates every government agency, and all of corporate America. And they are really, really committed to this lie. They aren’t going to suddenly admit that they manufactured a “pandemic” around a virus strain that they tell you can’t be isolated. In other words, identified.
Maybe it was all the prayers Damar Hamlin received, that are responsible for what appears to be a miraculous recovery. Not all of the hundreds, or thousands of soccer players who collapsed on the field died. Some even played again. Maybe Hamlin will, too. And what are the odds of him suffering another instance of commotio cordis? I went sixty six years without hearing about this, but then I went over fifty years without hearing about the deadly derechos, one of which knocked our power out for a week some years ago. Who thought there was such a thing as Stiff Person Syndrome, which Celine Dion now must live with? You learn something new every day, they say.
Perhaps I am just too paranoid. I might easily have missed all the little kids back in my day, who were stricken with heart attacks, or serious heart disease. After all, we know it’s not from the “warp speed” vaccine, so it must always have been a reality. They just didn’t talk about such things in those days, you see. It was embarrassing to say your kid died of a heart attack. Your neighbors would have blamed it on too much bacon grease or whole milk. Parents might have passed it off as anything. Childhood cancer existed back then, although the rates have skyrocketed in recent years. It’s a Medical Industrial Complex thing, you wouldn’t understand.
Thank goodness Damar Hamlin appears to have been extraordinarily fortunate. It’s a testament to the bravery of our doctors and nurses that they could save him, even while moving very slowly, and not bothering to turn the lights on inside the ambulance. Now, that’s some incredible “responding!” Who am I to question it? The closest I ever came to experiencing something like that was when one of my Little League teammates was hit in the mouth with a baseball, and was rushed to the hospital. He was rushed a lot faster than Hamlin was, but there really weren’t any “First Responders” in those days.
The lesson from the Hamlin incident will probably be; get your shots. The healthcare system works, just like the system at large does. Heroes are everywhere within it. They never make mistakes, although somehow they are the admitted third leading cause of death in this country. Ask your doctor. Always ask your doctor. Ignore the potentially deadly side effects of all that Big Pharma heroism in bottles. Ignore the life expectancy rate going down once again. We have the best healthcare system in the world. Do you want to wait in line like they do in dreaded Canada?
But once the NFL starts playing again, if other Damar Hamlin incidents occur, it won’t be as easy to explain. There’s only so much commotio cordis to go around. And if enough angry Black players start to question the narrative, who knows? But I’m being naive. If Blacks start mentioning the vaccine, it will probably be deftly turned into a “racism” thing. Damar Hamlin dropped on the field because “the man” didn’t give him enough padding. The system “exploited” him. It’s a certainty that Hamlin won’t be the last player to collapse on the playing field. But how many are even asking questions about the hundreds or thousands of players who have collapsed in Europe?
I guess if they can make childhood heart attacks “normal,” they can make athletes dying suddenly while engaging in sports “normal.” They’re playing to a captive audience, who obeys every “Applause!” sign faithfully. They know for sure now that they can put whatever they want out there, no matter how ludicrous, and most of the public will buy it. I don’t think there is anything that the Sheeple will question at this point. They just returned almost all these diabolical fiends who “represent” us to office. The plutocratic chests should be swelling with pride. After all, they have successfully pulled off The Greatest Psyop in the History of the World.
I feel like the behavior of the players on the field---very distraught, then unthinkably canceled the rest of the game--was because they all and all of the coaches and all of the sports' commentators are fully vaxxed and boasted (not a typo). I have seen players become paralyzed, or had their legs broken in 100 pieces carted off and play resume. It's very strange, indeed!
I was at a several day party at a mates place over New Years. Mostly old school friends, 60 years old. Among us were four jabbed and six un-jabbed. I'd like to say my friends are overwhelmingly the smart ones, but unfortunately one of those is my best and oldest mate. A man I love like a brother, more than my actual 2 brothers in fact. Well one of them had some symptoms of flu and all four jabbed had it the first night. Quite severe and rapidly increasing symptoms. The rest of us nothing by the time we parted.
48 hours after first contact, I have come down with mild symptoms. I treated with Vit C, quinine and zinc and garlic echinacea etc and the next day was rapidly improving. My symptoms were typical of a mild cold. The heavy sweat I began the day after starting the input of weaponry to assist my body fight the beasties was typical of a cold and the phlegmy throat as the dead enemies are being tossed away also familiar. I wish I had taken precaution after the party by dropping a heap of vit C and zinc and I doubt I'd have had a thing. Meanwhile, the four jabbed who got it first and incredibly rapidly, remain in a nasty bout of apparent flu. Symptoms beyond what a mere cold would bring.
The obvious implications were not lost on any of us. I got infected in the same timeframe and manner which would be expected for such a thing. The jabbed fell ill within hours of contact. Incredibly fast, really unheard of for such infections. 24 hours would be rapid. but mere hours and they were all showing same symptoms. The jabbed got much sicker than such infection would normally produce and remain bad with no sign of recovery yet. The division was exactly on the point of jabbed or not jabbed. All four jabbed got hit hard and fast. So far only one un-jabbed got it but at a normal natural rate of infection and signs of immune system rapidly going to war against it and winning.
Anyone who tells me I'm a conspiracist to my face now, gets a serving without any holding back. I KNOW WHAT I AM SEEING. I can hardly control my contempt for those increasingly rare morons who still think everything is just fine and dandy.
A mother with a 7 year old daughter just left my factory with a repair for the kayak she'd bought for the girl for Christmas. (I wish people would stop buying this imported junk, when we make the best in the world at my factory and we're competitive in price) Her daughter had one jab and she has now got a full blown auto immune condition worse than what she had and was treated for as a baby. Her skin is covered in large boils and rashes at this time. I gave her some of the Dhamasa herb I used to cure my long COVID and explained he protocol I use with it. That is someone I will pray for.