I just got back from the post office. Now every time I venture there, usually to mail off a copy of a book, I am struck by the incompetence, the depth of depravity and lack of humanity. Now, that really applies to anywhere in this world’s wealthiest Banana Republic, but I experience the post office more than other organs of America 2.0.
The sign proudly proclaiming that “Heroes Work Here,” still stands, a bit crooked, but a bold proclamation that, once you enter these doors, you’re going to see something special. Maybe some costumed superheroes. But alas, it’s a bit of a letdown to watch the entirely nonwhite staff “service” their customers. Today, there was an incredibly long line, and of course not all the cashiers were open. They were apparently saving a full implement of assistants for an indeterminate catastrophe, like Saddam Hussein was saving his weapons of mass destruction for some kind of intergalactic invasion.
I brought my own pen, which I have learned to do. They never have them there, the heroes don’t. Just empty strings from which post office pens once hung, perhaps back in the halcyon days of America 1.0. But the pen I brought, which was brand new, conked out after my first name. They just don’t make pens like they used to. They don’t make anything like they used to. That’s what those offshore sweatshops will do to your products. You get what you pay for, and you don’t get much for slave labor. We pay a lot to these heroes, but evidently not enough for them to provide pens. It certainly seems dishonest to call post office workers “heroes.” It’s a lie. A Big Lie.
I know that the majority of post officers workers did toil diligently during the 2020 electoral process, what with discarding ballots in dumpsters and the like, but how did they get to be more “heroic” than say, the average government employee who answers the phone for one of our countless unconstitutional agencies, is incredibly rude and unhelpful, and either passes you off to another rude and unhelpful government employee, or just disconnects your call? Maybe the post office “heroes” have a better union. They certainly enjoy great promotional efforts from our state controlled media.
I very seldom interact with the “real” world these days. The Matrix, the collapsing Third World culture- call it what you like. It’s never a pleasant experience. I’m a lot happier in front of my computer, typing away as I am now. Communicating with people I consider real friends, even though I’ve met almost none of them, and wouldn’t recognize them on the street. This cyber world, not really a virtual one, has a lot going for it. I would experience the withdrawal pains of a heroin addict without the internet. I’m not sure I could go back to the “real” world on a full time basis.
Our world is fueled by lies. Big Lies. And not the Big Lie that has been inaccurately attributed to Adolph Hitler. The actual quote from Mein Kampf reads, “In this they [the Jews] proceeded on the sound principle that the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposely evil, and that, therefore, in view of the primitive simplicity of their minds, they more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big.”
We see how the court historians mischaracterized a passage where Hitler was clearly blaming “The Jews” for promulgating the “Big Lie,” rather than publicly advocating for its usage. Poor Hitler, with only the likes of the former Kanye West to defend him now. Let me make it clear I am not promoting Hitler here. He may very well have loved the Big Lie- what politician doesn’t? But the quote above, rarely published as it was written, has been entirely misrepresented by both the mainstream media and the court historians. It’s Fake News. Read Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler for the real story on this obscure painter who was elevated by the typical unseen forces.
Whatever Big Lies the Nazis told, or the Jews they were battling at the time told, the technique has become perfected, and it is the lifeblood of all government and corporate business. Our corrupt society functions on it. Those who’ve read my Hidden History books know that our past is littered with one false flag after another. The McHistory doled out to unknowledgeable youngsters in our horrific schools is really just one giant psyop. The rationale for the nonstop wars that have killed millions for no fathomable reason. The lame justification for why truth is always on the scaffold, while wrong is always on the throne, to quote the old poet. All Big Lies.
I can’t think of a single instance where we have been told the truth, especially in recent years. Think of all those “free” offers for various products. “Get your free sample!” But invariably, there is a $5.99 or whatever shipping cost. So it’s not “free.” Another Big Lie. Or “warranties.” Even when they boast, “no questions asked,” they usually question it. That’s why I advise people not to pay extra for an “extended warranty.” As I tell them when they ask me if want it, “Why, do you not honor the warranty that comes with the product?” Answer- they don’t. It’s like buying “supplemental” health insurance, because Medicare is such a crappy product.
All government spending, all taxes involuntarily taken from the citizenry, is a Big Lie. We don’t get anything in return for our money. The infrastructure hasn’t been touched in more than sixty years. When you can’t get roads that don’t cause your car to go out of alignment in return for the money they’re stealing from you, then what are you getting? The bloated, and now “woke” Military Industrial Complex? Intelligence agencies that probably feature professional hit men to silence whistleblowers? Would you approve of your taxes paying Mafia hit men? Department of Homeland Security, Energy and Education departments- all of them 100 percent fat. Big, Big Lies.
I wrote about our illustrious political “representatives” in Survival of the Richest. You’re paying lucrative pensions to those elite tools who’ve “retired” from one of the cushiest “jobs” man has ever devised. Yes, I know saying “man” in this context is hopelessly sexist or whatever. Old habits die hard, and besides, no one can even define “man” or “woman” anymore. Even our language has turned into a Big Lie. So, workers who have no pension of their own provided by their employers, are forced to finance the idle retirements of those who worked against the interests of the people their whole careers. But you’re also paying for police chiefs, fire chiefs, and other unworthies.
Our system of government, as intended by the Founding Fathers, was about as good as can be devised. But it hasn’t really worked properly since John Marshall shattered the checks and balances and instituted Judicial Review. Everyone supports Judicial Review now. It’s the cornerstone of our monstrous injustice system. And, of course, it’s yet another Big Lie. Other Big Lies that date from the nineteenth century include the notion that “hard work” will get you everywhere. On the contrary, hard work is for rubes, as the circus people used to call us. As my book Survival of the Richest detailed, very few truly of the wealthiest people really “work” at all. More Big Lies.
As the millions of male incels can attest to, being a nice guy really doesn’t help you out with the ladies, any more than it increases your chances for financial success. I’ve noted many times that no one really disputes the truth behind the expression “Nice guys finish last.” Now, nice guys can only finish last in a world run by mean guys. Bullies, as my book Bullyocracy documented. When our parents instructed us to “be nice,” they didn’t realize they were assuring us of being “losers.” That’s if we obeyed them, but obviously most of us didn’t. Nice guys are so outnumbered you can’t even find many of them mopping floors. And most incels don’t seem that nice. Big Lies.
In America, “anyone can grow up to be president,” they used to tell us. Well, if your family comes from the special bloodline that has elected every president except Martin Van Buren, that is. Yes, all the other presidents are related to each other in some way. Even when I was young, it was a lot easier to climb to the upper echelons of any company if you were related to someone at the top, or if you just really perfected the art of brown-nosing. I don’t know how it works now. Maybe get “gender reassignment” surgery? The corruption was simpler in America 1.0.
Even today, many on the Right- “conservatives”- still proudly wave the American flag. What exactly does that flag represent now? Deadly foreign interventionism abroad? Heavy-handed tyranny at home? It certainly doesn’t represent what it did originally; a confederation of individual states, governed by a central government that had very limited powers. The masses use “Uncle Sam” comfortably in their daily interactions. In the retail world of America 1.0, it was especially fashionable to adopt this as a reference to government itself. “And that’s four percent for Sam,” they’d say, explaining the tax. Rednecks were especially good at this, back when they flourished.
In actuality, “Uncle Sam” was a hideous symbolic rejection of what our government was intended to be. This ghoulish character started pointing his finger and saying “I Want you!” in the lead up to America’s first real foray into globalism, the bloodbath that took the lives of millions of Europeans, because somebody named Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated. Sounded like a good reason to that generation, I guess. I can’t really criticize them too much. Ever since then, other generations have been swallowing the same kind of poisoned propaganda. Alice in Wonderland called it believing “impossible things before breakfast.” Few don’t do that now.
So, why would “conservatives” want to conserve anything about this sickening Banana Republic? I don’t think we’re in the fabulous fifties any more, Toto. This is no postwar economy. It’s an undeclared Great Depression 2. What is there to conserve? Affirmative Action? Fifty seven genders? A wealth disparity the world has never seen? A totally politicized legal system? “Woke” censorship and “cancelation?” If the elite succeed in pushing the digital currency system they want, coupled with a Chinese-style social credit score, will they still be “conservatives?” Outside of those profiting from the corruption, who could possibly want to conserve that?
Our “healthcare” system is no prize either, to quote Rodney Dangerfield. No, it’s the worst such system on earth. And yet, we are told by virtually everyone who has a large public platform that it’s the “best.” It is the most expensive. The Big Lies connected to it are legion. The Right castigated Obamacare as some kind of government program, which it most decidedly was not. “They promised you could keep your doctor,” they exclaimed. Who would want to keep one of our odious doctors? What doctor who works for the Medical Industrial Complex is worth keeping? In fact, the system itself is probably the biggest killer of Americans now, since they started the COVID psyop.
Speaking of COVID, I’ve called it the Greatest Psyop in the History of the World, but it is also a really Big Lie. The numbers of deaths wrongly attributed to “COVID.” The number of deaths from the deadly vaccines, wrongly attributed to other things. Usually nothing. Died suddenly. No cause listed. “Variants,” “Surges,” gain of function research, “Long COVID.” Big Lie upon Big Lie. I hope the Medical Industrial Complex has lost a lot of customers over this Big Lie. And I don’t mean all the people they killed, like my brother. I mean people waking up to what’s really going on.
It’s one thing to keep lying about Oswald killing Kennedy. Or some giant Arab directing a bunch of “terrorists” named Mohammed from a secret cave. Those lies are part of the narrative. No, in reality they are the narrative. The narrative itself is a Big Lie. And they just keep coming. This last election was the freest and fairest of them all, like Snow White appearing in the Evil Queen’s mirror. Those questioning that Big Lie are now “election deniers.” Just like “Holocaust deniers.” Or “COVID deniers.” To object, or point out an untruth, is to “deny,” in a land ruled by Big Liars.
The cyber world has its problems, too. It takes some adjustment to have so many friends I’ll probably never meet in person. But these friendships have much to recommend them. In contrast to real-life friendships, where your buddy wouldn’t compliment you if you paid him, and the super competitiveness that often results, my online friends compliment me so much I’ve become jaded. It’s pretty weird having people tell you they’re a “fan.” I lived close to sixty years without any fans. It’s really cool to have them now, but I realize that, if the internet was shut down tomorrow, all my fans would no longer be a part of my reality. In real life, I have no “fans.”
Some people used to get lost in the pre-internet virtual world. Think of that Twilight Zone episode, “The Sixteen Millimeter Shrine,” where the old movie star denied that the world, and all her old friends, had aged, and simply gets lost in her old films. I get lost in an old film pretty much every night, and most of them were made before I was born. I certainly didn’t star in any of them. That world- the fantasies of America 1.0- sure looks good in comparison to the madness outside our windows. Or reading. I spent many a time buried in a good book back in the day, and was always reluctant to close it and put the bookmark in. And that was long before we entered this dystopia.
The saddest thing is that, even with so many of us awake to the corruption, we still play along with at least some of the Big Lies. Outer space. Evolution. Big Bang. The same people who preach about these things have lied, and continue to lie, to us about everything. NASA is a Big Lie all to itself. They once had a lot of genuine Nazis running things, you know. We don’t much at all about the world beyond what they tell us. And they are renowned for their lying. We can either reject it all, including God, or we can have faith. I prefer to believe that there is a good force that contrasts with the dark evil that rules this world. Faith in God is ultimately our only hope.
But many of those calling themselves Christians don’t seem very Christian to me. I think there was a “beware” about that somewhere in the Bible. The Left has a field day uncovering these hypocrites. Adulterers casting other adulterers into the flames of Hell. Think Jimmy Swaggart. Closeted gay “conservatives.” Really, how many Christians love their neighbors, let alone their enemies? Those subscribing to other religions are similarly hypocritical, but not as loud. Almost no one, inside or outside of a church, practices the Golden Rule. Living a Big Lie.
Sometimes, I feel like Diogenes. I’m not out walking with a lamp, but I am searching for an honest man. Or woman. Or transgender. Someone honest. I live in the Washington, D.C. suburbs, and I’m sure I could scour the public buildings that adorn the capital city, and perhaps find a few honest souls in the poorest parts of town. Certainly there would be none in Congress, or the Supreme Court, or the White House. What’s left of our crumbling America is built on a foundation of lies. A dishonest house of cards. Sorry, Hitler, but we own these Big Lies.
Thank you. It helps seeing the words on paper, getting the constantly swirling thoughts out of my lonely head. Venturing out these days is an opportunity to meet an adverse reaction up close and personal. Sharing 'The Big Lies' bought and sold, engraved in minds is related to Mission Impossible work. (Heck, I was one of the history fools before 2020 changed all that.) I am hoping more persons open their minds and seriously consider they've been fooled by just about everything. Though to what end, I don't know. In any case, like you, I am grateful for platforms such as this where I find communal connections and you have found fans. I think about a day when the screen goes black and shiver.
Now, the present, is time to wake up each day and seek God.
Thank you Donald! Another big fan of yours. I really do enjoy telling my inquisitive friends that "water never lies". It is always flat. Always. :)