A jury has just awarded four million dollars to Sandy Hook parents who claim they were damaged by comments allegedly made by controversial talk show host Alex Jones. Or were they harassed? It’s unclear exactly what Jones is accused of here, or why millions of dollars should be paid out to any parents.
Unless I’ve lost count, this is the third Sandy Hook trial Jones has had to endure. Why he is the focal point of such repetitious litigation is also unclear. How many times can one person be charged with the same crime? Assuming there is a crime here, that is. As far as I can figure out, Jones is just repeatedly being sued on the basis that he has caused emotional trauma to these parents. By exercising his constitutional right to free speech. And thus we see what really is on trial here. It’s not Alex Jones.
I know that there is little sympathy out there for this blustery fellow who is more entertainer than journalist. He may well be a paid disinfo agent, as so many believe. Or he is just an egotistical wildcard with limited self-control, and thus does himself no favors in courtrooms. Especially in ones presided over by the likes of Maya Guerra Gamble, who according to Jones has repeatedly told the jury that he is guilty. You don’t have to be a law student to recognize how beyond the pale that is. She has scolded him repeatedly, telling him he’s lying, and announced that “this is not your show.” Ah yes, this is a different show altogether. But it is a show. It’s not justice.
Jones has been all over the place in the past, in terms of what he’s said about Sandy Hook. He hosts a provocative show that often relies on satire, exaggeration, etc., to make its points. He had Wolfgang Halbig on as a guest many times. Halbig has done great research into the case, and went to Sandy Hook in person, but was demonized as well and was also sued by these parents. So was Jim Fetzer, my old friend from JFK assassination forum days. As with Jones, it is hard to determine just what “crime” Halbig and Fetzer were guilty of.
I’ll make it clear, as I do every time when I write or talk about Sandy Hook. I don’t claim to know what happened that day. Or what didn’t happen. I have no knowledge beyond what was reported, by a state controlled media that lies about everything. I wouldn’t attempt to contact any Sandy Hook parents, or anyone else connected to them. I don’t think Jones did, either. Or Fetzer. Or Halbig. But there are lots of questions that should be asked. I wrote this years ago, on my blog. You can find years of archived articles there. I think it’s still relevant: Sandy Hook- It's Not Irresponsible to Question.
Anyone who harasses family members is not performing investigative journalism. That’s always wrong, but I’m not sure to what degree it’s criminal. There is little evidence that any Sandy Hook researcher harassed families, as the mainstream media have dutifully suggested. And yet, at least three fairly high profile figures have found themselves in no-win legal situations, thanks to our comatose press, and our gutless political figures. No one anywhere in the establishment press is going to defend researchers who question any aspect of the Sandy Hook narrative.
As a parent, my heart goes out to anyone who loses a child. That must be an incomparable heartbreak. And full disclosure, I was interviewed on Infowars Nightly News in February 2015. Jones’s producer Rob Dew loved Hidden History and wrote a nice blurb for the paperback, which featured a Foreword from another Jones stalwart, Roger Stone. So I am kind of loosely tied to them in that way. I’ve criticized Jones many times, but overall I think he woke a lot of people up. And that’s a good thing.
Jones’s “trial” is just the latest manifestation of what I’ve been complaining a lot about lately. Our legal system was unfair and inconsistent already, before all these “Woke” prosecutors and judges made it into a Kafkaesque nightmare. Maya Guerra Gamble is indistinguishable from Amy Berman Jackson, who presided over Roger Stone’s farcical process crimes “trial.” And there are countless other judges, waiting to slam their gavels down, prejudice juries with their biased comments, and with a steadfast refusal to follow standard legal procedures. Gamble banned Jones from mentioning either the First Amendment or the Constitution in court. Think about that. The U.S. Constitution unwelcome in a U.S. courtroom. It ought to bother you.
Jones is essentially being tried for Thought Crimes. “Emotional trauma” and the like are perfect fodder for our “new normal” legal system. How did it make you feel when he said that? And that’s all you need, as long as what was said was politically incorrect. When they paved the way for “Victim Impact” statements in court, it was inevitable that civil liberties would be severely impacted. Family members of crime victims are usually not witness to anything, other than their own understandable grief. Their testimony in and of itself is prejudicial to any defendant. But Jones didn’t harm any of their children. He said things that offended them. And being offended is at the heart of identity politics.
The entire process now, as exemplified by the trials of Jones, Halbig, and Fetzer, or the politicized prosecutions of Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, and Steve Bannon, has been completely emotionalized. It’s all about feelings now, not about reason. Or law. Judge Gamble was right to admonish Jones for talking openly about the trial on air. However, the lead juror in Roger Stone’s case was doing the same thing on social media, during his trial. Judge Jackson thought that was just fine. The double standards are everywhere. You can’t have a “justice” system that is administered so unevenly.
For those interested in just why Sandy Hook has evoked so much controversy, please read my article linked above. Most of the videos produced by citizen journalists, which did a great job of raising all those questions, have long since been banned by our Orwellian social media overlords. I will have much more to say about Sandy Hook, along with the Boston Bombing, Batman Aurora shooting, Gabby Giffords, and other incidents in Hidden History 4, which I am just starting work on. Again, we have been lied to repeatedly. Why would you trust them on any subject?
As I understand it, even three trials isn’t enough to cover the transgressions of Alex Jones. I think there are two more upcoming. For now. So far, it’s been a winning proposition for those doing the suing, so why would they stop? Finding a jury that would acquit Alex Jones would be about as difficult as finding a jury to acquit any of the January 6 political prisoners, who have been thoroughly demonized as “insurrectionists.” And, like Donald Trump and all his aides who have been politically prosecuted, Jones seems to have picked the most inept attorneys possible.
Jones’ lead attorney, Andino Reynal (who seems to have gotten his start as a lawyer as an Eric Holder-appointed prosecutor), “accidentally” sent the entire contents of Jones’ cell phone, including some three years worth of text messages, to the prosecution. Jones initially didn’t appear to be blaming Reynal for this egregious error. I know nothing of the law, especially this monstrous “new normal” law, but it doesn’t seem quite right that an individual’s text messages can be pored over like that by the prosecution. Privacy? Again, I’ve clearly watched too many Frank Capra movies.
What disturbs me the most is the lack of concern over what is happening in these “new normal” courtrooms. No one seems to care that judges, who are supposed to be absolutely impartial, can be so transparently antagonistic towards defendants. Dr. Simone Gold, ludicrously sentenced to sixty days in jail for being at the January 6 protests, received a show trial presided over by a judge who she knew from law school, who had asked her out on a date, which she declined. Doesn’t that seem to require an instant recusal? Nope. Recusals are a thing of the past now in the courts of America 2.0. Like reasonable doubt. Or free speech.
When Trump’s crack team of lawyers lost in sixty out of sixty two courts, that refused to even look at their evidence of vote fraud, that should have told you something. If you’re an enemy of the state, and pretty much everyone reading this is an enemy of the state, then you have even less rights under this “Woke” regime than ordinary people have traditionally had. These are all Deep State courtrooms now. Nothing against the Deep State will be permitted. No mention of the Constitution in these courts, as Alex Jones was informed. We’re almost at the “Sentence first, verdict afterwards” stage at this point. Only this isn’t Lewis Carroll’s entertaining nonsense. This is “justice.”
The one time in my life when large numbers of people decided to actually protest something, on January 6, 2021, the elite responded by distorting the narrative like they did in the JFK assassination, 9/11, and every other important event in modern history. They jailed the “insurgents,” denied them due process, and they remain behind bars now a year and a half later. Constitution? Remember, that can’t be mentioned in court now. Not a single person, with the exception of Tucker Carlson, with a huge platform has objected in the least to this violation of everything they claim America stands for.
No one with a huge platform, not even Tucker Carlson, is likely to speak up for Alex Jones, either. Much of my world- the conspiracy zone- despises him and is celebrating alongside the insane pussy hatters. By enabling this constant stream of injustice, you ensure that it will apply to you someday. Jones is the biggest name in the alt media, so they came for him first. You think they won’t eventually get to Substack, or Rokfin, where I host my weekly “I Protest” show every Friday at 5 pm eastern? Or blogs that contradict the Official Truth about anything? Or Bitchute videos? Or Rumble? Gab?
The old World War II quote about first they came for the socialists, written in 1946 by Lutheran pastor Martin Niemoller, used to be a staple of the Left. Civil libertarians understood its significance. But today, no one on the Left or Right seems to remember it, let alone appreciate it. Do the math. After Alex Jones was deplatformed from You Tube and other social media, they came for other alt channels with big audiences. And they removed all those pesky Sandy Hook and Boston Bombing videos.
Because no one objected to that, and almost everyone rolled over and went along with the unprecedented, unconstitutional lockdown, and bought the ridiculous “science” about the warp speed vaccine, our illustrious leaders became even more empowered. So social media clamped down hard. President Trump himself was “cancelled” from the platforms. Any discussion of Sandy Hook or Pizzagate was forbidden. Any questioning of the COVID narrative became “medical misinformation.” Any references to vote fraud were “unfounded.” And, of course, not permitted.
This, of course, is a central problem I harp on all the time. No one in America seems to object to anything. And they didn’t really object much in America 1.0, either. Putting an asterisk on free speech during WWI. “Temporary” withholding taxes. Nuremberg, where for the first time in recorded history the victors put the vanquished on trial. The ‘60s assassinations, and their kindergarten level explanations. Weapons of Mass Destruction, which weren’t used against the most powerful military in the world. Hate speech. Transgenderism. It’s an endless list.
So it’s no accident that we find ourselves here at this juncture. Where unpopular figures, who are unpopular due to a combination of anti-state views and slanderous media caricature, can be prosecuted by the whims of the state. They are essentially being tried and judged by their opponents, those they rightly criticize. Jones has mocked his absurd trial, and the laughable judge presiding over it. I don’t blame him, because his chances in such a kangaroo court were already nonexistent.
But David Knight is right to point out that Alex doesn’t do himself any favors with his theatrics. The persona that won him millions of fans repels “normies,” who don’t find him funny or entertaining. And they aren’t interested in any information. Alex should probably never testify on the stand. He can’t control that giant personality. And his lawyers are, like Trump’s, the never winning kind. It would be easy to make the childish prosecutor in this case look foolish. But that would require a Robert Shapiro- style attorney. Maybe they don’t exist any more in substandard America 2.0.
Those cheering on Jones’s defeats are cheering on their own demise. They are celebrating the death of what’s left of civil liberties in this collapsing country. Yeah, look at that blowhard stutter and stammer! Serves him right! Pay up, Fat Man! As with Trump, many simply cannot divorce their own personal prejudices from basic human rights. You are supporting mob rule, orchestrated by the corrupt state. You don’t deny justice to those you don’t like. You don’t deny free speech to those you don’t like.
I don’t make predictions, but I don’t think Infowars can recover from this. At some point, you run out of millions. You Tube wasn’t an outlier. Don’t think they won’t go after banned.video and other alternative outlets. Putting Alex Jones on trial is a symbolic gesture by the state, that no objections to their corruption will be tolerated. We don’t have a Siberia here, and lots of “competing” Tasses and Pravdas. I don’t know what the tyranny was really like in the Soviet Union. I know what it’s like here.
Brilliant, Don. Jim Fetzer was sued as well for Sandy Hook Denial. He found that the so-called death certificates of the children allegedly killed there did not have the town's seal of the registrar on them. Therefore they were fake. The scumbag "judge" said that evidence was inadmissible and would not allow it to be presented to the jury. In trials in Bolshevik Scumerica, the fix is in, just like in sports contests. In the 80s, Louis Beam spoke of a man he knew who was on charges, defending himself in federal court. I think it was an IRS matter. He was quoting the Constitution, and the federal judge, a black woman, slammed her gavel and said, "If you bring up the Constitution in my courtroom again, I'll find you in contempt." Not believing his ears, the man did and she cited him for contempt of court and sentenced him to 30 days in jail. Louis visited him at about the 15th day in his cell and he said the guy was gaunt, unshaven, dispirited and all the fight was out of him. That was the objective. I'm sure Papa Joe Stalin was grinning in Hell. The U.S. became communist without a shot being fired.
Don... Well said. AJ's personality and antics are so off-putting as to anger a saint, but you are dead on the money with your analysis. This really is the Technocratic Totalitarian State in full view and full control. No amount of hand-wringing or voting can or will change this now. The only thing that will save the planet from the West's Schwabian Hell-on-Earth is complete and utter collapse. Whether that comes with a whimper as the Federal Reserve finally runs out of imaginary "money" or under mushroom clouds as the idiots in DC and London finally succeed in provoking the Russians and Chinese to respond forcefully is unclear. The former course would be more peaceful, I suppose, but the latter may be the quickest and, in the end, the kindest.