America the beautiful. It sounds awkward to say those lines, let alone sing the song. No, awkward isn’t quite the word for it. Maybe blasphemous? While this country’s actions and hypocrisy have long rendered it as anything but beautiful, now it is no longer physically beautiful in any meaningful sense.
Sure, we still have the spacious skies, but they’re full of chemtrails now. Which of course those in charge of geoengineering our world vigorously deny. And the amber waves of grain, well I believe they’re still paying the farmers not to plant them. They’ve been doing that for almost a hundred years. Huey Long called out their lunacy. Of course, this is during an alleged (and obviously artificially created) “food shortage.” It’s a government thing, you wouldn’t understand.
When they killed JFK, the infrastructure was recently upgraded. We looked like a First World country. Now, they don’t even mow the grass on median strips. Starting a few years ago, “Pothole Vigilantes” started filling pot holes at night, because local government has become so inept they can’t figure out how to do it. For years, they’ve gotten by with smoke and mirrors, covering up the rot and decay of long neglect. Now they aren’t even trying to hide it. The curtain has been pulled. We all see the man.
Magicians are experts at smoke and mirrors. At distracting an audience into seeing something that isn’t there, and not seeing something that is there. Sound familiar? We are in effect being run by magicians. Thoroughly corrupt and evil ones. And their act stopped being remotely entertaining long ago. But the elite aren’t doing magic. They possess no clever skills. Unlike the magician’s tricks, we can figure out what they’re doing. Well, at least some of us. But they have the power. And that’s all they need.
On every single issue, every aspect of life, those in charge, at all levels, are working against the interests of the people. In fact, that’s really the only work they do. It’s their job. As James Forrestal said, if it wasn’t a huge conspiracy, once in a while they’d make a mistake in our favor. In my nearly sixty six years of life, I haven’t seen our leaders do a single, solitary thing to benefit the people. They refuse to change things that are in desperate need of reform, and the unnecessary changes they do make invariably make things worse. Not for them, of course. For the people.
One of the talking points I use frequently is that you could get any random group of preschoolers, from anywhere in the country, and put them in charge of our government, and they’d do a much better job. Sure, you might have some lollipop bribery going on, but the criminality wouldn’t be on the same scale. No more body counts. And, you could take a random group of death row inmates, and put them in charge, and they’d be much more principled.
How many wrongheaded things can a group of people do at one time? Again, where is that random mistake in our favor? Where is the honest leader to emerge here and there to improve things? If there was nothing planned or coordinated about all this, then you wouldn’t always see corruption and criminality triumph. If it’s all random, like the Godless universe these same plutocrats promote, then dishonest, unscrupulous people wouldn’t always “randomly” rise to levels of prominence.
So, we are to believe that officials at all levels of “representative” government just happen to: worship and throw American taxpayer money at a Ukrainian actor/comedian who is pushing war and banning his political opposition; applaud the political imprisonment of people who protested electoral fraud in 2020, and the continuing denial of their rights to due process; support “hate speech,” an undefinable Orwellian term that invalidates the First Amendment; impose “mandates” that aren’t legal, to protect us from a “virus” strain they can’t even prove exists; support “mandates” that have unconstitutionally locked down and destroyed untold numbers of small businesses, just to name a few.
And these leaders all just “randomly” believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK, James Earl Ray killed Martin Luther King, and Sirhan Sirhan killed RFK. Despite public opinion polls that show a majority of those they “represent” don’t. Every one of these elected officials, along with every single mainstream “journalist” in this country, scoffs at all questioning of authority and instantly labels it a “conspiracy theory.” As Spike Lee what happens when even an absurdly proud Black man hints at 911 truth. Or ask Rosie O’Donnell what happens when even a Lesbian mother and stringent “Woke” activist, talks about Building 7.
There is no room in this “random” system for any random “truthers” of any kind. For any random alternative perspectives to be given a platform on a television show, or a newspaper editorial page. We have freedom of speech, as long as it adheres to the narrative. Be as vulgar as you like. But don’t point out that all the emperors are stark naked. Don’t hold anyone in power accountable for anything. Just talk about “racism,” “White supremacy,” and “climate change.” And always be ready to be offended. Not at the vile corruption, but at those who expose it.
I’ve never been one to go along to get along. But now we’re all asked to do that. And it trickles down from the political arena. So some vulnerable target is savagely beaten on a bus, or on the street, with lots of people around, and no one steps in to help. But many of these same people, from the security of their own homes, would call the authorities on a neighbor, whether the alleged offense be an expired inspection sticker or license plate, or a suspicious looking plant that might be marijuana, or a dog left outside too long for their tastes. But probably not if they heard a blood-curdling scream. Many people walk a tightrope between nosiness and indifference.
Our government walks no such tightrope. Free, inadequately tested and potentially deadly warp speed vaccines for all! But if you can’t afford insulin, that’s on you. Free medical care for illegal immigrants, but not for those who’ve paid into the system for an entire working lifetime. And we’ll cart all that potential cheap labor around the country for free. But don’t ask for a bigger tent in our growing homeless communities. What are you complaining about? You can shit where you want, and we won’t even bother to clean it up. It’s part of the landscape in America 2.0. Maybe we’ll get the CIA to promote it, like they did similar works of modern “art.”
While most of the propaganda comes from the lunatic “Woke” Left, the Right promotes its own share of true disinformation. You hear conservatives proclaiming “no one wants to work!” constantly. Just yesterday, a few members of my family harped on this theme, and also declared how various businesses were paying from $16-$20 an hour for lowly jobs “anyone can do.” I hear from people all the time, who tell me of their contrary experiences. They all report that these businesses are lying- they don’t start you at anywhere near that pay, and in fact most of the time you apply for those “help wanted” positions, you find there really aren’t any openings.
So, why do we see so many places with a clear shortage of employees? It is almost incomprehensible; a visible lack of workers, combined with anecdotal evidence that suggests employers aren’t hiring, even when they claim they can’t hire anybody. Maybe it’s become their ultimate smoke and mirrors act, like Houdini’s disappearing elephant trick. I guess they figure they’ll bring in enough illegals to fill virtually every blue collar job. And it won’t be for $16-$20 an hour, either. No benefits. No raises. And don’t complain. That’s when we’ll call the immigration authorities on you. Have to keep that endless pipeline of migrants coming, to do the jobs…well, you know.
So how many Big Lies can one system support? Let’s see, the Big Lie that “White Supremacists” run this country. In reality, virtually all White people are terrified of saying anything that might be labeled “racist.” Probably at least half of the White population hates “Whites” now. Some would probably give up their first born, if refusing to do so would be called “racist.” This is really the biggest of all the Big Lies. It’s a complete inversion of reality. Most Whites not only are not prejudiced against Blacks, they utterly adore them. They think that Blacks are superior, not Whites. Call it Black Supremacy if you want.
Another Big Lie is that there are still opportunities out there, in America 2.0. You can still “make something of yourself.” Well, if you’re born to poor or lower middle-class parents, that’s simply not true. Those who manage the mess- the top twenty percent just below the One Percent elite, have the opportunities. Their children will get the plum jobs, because they have the right connections. This isn’t because of “racism,” but because of “classism,” which the entire rotten system runs on.
There is the “best and brightest” lie, the “cream always rises to the top” myth. I was a blue collar worker for fifteen years. Almost any blue-collar worker could do what your average vice-president in charge of looking out of the window does. Nod at everything your superiors say. Stay awake in pointless meetings. Play golf when ordered to. There is very little “cream” at the top of any organization in present-day ‘Murrica. They largely seem to have the remarkable ability of being wrong about everything.
Other Big Lies aren’t believed by as many, but still millions of deluded White women think that a “Handmaid’s Tale” scenario is possible. In this totally cucked, matriarchal culture? Absolutely laughable. The other day, Tucker Carlson was showing a report from NBC News about young females opting to sterilize themselves. I didn’t have to guess how “diverse” that group was likely to be. And yes, it just happened to be three young White ladies (can you say “lady” now?), all of whom proclaimed that they didn’t want children. This is the effect of decades of propaganda, which has worked tragically well on White females. To equate children with an incurable disease.
And the crumbling hierarchy in this country- big business, big government, the entertainment world, all pretend to accept the Big Lie that “gender is fluid.” That men can menstruate. Or give birth. That the smallest of children should be mutilated in order to satisfy the fantasies of what is almost always the “Woke” mother. And the medical profession is complicit in this criminal immorality. Dispute this Big Lie, and lose your job. That’s the way it works in our Ukrainian-style “democracy.”
Even five years ago, imagine telling someone about “announcing your pronouns.” How exactly does a rational mind arrive at wanting to be referred to as “we,” for instance? Maybe they’ve read Walt Whitman’s poetry, and think they contain multitudes. What kind of society enables this madness? And they call those of us who want peace “appeasers.” Why are these same warmongers appeasing the obvious mental problems of so many young people?
‘Murrica, America 2.0- call it what you will. An Idiocracy. The world’s wealthiest Banana Republic. There are lots of names we can devise for this once great nation. But the saddest thing is that the rest of the world isn’t much better. Sure, in Europe and Asia the infrastructure is cleaner and more modern. How could it not be? We literally have done nothing to upgrade ours in over sixty years. But they shut down just as quickly as we did, over the most dubious virus ever imagined. The tyranny is everywhere. We have to focus on our faith, and the knowledge that, no matter how powerful these evil creatures think they are, God is more powerful.
Well written Donald, and heartfelt. The pathological altruism of white Christians has reduced the white race from 31% of world populace in 1901, to 9% today.
All of the issues you identify, are attributal to a 20-25% reduction in global IQ, and a very concerted effort by the most expelled Tribe in human history to both run the world, and exact revenge on their only true enemy.
Debt. War. Open borders. 66 pronouns. Communism. Feminism. Convid. Chemtrails. Patton, Forrestal and JFK assassinations. Building 7. Dancing Israelis. You get the point. Giving them our money supply in 1913, so they could consolidate media, was a bad idea. They have left us with an unflavored, immoral, unjust, atrophied nation.
Very well said, Don. Agree 110%...