What exactly does “race” mean? A particular set of genetic characteristics that make us look a certain way? Various hues of skin pigmentation, hair and eye color? Is there more to it than that? Are there racial stereotypes that can generally be attributed to a whole “race” of people? Or is “race” just a “social construct?”
I am a White male. I don’t “identify” as anything else, because to do so is to play psychological dress-up. I’m not proud of it, but I’m not ashamed, either. I had nothing to do with it. None of us have any control over our race, because we don’t pick our parents. And they didn’t pick their parents, either. As a classical liberal, I don’t like generalizations; to label a group based on the actions or views of individuals. But I also think it shouldn’t be forbidden to notice racial characteristics, either.
I don’t know of any prominent White person in America who doesn’t engage in at best, figurative cuckoldry on the topic of race, and at worst, an embarrassing self-hatred of their skin color. While the “Woke” crowd is batshit crazy on this issue as they are on all others, so-called conservatives are obsequious to the mad narrative that “White Supremacy” rules the land, and that all of us born White possess some magical “White Privilege.” There is no real debate allowed on this whatsoever.
Over the decades, the state controlled media and cringeworthy political leaders have demanded a “dialogue on race.” These “dialogues” have always been the same; angry Black people and subservient self-hating Whites chastising Whites in general for their continuous “racism.” There is never any White racial realist allowed to participate. It’s like a television discussion on 9/11; there will never be any “Truthers” involved. And the “dialogue” always concludes that “racism” is worse than ever.
The fact that billionaire Blacks like Oprah or “P Diddy” can claim to be victims of “racism,” at the hands of even presumably the poorest people in the country, the Whites of Appalachia, tells you all you need to know about the monumental dishonesty of the narrative. I’ve often satirically questioned how much an Oprah Winfrey could have achieved in the world of entertainment, without having a single attribute of a real entertainer, if she wasn’t being held down by “racism.”
“P Diddy,” formerly known as “Puff Daddy,” “Snoop Dogg,” “Ice Cube,” “Ice Tea,” “Lil’ Kim,” “Lil’ Romeo,” “Cardi B,” the list of Black celebrities of dubious “talent” with infantile names, who are wealthier than 99.9 percent of all of those with “White Privilege,” is endless. I would guess that few if any of these celebrities are educated to the extent of your typical college graduate, working as a bank teller or something. I wouldn’t hazard a guess as to their IQ level, but they usually sound uneducated.
No, that’s being too kind. They normally speak Ebonics, which is the ridiculous term invented to identify the pigeon English of the ghettos. And, sadly, more and more non-Blacks resort to at least some bits of Ebonics as well. The fact that no “conservative” can blast Ebonics for what it is; improper English that lowers the level of discourse throughout society, again tells us that there is no “debate” here. The seemingly sane side started waving the white flag decades ago. We have surrendered to ignorance.
No one celebrates the ignorance, and the grammatical errors of poor “White trash” living in trailer parks or other low-income housing areas. The glitterati don’t rush to copy their ridiculous fashion statements. They don’t celebrate their improper English by mimicking it. Is there a single “White trash” celebrity? Well, maybe that absurd “Cass me outside” girl on You Tube. Ignorance has never been considered a virtue, until now. Our decadent culture worships the ignorance, the language, and even the violence that rules in all the worst Black “‘hoods.”
People don’t realize just how many of our popular slang terms come from Blacks. “Jazz” was initially Black slang for sex. So was “rock and roll.” Their most lasting contribution is “cool,” which has been, well, cool, for many decades now. I used to joke with my Black co-workers about how poor Whites would pick up their discarded slang terms and expressions after they’d grown tired of them. But now truly “educated” Whites use these terms as well. Look how “my bad” has supplanted “my fault,” or “‘dis” is used as frequently as their corruption of whore, “‘ho.” By everyone.
The Republicans have nominated former football star Herschel Walker as a candidate for the U.S. Senate. Walker, like many high profile Blacks, routinely mixes up his singulars and plurals and is embarrassingly inarticulate. His grasp of the language is similar to that of the chairman of the unconstitutional January 6 committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson. But he’s a Black Republican, so full speed ahead. I advise any Black person to visit their local Republican Party headquarters. They will instantly be embraced as a potential candidate. This goes for Hispanics, as well.
We used to talk a lot about assimilation. That was usually applied to recent immigrants, and indicated that the majority understood that we needed to be a cohesive society, speaking the same language. By bestowing some kind of respect upon “Ebonics,” we have essentially approved of non-assimilation for Blacks. And as could have been predicted, it’s not stopping there. Now, we are told that proper grammar is “racist.” So is mathematics. And geography. History would be “racist” too, if any schools still taught it. Now, it’s pretty much a curriculum of exposing “racism.”
If I’d been old enough, I would have probably marched for Civil Rights. I certainly would have supported equal rights for all. But Martin Luther King’s dream was one of integration. The idea was for all of us to live together. Does it seem that Black “leaders” today want us to live together? Do they seem to want the law applied equally to everyone? Workplace rules? General standards of conduct? The answer is obvious. If the rules, or the law, or standards of conduct, are applied to any Black who plays the race card loudly enough, it becomes “racism,” and no one fights back.
The most high profile Black “leaders” are still Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Jackson lied about cradling MLK’s head in his arms after he’d been shot, which infuriated most of the remaining Civil Rights leaders. Sharpton was a crack dealer who was caught on tape in an FBI sting, and turned into a government informant. His first foray into Black “leadership” was to lie repeatedly about the Tawana Brawley hoax. He also worked for singer James Brown, so I guess that’s a qualification.
We must navigate through a civilization where “race” is the identifying characteristic for one particular group of people, with self-pride taken to an absurd, narcissistic level perhaps never seen before in the history of the world. And yet the mantra continues to be that the rest of us must bolster their already out of control levels of self-esteem, or more accurately conceit. For all of the other nonwhite groups, it is fine to be proud of one’s heritage, but it isn’t actively encouraged to the degree it is for Blacks. And none of them get a month dedicated to their history.
And then there are the Whites. You know, despite baffling immigration policies and very low birth rates, still the majority of the population. Whites are not even allowed to mention race, unless it is to self-flagellate themselves once again, for the perceived sins of their ancestors, and their imaginary “White Privilege.” No other race engages in mass self-hatred. No other race is so preoccupied with the welfare of another race. No other race is willing to sell their grandchildren’s heritage so that they can virtue signal to other deluded, self-hating Whites.
How do you have a culture that has different rules not only for the wealthiest, which has always been the case, but also for different skin colors? Why is one race allowed to be absolutely obsessed about their ethnicity, while another (the majority) is demonized if they even attempt to defend their race from nonstop attacks? How can you have words that only some people can say, while others can be fired for saying them? It’s as disastrous as speaking different languages, or juggling different rules for grammar, or even math. But all of this is happening in America 2.0.
You can scour Substack, or any similar sites, and not find this kind of perspective anywhere. Outside of the Stormfront-type of web sites. We shouldn’t have to wave a Nazi flag, or shout racial epithets, to make the point that the average White person is getting a raw deal today. Note that I said “average.” Obviously, the wealthy Whites, with their inherited money, are doing just fine. You know, the only ones with real “White Privilege” in this crumbling country. The lectures aren’t for them. They’re financing the lecturers. Bill Gates and his ilk will never be labeled “racist.”
It’s tiresome to say, but I’m not a “racist,” whatever that even means now. But if I was one, I’d be in good company. Band Aids. Birds. Dr. Seuss. Mahatma Gandhi. Proper grammar. Math. Aunt Jemima. Sleep (yep, The Atlantic actually claimed there was “racial inequality” in sleep). So, expressing an opinion the “Woke” authoritarians don’t like is hardly meaningful at this point. When everything is “racist,” nothing is. As I noted, if Dr. Seuss, a leftist accused of being a “Commie,” was a “racist,” then what would a Grand Imperial Wizard of the KKK be?
I know I’m in the minority here. There are probably even more Trump Agnostics than there are White writers expressing these kinds of views. Turn on the television and watch the commercials. Or the online ads. Or the photos advertising any business. If you aren’t seeing a wildly disproportionate number of Blacks in them, then you aren’t looking. Blacks are about 12 percent of the U.S. population. They appear to be a majority of those used in advertisements. They aren’t even our largest minority group; that would be Hispanics. How many Hispanics do you see anchoring your local news?
I have grown to understand the attitude of the dumbed down, cucked out White majority. Decades of indoctrination can explain that. But what about all the Asians, and the Hispanics, and the Middle Easterners? All the other nonwhite ethnic groups in America? Don’t they object to the overt pro-Black favoritism we see in every government agency, every business, in all media? Blacks commit virtually all violent attacks on Asians, but despite the media focusing attention on it, they won’t mention who the culprits invariably are, and the Asians themselves don’t, either.
I used to wonder to myself, when Black History Month first became a thing, just what immigrants thought of this. Did they ever question why this one magical minority group was given such an honor? I’ve never heard anything from them on the subject. Thanks to this, Harriet Tubman will soon be on the twenty dollar bill. So, the greatest woman in American history was Black? What do all the White women, who have always outnumbered them considerably, think about this? Probably the same thing they think about the first female vice-president being Black. Is there any doubt that the first female president will be Black, too? And that no White women will care?
Thanks to the decadent filth emanating from the entertainment industry, most Americans believe in a separate reality. One where White skinheads, often with Russian accents, rule the mean streets of our big cities. One where every judge and every police chief is Black, but few if any criminals are. One where half of all couples are mixed race, usually a blonde woman with a Black man. One where the vast majority of the allegedly best athletes come from this magical 12 percent of the population, and most of the musical artists do as well.
Our parents and grandparents permitted odious programs like Affirmative Action to forever destroy the employment market. They allowed busing to uproot their children and subject them to needless violence and a much poorer education. I love Martin Luther King, but is he the greatest man in American History? He’s the only one with a federal holiday honoring him. Remember, it’s no longer Washington’s Birthday, it’s President’s Day. The same generation collapsed under pressure from the entertainment industry. It was all over when Stevie Wonder put out his “Happy Birthday” song. Funny, I’ve never heard Stevie talk about the conspiracy that killed the only American with a holiday honoring him.
Ironically, very few of the millions of Americans who are now “awake” to the corruption to at least some degree, are “awake” racially. By that I mean, understanding that there should be no shame in being born White. And that no poor, working class, or even middle class White has any kind of “privilege” which they can wield like a Monopoly Get Out of Jail Free card. Well over seventy five percent of all Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and almost as many have less than $1000 in savings for any kind of emergency expense.
The agenda behind all this propping up of Blacks, and diminishment of Whites, is obviously to cause even more division in America. The propaganda has worked incredibly well on both groups. Blacks, no matter how rich or successful they are, or how often they might have broken rules for which non-Blacks are routinely punished, fervently believe they are victims. They believe they are being discriminated against, and treated unfairly, with what is a real religious fervor. Whites, meanwhile, accept that their seemingly innocuous actions and words are indeed “racist.”
The popularity of “Sensitivity Programs” at all workplaces is another testament to how ingrained this false narrative is. No “Sensitivity Program” has ever been required for say, an unruly Black employee who called a White co-worker a racial slur. These programs are exclusively for the use of Blacks or certain other minorities (I doubt that Eskimos, for instance, have such a perk) to take umbrage at anything their White peers may have said, done, or even inferred. Like “hate crimes,” they are a one-way street. Only Whites can be “hate criminals.” Any nonwhite, or otherwise “marginalized group” (see transgenders) can be a victim.
I used to say that if there was some kind of awful racial war in America, with the nonwhites collectively battling the “White Supremacists,” there would be more Whites fighting with the nonwhites. Now, I’m certainly not advocating a racial war. I’m against all war. As Jeanette Rankin, probably the truly greatest woman in American history (sorry, Harriet Tubman) once said, war is a stupid way to resolve things. And there will be no racial tipping point for Whites, just as there will be no tipping point in general in regards to the overall corruption.
We could take some simple steps that would really heal racial division. First, eliminate the category of “race” from all employment applications, tests, etc. Only the census has perhaps a valid reason for wanting racial statistics. We should strive for a diversity of thought, not of skin colors or “genders.” Mock inner city “culture.” The clownish fashions. The celebration of ignorance. The constant complaints, and the pandering response from pitiful Whites. A real comedian could have a field day with all that. But it isn’t permitted by the “White Supremacists” who run things.
Of course, I know I’m being even more naive than usual in suggesting these things. Some form of reparations is far more likely to happen. Don’t count on your precious Republicans to fight it. All the Fox News talking heads, even Tucker Carlson, regularly use the ridiculous term “African-Americans” to describe Black people. You mean those who came from Jamaica or Trinidad? Adopting African babies as a virtue signaling gesture won’t save you. However they figure out the unconstitutional logistics, if you’re an average White person, you’ll be paying something.
I hate wasting time talking about race. But it’s impossible to ignore it, when they throw it in your face all the time. What parent can ignore Critical Race Theory? What parent wants their grade schooler to be subjected to propaganda telling them something is wrong with them because of their skin color? The same ones that are taking them to drag queen strip shows, I guess. Those parents are certainly not going to view racial issues reasonably. Caucasians have met the endangered species criteria for decades. No one cares, least of all Caucasians. The same people who’d be wringing their hands if some obscure lizard was in danger of going extinct.
We’ve seen several examples of White leaders like Bill Clinton or Joe Biden gleefully explaining to almost all-White crowds, how Whites will be a minority in America very soon. There is always spontaneous applause, the kind you see when drunk White fans cheer on “their” latest Black sports hero, who might have just evaded the long arm of the “racist” law for the umpteenth time. Jimmy Fallon, I think last year, announced the coming minority status of Whites, again to thunderous applause. If I wasn’t White, with White children, I’d really think we do deserve extinction.
No other race on earth would cheer on their own demise. Can you imagine a Chinese crowd reacting like that? Or Saudi Arabians? Can you picture Korean “Karens” engaging in nonstop anti-Korean rhetoric? Although it shockingly enough never gets mentioned, the anti-Black racism in China is so extreme that businesses freely hang “no Blacks allowed” signs on their establishments. I didn’t realize there were Blacks in China, but if there are, they’re treated to Jim Crow rules. Supposedly, the Chinese have invented a term that ridicules all this “Woke” madness. What other race in human history has chastised its own like this?
I’ve mentioned this before, but I worked with literally hundreds of Blacks and other minorities in my fifteen years as a blue-collar employee. None of them ever called me “racist,” and I spoke my mind then as freely as I do here. Most Blacks laugh at the virtue signalers. They don’t like condescending “Karens” and their pointless flattery. They enjoy Whites who don’t pander to them. The ones who “keep it real.” They knew I’d never treat them unfairly, and respected the fact I didn’t kiss their asses. Thus, I was the only White invited to a couple of Black weddings, and the only White invited to some all Black parties.
I cite my personal history to demonstrate that I am not some trust fund baby, who has never interacted with nonwhites personally, and only knows them from popular culture. We all laughed, back then in the halcyon days of America 1.0, at various stereotypes. I nodded in appreciation when they’d castigate Whites for their risk taking and pursuit of cheap thrills. We’d tease the Asians about their atrocious driving, and they’d laugh along with us. When I was late for work, which was frequent, I’d joke about running on “Black time.” It was a different world, where everyone still pretty much enjoyed free speech.
Ironically, the man now most associated with racism in the public eye, Donald Trump, never once mentioned “Whites” as a race during his 2016 campaign or four years in the White House. He did rescue at least one Black rapper however, and pardoned a Black criminal at Kim Kardashian’s request. Then he pardoned pretty much all the rappers left behind bars as he left office. Not Julian Assange or Edward Snowden, however. Or all the persecuted White “racists” who came to Washington, D.C. on January 6 to support him. It was very curious behavior for a White “racist.”
Speaking of Kim Kardashian, her husband (or I guess ex-husband now) Kanye West, has become perhaps the foremost spokesperson for White rights in America. Along with another Black, Candace Owens. They were photographed wearing “White Lives Matter” tee shirts recently, to the consternation of respectable White people everywhere. As someone noted at the time, it will mean something when any White public figure wears such a shirt.
When you can get “cancelled” for merely saying All Lives Matter, then you realize how dire the situation is. All life is precious. All men (okay all humans) are created equal. Racial, age, religious, and sexual discrimination is wrong. But discrimination itself isn’t. We should be able to discriminate against the incompetent, the unreasonable, the violent, the mean, and the unqualified. That’s no different than “discriminating” against certain foods that don’t suit one’s taste, certain music or films, etc. Using “Woke” logic, aren’t all vegans, for instance, “haters?”
I want people to come together. To recognize the common enemy. But it’s hard to work with people who think you’re a “devil,” or that you’re “oppressing” them by virtue of your skin color. I’m not proud or cowed. We all bleed the same color, as they say. Except for the Reptilians, maybe, if they really exist. For the vast majority of us “losing” in this rigged economy, we’re all underpaid. We’re all being screwed. Most of us want justice. And peace. And to live in real harmony.
There is a serpent race among us who benefit by our division. They use this division to confuse us as they pick our pockets. They use this thing called "government" to accomplish their goals of stealing everything while enslaving us.
The devil has pulled his veil over the general public so that they don't see the deception. It is a war of deception!
Seek the truth. The truth shall set you free.
Don, I am dizzy from such pounding the ground with the truth in such a way, that not one "Conservative" talk show host I can recall listening to since 1988, has gone to. When I saw you pull out the cuckold approach, I knew this one was going to be deep. Such a biblical term!
This paragraph: "If I’d been old enough, I would have probably marched for Civil Rights. I certainly would have supported equal rights for all. But Martin Luther King’s dream was one of integration. The idea was for all of us to live together. Does it seem that Black “leaders” today want us to live together? Do they seem to want the law applied equally to everyone? Workplace rules? General standards of conduct? The answer is obvious. If the rules, or the law, or standards of conduct, are applied to any Black who plays the race card loudly enough, it becomes “racism,” and no one fights back. " is more important than most readers might realize.
What you have thumbnailed, is pure Saul Alinsky from Rules for Radicals and sets the pace and path for all the examples, which follow in your piece! Part of it from a position that Alinsky prescribes the act of pushing a Negative so hard, that it pushes through your enemy's position and becomes a positive, such as affirmative action positions. The Chapter of "Tactics" is rich with your example infact the last one is Rule Eleven from that chapter.
"The first Rule of power tactics: Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have"
The beginning of the word "racist" becoming a verb and forcing a new style of attack on people who never deserved it comes in around Tactic Eleven as I mentioned above and Tactic three: "Wherever possible go outside of the experience of the enemy. Here you want to cause confusion, fear and retreat" and this exactly what the last Forty years of attack has been from the Marxists onto the regular, hard working, mind your own business Americans. Alinsky uses two examples of this from Gen Sherman and Gen Patton, where as they didn't drag a huge logistics line behind them or have one set up in front of them. They just slashed hard and lived off of what they captured. Have you seen who starts these racist attacks on whites? It's usually from an association whose name I will not speak for fear of retribution. However, after each win, there is always some money set aside for them and that's how they built their racial attack machine. Look it up! Look up their court cases!
The Twelfth Rule: "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative". He doesn't want you make a demand that can be met!! In the Race game, that means you will hear something like, "all whites can't help it because they are inherently racist". How insane is that statement but when the one making it is the one demanding "justice", where is the end to that?
We all know Rule Thirteen but we've all heard it out of context as you may now gather by my just listing a few of his "Rules" which actually is structured like a Declaration or a set of Resolves. It reads, "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it." What could be more stop you dead in your tracks than to have a complete stranger, stand up on a box, point their finger at you and declare you a racist, without an evidence other than that the color of your skin? What could be more personalized that such an accusation, which carries no burden of proof? Polarized? What could be more polarizing than a contrast of skin colors?
Excellent work sir as always but I have to read this stuff sitting down! You pull this information out of me as if it were encased in amber for a long slumber.
Yours in liberty,