NFL quarterback Deshaun Watson’s recent massive contract, which is the biggest in the history of the league, illustrates all that’s wrong with America 2.0. Watson, for those of you who don’t know, has been accused of sexual assault by twenty two unconnected women. Seems like pretty overwhelming evidence.
But Watson, like all celebrities and One Percenters in general, is absolutely above the law. So now two grand juries have declined to indict him. And they still joke that juries will “indict a ham sandwich.” Well, apparently not a very rich ham sandwich. The NFL will probably give him a slap on the wrist, if it even suspends him at all. And, of course, his almost certain criminality didn’t bother the teams in that corrupt league at all, each one run by a “White Supremacist.”
Then, the Miami Dolphins gave up almost as much for “troubled” wide receiver Tyreek Hill, as the Cleveland Browns did for Watson. Among Hill’s litany of accusations is attempted strangulation of his then eight months pregnant girlfriend, and breaking the arm of his three year old son. But he’s fast. Really fast. So the Dolphins had to make him the highest paid receiver in the history of the NFL. Who says crime doesn’t pay?
Just to draw a few comparisons in the NFL alone, Tim Tebow, one of the most decent athletes to ever play professional sports, was run out of the league after achieving great success in less than one season of opportunity. He’s been blackballed ever since. And the quarterback Watson is replacing in Cleveland, former #1 overall draft pick Baker Mayfield, is apparently not good enough to start in the watered-down league, even though he set rookie passing records and two years ago had a stellar season in leading the Browns to the playoffs for the first time in over twenty five years.
Sports reflect our society at large. Many of us still have fantasies of Hillary Clinton and her ilk doing the orange jump suit perp walk. I used to maintain that the number one problem in this country is the vast majority of workers not being paid enough to meet the ever increasing costs of living. Of course, that’s still incredibly important, but I think the biggest issue we face now is the systemic corruption at all levels of our crumbling society. And more importantly, how those engaging in this nonstop corruption are simply never held accountable.
Sure, occasionally they make an example out of one poor sacrificial lamb. Jerry Sandusky of Penn State taking one for the child trafficking team immediately springs to mind. This guy felt comfortable in raping a little boy in the open showers of Penn State’s locker room. You think that wasn’t a common sight there? With the criminal NCAA promoting and sometimes graduating illiterate “student” athletes, and the shenanigans that happen at virtually every big university when powerful alumni wield their money and power, they clearly don’t follow any code of ethics. I seriously doubt that Penn State was the only college where children were used as sex toys. Harvey Weinstein seems to have drawn the short straw as well. Were any of the other prominent persons accused during the #MeToo heyday ever prosecuted?
Sticking to the world of child predators, the kids who reported local Nebraska officials for their trafficking of underage boys and girls found out what happens even to child whistleblowers. Alisha Owen’s accusations against the chief of police, publisher of Franklin’s largest newspaper, Larry King (no, not that guy- this one was an obese Black Republican pedophile), and other local officials resulted in her being sentenced to several years in prison for perjury. Another of the child accusers was found dead of unknown causes in a hospital emergency waiting room. For extra added drama, he was holding a copy of John DeCamp’s powerful book documenting the real story, The Franklin Credit Scandal. If the corruption is this deep in one part of Nebraska, imagine what it’s like in New York City or Los Angeles.
Those who’ve read my books know that I’m fond of citing Body Counts. It wasn’t just the Clintons who left a trail of corpses behind them. Presidential Body Counts go back to FDR. LBJ’s was really impressive, as were both Bushes’ and Barack Obama’s as well. I detailed many of the suspicious deaths in my books Hidden History and Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963. One becomes accustomed to all the “suicides” that sometimes feature multiple gunshots to the head. Or to the “natural causes” deaths for people in their forties and fifties. The lack of autopsies. The unwillingness of family members to talk. The missing or withheld evidence. Clear and obvious patterns.
It’s instructive to compare what happens to obviously corrupt officials, as opposed to the ones who dare to expose them. A then Bradley Manning revealed the atrocious conduct of American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. The criminality was not even addressed, let alone punished. Manning, however, was sentenced to a draconian 35 years in prison, after getting “credit” for three and a half years of “pre-trial confinement,” which happens all too frequently to common people. In one of his few good moves as president, Barack Obama commuted Manning’s sentence as he left office. However, now transitioned to Chelsea, Manning was jailed again for nearly a year for refusing to testify against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.
Speaking of Assange, his attempt at real journalism has made him a pariah of the Deep State. He now faces the prospect of being prosecuted here for exposing the corruption of our leaders. His release of emails that exposed the DNC’s conspiracy to deny Bernie Sanders the 2016 presidential nomination in favor of Swamp Queen Hillary Clinton was ludicrously converted into the “Russiagate” fairy tale. Even the insincere puppet Sanders, who was the victim here, believes in “Russia! Russia! Russia!” Edward Snowden, instead of being hailed as a hero, remains in exile for revealing the NSA’s extensive spying on average citizens.
If even becoming a transgender, as Manning has, cannot garner a whistleblower favorable publicity, you know just how committed to concealing crimes and corruption our state controlled media is. Oliver Stone’s film about Snowden did not shame the authorities into backing off or garner accolades for him from the public. While many Trump fans thought he would pardon at least Assange, whose revelations about “Crooked Hillary” were instrumental in his election to the Oval Office, he disappointed once again, concentrating instead on Blackwater executives and a bunch of rappers who undoubtedly hated him.
Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush were all accused of actual rape before becoming leaders of the free world. Reagan was accused of raping a younger aspiring actress when he was still in Hollywood. Clinton was accused of rape by Juanita Broderick, whose story was buried by the mainstream media until after the 1996 election. He was also accused of sexual assault in the Oval Office by Kathleen Willey, and used his position of authority over them to sexually harass Paula Jones and other underlings. George W. Bush was accused of rape by a Black woman who quickly wound up dead. While writing Hidden History, I found that the only outlet who’d covered the story was a small Black newspaper in London.
So, being a transgender, or a Black woman accusing a powerful White man who was often lampooned by the state-run media, still doesn’t offset the fact that the information exposes the corruption of important individuals and organizations. The so-called “protected class” certainly isn’t protected against the backlash all whistleblowers face. Not only did a Black woman accusing Bush of rape die suspiciously to the silence of the establishment press, but another Black woman was shot and killed by the Secret Service and Capitol police when she made a u-turn at a White House checkpoint in 2013, when Obama was president. Her small child witnessed the murder from the back seat. Those who killed her when she became lost and confused in a strange area, were subsequently given a standing ovation in Congress. I guess this is similar to the Black cop who shot and killed unarmed Ashli Babbitt on January 6, 2021, whom society has given a figurative standing ovation.
Writing and researching hidden history, I find stories all the time of forgotten heroes and whistleblowers, who were punished for being honest and truthful. Those they tried to expose for wrongdoing, of course, were never punished. As the poet James Russell Lowell once wrote, “Truth forever on the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne.” There are too many to list, but many of their stories can be found in my books. The CIA effectively invented the demonization of whistleblowers, more often denigrated as “conspiracy theorists,” in an infamous April 1, 1967 memo titled “Concerning Criticism of the Warren Report.”
That CIA memo should be scrutinized closely. The Mockingbird media certainly seems to have taken its instructions to heart. It notes, “We do not recommend that discussion of the assassination question be initiated where it is not already taking place.” If the subject cannot be avoided, the memo advises “To discuss the publicity problem with friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors)…Urge them to use their influence to discourage unfounded and irresponsible speculation.” The CIA wanted “to employ propaganda assets to refute the attacks of the critics.” I urge people to read the memo in full, as it can still be accessed online. Then ask yourself if the suggested tactics haven’t been regularly employed by reliable “assets” in response to every attack on the corrupt system they are employed to defend.
Former CIA director William Colby, as close to an insider reformer as the Agency has ever had, became friends with state senator John DeCamp, who exposed the child sex trafficking in Nebraska, among other ugly things. Colby once chillingly warned DeCamp: "What you have to understand, John, is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful, with so much at stake for other people or institutions, that you cannot do anything about them…" Colby, in predictable and suitably conspiratorial fashion, would be found dead nine days after disappearing while canoeing down a Maryland river.
I am often warned by people that I’m tempting fate by writing about this kind of mind-boggling skullduggery. Other writers at my level have met untimely demises, such as Jim Keith and Michael C. Ruppert. But, on the other hand, they never got to Jim Garrison, or Penn Jones, Jr., who should be credited with inventing the concept of Body Counts with his early tabulation of mysterious deaths associated with the JFK assassination. I also, somewhat surprisingly, have never received a real threat despite the nature of my writing. Someone has to speak up.
What does it say about our society that, if a lower-level employee comes forward with allegations of official corruption, those above them invariably retaliate? The whistleblowers, at every level, are routinely subjected to a backlash, and often lose their jobs. Those they accuse, meanwhile, are almost never reprimanded, let alone fired or prosecuted. Look at the public polls regarding the most high profile whistleblowers, like Assange, Manning, and Snowden. It’s tragically obvious that a majority of Americans support the wrongdoers instead of those who expose them.
If you’ve read my book Bullyocracy: How the Social Hierarchy Enables Bullies to Rule Schools, Workplaces, and Society at Large, you know that authority figures, and indeed the public at large, in all actuality favor the bullies over the bullied. If you think about it, every child or adult who comes forward with accusations of bullying is in reality a whistleblower. And the system responds by protecting the social hierarchy, of which bullies are an essential part, just as they instinctively protect the corporate executive, or the national politician, or the movie star, or the football player, when they are accused of shockingly bad, often criminal behavior.
We see this unconscious affinity for the bullies in the reluctance of crowds who witness someone being beaten up, or even on occasion being raped, without intervening. This kind of incomprehensibly lackadaisical behavior was first noted during the 1964 rape and murder of Kitty Genovese in Queens, New York. Initially, it was reported that some thirty eight witnesses had witnessed the attack, without helping or even calling the police. In recent years, reports have claimed there is no evidence that any witnesses saw it. That seems like an awfully convenient bit of revisionist history to me. From more modern incidents of physical assault happening in front of multiple witnesses, we know how infrequently anyone steps in to stop it.
I realize that many in the alternative media hold out hope that, now that the mainstream media has finally admitted Hunter Biden’s laptop exists, the president’s son will face legal repercussions. I think this is implausible, although I don’t make predictions, and certainly someone like him could play a Sandusky/Weinstein type of scapegoat role. I still wonder what happened to Anthony Weiner’s laptop, which some in the conspiracy world claim features Hillary Clinton abusing, perhaps even killing, a child. In the same vein, a few “extremists” have alleged that not only is Biden’s naked fourteen year old niece to be found on his laptop, but so is the rape of a ten year old girl. Can any of this be possible? If so, they would represent doomsday-style disclosures of just how evil and perverted the elite are.
I talked to Seymour Hersh briefly on the phone last year, but was unable to keep him on long enough to ask about what would be an even more explosive film record. Hersh has claimed publicly that there are video tapes of U.S. military troops raping Iraqi boys in front of their screaming mothers. Now that would be a real wake up call, even for the most asleep normies. Remember how Rudy Giuliani claimed there were multiple inappropriate images of underage girls on Hunter Biden’s laptop? Giuliani has pretty much disappeared from pubic view ever since.
How long can our society keep up the pretense that our legal system isn’t the monstrosity it clearly is? There are a record number incarcerated in our monstrous prison industrial complex, but all of them were poor or working-class when arrested. Prison is not for the wealthy, or even the upper middle-class. Unless, of course, you’re one of America’s increasing number of political prisoners. I suspect that some of the nearly 100 January 6 defendants still behind bars, over a year later, denied bail and some subjected to beatings and solitary confinement, might have been at least financially comfortable before they made the mistake of being waved inside a public building their taxes pay for.
Every time a poor man is convicted on the dubious testimony of one less than credible witness, while being “represented” by a public defender that spends an average of five minutes with him, a little more of our innocence is lost. Every time a grand jury fails to indict someone rich or famous, we lose more. Every time an “investigation” finds that state or local law enforcement, or the FBI, or some other official agency acted appropriately when they quite obviously didn’t, we lose even more. And every time a Bill or Hillary Clinton type of political gangster gets away with another crime, we become a mockery of all we proclaim to be.
There is a great scene in Frank Capra’s Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, where James Stewart’s Jefferson Smith character disdainfully remarks about the fancy words carved into the monuments of Washington, D.C. Now, unlike real life, in Capra’s charming world, Jefferson Smith would defeat the corruption he faced with a heroic speech, and the people would rally around him. In our real world, however, that simply isn’t possible. Our mainstream media would ridicule a Jefferson Smith, and probably not even cover his iconic filibustering speech. And now, of course, the “Woke” Democrats want to eliminate the filibuster. It must be racist. I guess they never saw this film.
I have begun to explore the idea of starting national John Doe clubs, inspired by another Frank Capra classic, Meet John Doe. They could be depoliticized, with the idea of getting people to love their neighbor. Maybe there could be a simple platform; against all corruption, for kindness, honesty, and justice. How many people wouldn’t agree with that? It’s probably one of my pipedreams, but the young idealist still lives within me. I named one of my radio shows “I Protest,” by the way, because of this film, which is one of my favorites. That was the name of John Doe’s column. But nothing will probably come of this, since I’m not exactly a great organizer.
We have gone well beyond double standards in this increasingly decadent land. You can’t have a functional society with so many differing rules, standards of conduct, and laws, for so many different kinds of people. The wrong people are always in charge, as my blue-collar chums and I used to intuitively understand many decades ago. That’s more true now than ever, as the sun slowly sets on a system initially devised by the likes of Thomas Jefferson and other fantastically enlightened people.
This is all very true. Our nation is, unfortunately, as evil as any nation that has ever existed on the face of this earth. And lately, worse than most. I believe God is currently in the process of taking us down. But there are a lot of us 'little people' in this country who still love God and his laws, albeit we seem to be powerless to restore the rule of law in the face of such pervasive corruption. So I just pray that in judgement, He will remember mercy.
Wow thank you for this magnificent expose. The systemic corruption needs to be called out if there is any time left. I doubt it though. We are in a spiritual battle and the societal morals are decaying to the point that we have shockingly few recourses left.
Shining a light on sports corruption is a brilliant tactic. We all love to cheer on the true sports heroes. But the recent events of just the past few weeks shows how serious this situation has become. Can't wait to hear your opinions of women's swimming and supreme court nominees ha ha.
I still think the constitution is a divine document, but if the judges and DAs are failing to uphold and enforce the law, we see the effects spill over to all other areas. I used to think term limits and conservative Sheriffs would be a possible solution, but now I realize the corruption is much deeper.