It all probably started with Sigmund Freud. The educational elite actually bought his notion that all men want to screw their mother and kill their father. Now, I don’t have a high opinion of human beings in general, but I think that’s going way too far. And why didn’t the reverse hold true for women? Inquiring minds want to know.
Freudian psychiatry begat a multitude of neuroses, phobias, and alleged mental maladies. Schizophrenia and other credible sounding diseases were used to explain all sorts of eccentric behavior. Thomas Szasz was a renegade psychiatrist who broke with the dogma of his profession and produced some great books on the subject, in particular The Manufacture of Madness, which made a deep impression on me in my wayward youth.
As Dr. Szasz noted, someone who has been labeled as “mentally ill” cannot easily change that perception. If he arrives early to a meeting, he is considered anxious and obsessive. If he’s late, he’s rebellious and uncooperative. Remember, it wasn’t that long ago that this industry used to zap human brains with electricity in order to “cure” them. We all were impressed by One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. I’ve always loved unique characters. I titled my novel The Unreals for a good reason; for many years, it was probably my favorite word.
But all industries have to grow. So at a certain point, the excessive drinking of so many in our society was christened as a “disease” called alcoholism. Both South Park and comedian Norm MacDonald spoofed this concept brilliantly. Being a drunk, especially a mean, abusive one, is not a “disease.” It’s incredibly bad behavior that too often morphs into sexual and/or physical abuse. An individual controls how much and how often he drinks alcohol. Any decent person would stop drinking, if they were hurting the ones they love. Generations of irresponsible drunks past would have loved to have had such a “scientific” excuse.
In the 1970s, we first started hearing about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which was primarily contracted by soldiers who’d fought in Vietnam, one of the most pointless of all our pointless wars. Now, I don’t deny that being entrenched like that in far flung lands for no discernable reason can cause a lot of damage to a person, but I don’t think it gives them a “mental illness.” And since so many have contracted this disorder over the decades, why don’t we stop sending them to war? Why don’t we mind our own business, and get our own house in order?
It was a short leap from there to Premenstrual Syndrome, or PMS, which has been used by many females to rationalize moodiness, meanness, and yes, bitchiness. From this, Postpartum Depression sprung naturally. This went way further than PMS, and has actually been used to justify the murder of babies. I remember one mother threw her infant off of a bridge, and it was attributed to Postpartum Depression. Being a typically clueless male, I don’t understand what could possibly be depressing about having a new baby.
One of the most laughable of these “disorders” was Executive Burnout. In fact, it was so ridiculous that it had a very short life span. I haven’t heard it mentioned for years. Maybe these wealthy elites do have a conscience after all. Imagine any group of workers being less “burned out” than high-level executives. Strangely, the illness never struck construction workers, janitors, or other physical laborers. It’s a One Percent thing, you wouldn’t understand.
Impulsive gamblers can now claim to have a “disease,” which prevents them from being fiscally responsible. “Sex Addiction” must have gladdened the hearts of serial cheaters everywhere. “I couldn’t help, it honey, it wasn’t my fault. Whenever I see a hot chick, my sex addiction kicks in.” Prior to this, women who liked to have lots of sex were called Nymphomaniacs. So, I guess it’s only fair that men have a disease to explain their sexual behavior as well.
Society treats this nonsense seriously. I guess it’s really just an outgrowth of Kleptomania, which is a “disease” that forces the one afflicted with it to steal. I recall that Kleptomania was used as a plot device in many old television shows and films. It’s somewhat surprising that they haven’t come up with a Killermania type of thing, to justify murder. This stuff is really not very far removed from proclaiming that “the Devil made me do it.”
And now, of course, in the thoroughly mad year of 2022, the same cultural overlords have normalized what is real insanity, if such a thing exists. Terms like Cis Gen, Gender Fluid, and other nuggets from the Transgender vocabulary, justify both self- mutilation and mutilation by alleged medical professionals. Who took the Hippocratic Oath. People are seriously “identifying” as cats and other animals. Gay marriage seems positively mundane and traditional compared to all this.
The connections between these bogus “illnesses” and the victimhood status sought and craved by so many in our world today are clear and obvious. Identity Politics, which completely rules our civilization now, is built upon a foundation of victimhood. But it’s selected victimhood. For instance, White fundamentalist Christians need not apply. Or angry White guys with guns. Or pro-Life women who think mothers should stay home with their children. No, the people offended by those clinging to memories of a saner society are the victims. And the more outrageous the victim, the better. Bonus points for excessive tattoos, and multi-colored hair.
Using their own argument against them, why can’t “racists” claim they have a disease? That they are powerless to stop objecting to Black pathology, transgender craziness and the like? Maybe we could call it Wokeaphoria. “White Supremacists” could simply blame their White parents and grandparents for instilling such “hatred” in them. They can’t help it. Blame the dead White people. And once they just drop all pretense and stop saying “hate speech” or “misinformation,” and call it “Thought Crime,” why can’t those charged with it claim helplessness? They are “victims” too, of falling for the lie that we have a First Amendment.
If “Sex Addicts” can excuse promiscuousness, why can’t genuine rapists fall under the same umbrella? After all, if one is unable to control the sex impulse, wouldn’t one have to forcibly take sex when none was willingly available? Think of the “sexual emergency” defense one migrant used here a few years ago, to justify sexually assaulting a ten year old boy at a swimming pool. He couldn’t help it- it was an emergency! That ought to trigger some ideas in the heads of all those incels- involuntarily celibate males- out there. One would imagine that every day is a “sexual emergency” to them.
If a man can “identify” as a woman, and no one can address him as a man any longer, then why can’t a poor person “identify” as a billionaire? And, just as the man needs to have some work done to convert into a female, the poor person would need to have a little surgery as well, to his pathetic bank account. If I truly feel I am a Rockefeller born in a Jeffries body, can’t I simply demand that they cut me in on my piece of the fortune? I was born that way. I’ve been living a lie. Give me wealth!
We know that the elites love to have sex with children. Child sex trafficking is very real. But once you’ve opened the door to madness, really ugly things can enter. So if someone can state they were born gay, why can’t someone say they were born a pedophile? Sure, it’s really objectionable, but they can’t help it. Aren’t they victims, too? They didn’t ask to be attracted to minors. Can’t they play the “sexual emergency” card, like the migrant at the pool? Or does that only work for illegal immigrants? You know, like free healthcare.
With so much “identifying” and “disease” rationalizing the worst of human behavior, one can justify virtually anything. I’m in love with the oak tree in your back yard. We want to live here together, so please bring me dinner in the backyard every night. The tree “identifies” as human. Or I have a compulsion I can’t control, which attracts me to trees. Take your choice. Either way, I’m a victim. And I’m right. What if someone “identifies” as your baby’s parent? The possibilities are endless, and you can’t find many examples more ludicrous than much of what has been completely normalized.
Psychiatry has been weaponized against thought criminals for a long time. The Soviets used to send them to Siberia. And, of course, they have a convenient term that applies to all “conspiracy theorists,” which is paranoia. But then, doesn’t that make us victims, too? We can’t help exposing all this corruption- we are paranoid! We have what I would call a Mistrust Complex- we refuse to believe anything the authorities say. You can’t fire me, or “cancel” me- I was born this way.
It’s a sad indictment of our times that I have to satirize things to this extent, to invent “diseases” that might permit us to exercise our God-given constitutional rights. But this is America 2.0; a certifiable mess of emotionally broken people, punishing freethinkers while making “victims” out of disturbed or even criminal elements. Empowering those with unhealthy and unattractive bodies, and generally celebrating ugliness in all its forms.
I truly hope that some brave souls do things to collapse this absurd “Woke” house of cards. How about Asians or Middle Easterners “identifying” as Black? And demanding reparations. Something tells me the Black community wouldn’t be okay with that. Or toddlers identifying as adults? Sure, they may not be potty trained, and have a very limited vocabulary, but you have to hire them. They can’t help it- this is what they really are!
Even as I’m writing this, I am reminded of just how hard it is now to be satirical. If satire were allowed, that is. Comedy is all but dead, with empty suits like Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert attempting to drain more Trump blood from an extremely lame stone. How do you exaggerate the “reality” of fifty seven genders, or men giving birth? What kind of satire tops Joe Biden and company claiming that the greatest danger to America is “White Supremacy?”
If all this was being televised, we would have turned off this infuriating, unbelievable show a long time ago. If aliens were watching, they’d probably shoot out the television screen, like Elvis was rumored to have done back in the day. Imagine what he’d do now. Those of us who haven’t abandoned reason cannot let this insanity infect us. There is real disease, and enough real victims, without inventing more. For example, the many millions victimized by our rigged economic system. But they don’t count; there are too many other nonsensical “victims” to exploit.
Brilliant piece. You were able to go from tragedy to comedy and back again. My chuckles help mask the pain we are living through. It is no wonder I see so many now using the phrase "clown show" - with emoji - when they spot the obviously contrived and often now too common incidents staged by our overlords. Gone are the days when Disney used to represent an amusing distraction. Keep it up.
Earlier this week I saw an apparent sociopath who apparently didn't feel the need to hide behind any special kind of 'victimhood'. He/She/It (not sure which) was driving around town in a car with a bumper sticker that read 'Shitty to everyone. Late for everything'. While you have to wonder what kind of person would want to openly self-identify that way, you do have to admire his ability to own it. No 'victim' here....