I saw a commercial the other day. I can’t remember the product- what’s being sold is irrelevant these days. There are other, more important agendas than profits. Anyway, the tag line for this commercial was “It’s a mess out there!” I cannot think of a better description of America 2.0.
Budweiser, to the astonishment of market devotees everywhere, decided to “rebrand” themselves as a transgender-welcoming company. Their new spokes-whatever is one Dylan Mulvaney, a man who “identifies” as a woman. Mulvaney has somehow accumulated 10 million followers on Tik Tok, where he shared his gradual “transition” to breathless sheeple. These gripping videos accrued over one billion views. I don’t even know if I got a thousand views when I interviewed Ron Paul. He also interviewed our geriatric wonder of a president for some social media outlet no one who lived in America 1.0 has ever heard of.
Mulvaney isn’t fooling anyone. At least anyone sane. He resembles a warped, transgender Barbie, with less curves than Popeye’s girlfriend. One popular meme holds that you’d need a whole lot of Bud Light to believe he’s a girl. Budweiser, the former “King of Beers,” is now presumably the “Nonbinary of Beers.” Beer drinkers in American were routinely stereotyped as redneck types, wearing wife-beaters and known for their intolerance of non-straight males. I doubt there was a single regular Bud Light drinker in the country, who was sympathetic to the LBGQT (I don’t know or care if these absurd letters are correct) “community.”
So who are they marketing to here? The miniscule numbers of transgenders who also love the rather putrid Bud Light? The conservatives, as always following the consistently losing Stupid Party script, warns Budweiser that they will “Go woke, go broke.” You mean like ESPN, who lost millions of subscribers with on air “woke” propaganda, and continues their anti-White agenda to this day? Or HBO Max and Disney, who lost huge parts of their audiences with offensive shows like Velma and unspeakably bad remakes of classics like The Little Mermaid and Peter Pan? None of these corporations ever apologize, or back down. Instead, they double down.
Apologizing and backing down are for the losers, otherwise known as traditionalists, conservatives, the leaders and supporters of the hapless Republicucks. None of these powerful titans of industry are the least bit concerned about “going broke” from “going woke.” It’s a mystery how these “brilliant” capitalists prosper to such a sinful degree, given all the counterproductive things they do in marketing alone. I think it’s safe to say they are heavily subsidized by our corrupt government, to push an utterly satanic agenda. I analyzed all of this in detail in my book Survival of the Richest. You don’t offend the vast majority of your customers, if you care about the customers.
Dylan Mulvaney can now take his place alongside other cultural “icons” of America 2.0. The “Cass me outside” girl. The Asian who sang so poorly on American Idol that he briefly found his fifteen minutes of fame. The Black Tennessee lawmaker who has “transitioned” in a different way, from a clean-gut guy speaking perfect English, to a crude caricature of Martin Luther King, with an offensive imitation of his unique cadence and an afro rivaling Colin Kaepernick’s. Lizzo, combining obesity with absence of talent- the perfect America 2.0 celebrity. RuPaul, Lia Thomas, and other award-winning women who are men. And, of course, Kim Kardashian’s huge ass, the poster child for our collapsing society. Big asses and little brains.
In other exciting news, the Dalai Lama, a mysterious spiritual leader that social justice warriors worship like no other, asked a little boy to suck his tongue. In public. It was clear he wanted something else sucked, but perhaps a tiny bit of propriety prevailed in his mystical mind. I talked about the wealth of the Dalai Lama in Survival of the Richest. He doesn’t exactly take a vow of poverty, as Catholic priests once did, long ago. Who is the Dalai Lama? As far as I can figure it, the various incarnations of this figure are chosen as children, kind of like the Green Lantern Corps. Or like royalty. There are no seeming qualifications, and no skills needed for this “job.”
Cardi B- I can’t believe I left her out on the list of fitting America 2.0 celebrities- surprisingly blasted the Dalai Lama. Alluding to her own past of being sexually abused, Cardi B declared, "Listen, when it comes to weird ass predators, and rapists and pedophiles and shit, I…don't play that shit.” Not exactly eloquent, but it gets the point across. Other celebrities, including the odious Chelsea Handler, who normally defends any and every perversion, were unsatisfied with the Dalai’s ridiculous, empty apology. But Tibet’s president defended him, saying he’d been “unfairly labeled.” Other defenders blamed western influence. Well, I certainly can’t argue there.
Why would an eighty seven year old alleged spiritual leader want a little boy to suck his tongue? If he can’t contain himself from something like that in public, imagine what this magical being is doing behind closed doors. I can’t help but wonder what the response would have been if the Pope, or some Christian fundamentalist leader had asked a little boy to suck their tongue in front of an audience. I suspect that there would have been just a tad bit more outrage. Regardless of who and what this old man is or does, his credibility should be shot, and the celebrities who fawned over him in the past should move on to other forms of virtue signaling.
But looming over America 2.0 even larger than Kim Karadashian’s ass is the specter of the Giant Orange Man. Trumpenstein. Maybe this will be a series, like Universal Horror films. House of Trumpenstein. Trumpenstein Meets the Wolfman. Trump gave an interview earlier this week with Tucker Carlson, who was supposedly caught declaring how much he hated the former president in private. So this was a curious choice, over say Sean “CIA Pin” Hannity. Trump said some good things, as he always does. He came out sounding much more reasonable than other politicians, and in particular stressed a preference for peace over war.
But the next day, Trumpenstein was at it again. Claiming Assad had gassed his own people in Syria, and thus deserved to be bombed, and calling Putin- whose bitch we are told he is- some nasty names. He certainly sounded a lot more neocon, Stupid Party stooge, than independent voice for diplomacy. How often does this former reality TV star have to do this? How much flip-flopping can one human being engage in? Exactly what kind of betrayal do his supporters need to finally jump off the Trumpenstein bandwagon? He also promised to “clean up” our horrible justice system. Like he did when he was president? If only he’d had four years to do this.
We are being told, by Trump and his loyalists, that this time will be different. This time it’s personal. The Giant Orange Man was naive, but still brilliant. Too trusting, but still playing 4,000 chess. Sure, on the surface it seems insane to name Never Trumpers like Nikki Haley, John Bolton, and the like to your cabinet. William Barr, a lifetime member of the Bush crime family, as Attorney General? The man you trust to “drain the swamp?” The man who prosecuted only Trump friends, like Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, and Roger Stone? Trump picked him, and the rest of his abysmal administration. But somehow he “had to.” They wouldn’t have approved anyone else, we’re told. But he never tried to nominate a single true outsider.
Trumpenstein doesn’t even discuss immigration now, other than to lie about his laughable “wall.” He correctly chastises the Biden White House for opening up the flood gates, but acts as if he did anything to control our disastrous immigration policy. He deported fewer illegals than Barack Obama. That’s pretty hard to live down, but Trump simply pretends otherwise, as do his supporters. The writing was on the wall when he spent the early years of his administration with an open borders, Obama appointee in a key immigration position. And playing golf with his good friend Lindsey Graham, who loves illegal immigration as much as Nancy Pelosi.
Some people are holding out hope that Trump will name Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as his running mate. Perfect- the ultimate unifying ticket. I can guarantee you that Trump will never, ever, do anything like this. When presented with an opportunity to do the right thing, to show that he is the least bit sincere in his posturing as an outsider- Trump always disappoints and does what any other member of the Stupid Party would. If he gets the nomination, his running mate will be someone like Nikki Haley, or Lindsey Graham. Someone who openly disagrees with all of his often wonderful rhetoric. Like his vice president, Mike Pence.
Somehow this all fits together, at least in my mind. It’s not like Bud Light represented anything good before. Their commercials used to consist of hot chicks, alongside a diverse group of buff males, laughing at some out of shape losers. That’s a curious way to get someone to consume your product; intimating that doing so will bring the ridicule of good looking females. So they were always mocking their customer base. Kind of like how The Simpsons invented their Comic Book Guy character to represent how they saw their fans, who were starting to rightfully complain about the glaring deterioration of the once great cartoon series. Worst fans ever.
If we had a free press, they might want to investigate the Dalai Lama character at this point. What does he do, exactly? I don’t think he even submits to friendly, worshipful crowds, as the Royals do when they’re christening some new ocean liner or something. Is he allowed to have sex? At eighty seven years old, could he have sex, even with a precocious, tongue sucking little boy? How was he chosen? Who will the next Dalai Lama be? Much of Hollywood wants to know. And would there have been any criticism at all if the boy in question had been a “transitioned” girl? I don’t think transgenders can be “victims” in this regard, although I don’t pretend to be an expert.
To paraphrase Dickens, this is the worst of times, and the most interesting of times. Or we can just shrug it off, like that commercial does, by saying, “It’s a mess out there!” It certainly is a mess out there, in the pothole filled streets of America 2.0. Perhaps the best we can do is get some kind of twisted entertainment out of it all. The Dylan Mulvaneys, and Dalai Lamas, and Trumpensteins, are the face of this monstrous world that decades of unquestioning subservience to authority constructed. They called Yankee Stadium “the house that Ruth built.” I think we can fairly call America 2.0 the house that stupidity built.
I suppose the establishment is not done with their Donald Wind-Up Action Figure yet. I do not know exactly what the plan is. I can guess. But why waste the brainpower?
What I see going forward is these poor confused "transgenderized" children are going to be the shock troops to mow down Christians and anybody else who has retained a few functioning brain cells in the midst of the Covidiocracy. They will parade these degenerates around and God help anybody who doubts the emperor is wearing any clothes.
And they get away with it because the vast majority of even so-called "conservatives" are nothing but jelly-bellied wimps who just want to preserve a status quo that shrinks every day.
Count me out. I told ma ten years ago that my bleached bones will be under some pine tree after the coyotes are through with my carcass, but at least I died with my boots on, so to speak.
I refuse to sacrifice my dignity and my humanity on the altar of "let's not rock the boat". At some point, you realize that your society has lost it all and there is nothing left to lose, materially speaking.
Well, a better world awaits the just, and may I, please God, be one of them.
Meanwhile, come Judgment Day, the people of Sodom and the Roman Forum will be howling at my generation. My parent's generation and my generation will be the primary culprits who will get the blame for all this. We saw it coming and did little, if anything, to stop it. Back in the day they said that going to the pro-life rallies and "voting harder" would change things. But when that was not working and I suggested something more radical, such as refusing to put money in the collection plates of heretical parishes and refusing to patronize businesses that were promoting the "homosexual" agenda, I was told that those things never work, and just end up making people suffer.
When I was young we used to sing the hymn "Faith of Our Fathers" that included the words "Our fathers chained in prisons dark, were still in heart, and conscience, free..." Where is that spirit today? Drowned in an ocean of Bud Light, and any number of tacky brews and "energy drinks" promoted ultimately by the same people that want to give us death jabs.
The support for Donald Q Chump is disheartening, to say the least. His clientele should have seen right through him shortly after 2016 and in early 2017. Instead, they brainlessly continued to support him even when he made the DC Swamp a National Preserve.
Irregardless of what happens in the political arena come 2024, the prognosis for the Empire is not good. Nothing short of a miracle can save "America 2.0".
Or, as Our Lord Jesus Christ would put it: "When you see the Abomination of Desolation standing in the Holy Place, let he who is in the fields flee to the mountains, and not turn back to fetch his cloak..."
Great article Don. My day started off trying to pay cash for a bagel. Not allowed at Blazing Bagels.