I watched some of the lowlights of the recent Republican presidential debate. Other than Vivek Ramaswamy, it was about as bad as it gets. Ron DeSantis certainly didn’t seem much different than your typical RINO. And make no mistake, this was a RINO- sponsored production, with mostly RINO participants.
I use the term “RINO” because it’s short and convenient. Republican in Name Only, when interpreted literally, means that “real” Republicans, not in name only, are what we need. The real Republicans have historically been pretty bad themselves. What RINO essentially means is what they used to call “Rockefeller Republicans.” Think the Bushes. Basically, empty vassals that stand for nothing other than perpetual tax cuts to “stimulate” growth. Tax cuts, of course, for those with the most wealth. And they support a “strong defense.” In other words, the Military Industrial Complex. The slew of unconstitutional intelligence agencies, with their secret budgets. The monstrosity that is Homeland Security. And the nonstop, nonsensical wars.
Missing from the debate stage was the man who, according to both the corrupt establishment, and millions of still faithful adherents, represents the opposition to the satanic mess that has all but destroyed this country. Donald Trump talked to Tucker Carlson instead. And told him he thought Epstein did kill himself. Gee, would that really be a controversial view for him to hold; that Epstein didn’t kill himself? But no, that’s Trumpenstein. Still promoting, and claiming credit for the vaccines which have killed and damaged an untold number of those who took them. He’s not even spouting the rhetoric that made him so captivating in 2016. He barely mentions immigration. He really couldn’t talk about “draining the swamp” with a straight face.
Vivek Ramaswamy certainly looked great in comparison to all the other putrid figures on the stage. And to his credit, he is the only presidential candidate since perhaps JFK to question our “special relationship” with Israel. He looks like the kind of candidate the “Woke” forces want; he’s nonwhite. But he questions much of the “Woke” narrative, and that’s not the kind of “diversity” they’re looking for. He’s probably compromised, too. I’m not falling for him. I don’t know who or what is behind his great fortune, but as the writer reminded us well over a century ago, it’s usually a great crime. But he was the lone representative there for the MAGA forces.
MAGA (Make America Great Again) loosely describes those, who primarily call themselves Republicans, and remain supportive of Donald Trump’s radical platform from 2016. Closing the border. Deportations. The end of sanctuary cities and birth-right citizenship. Ending the senseless foreign wars and occupations. Bringing the troops home. Finally rebuilding the crumbling infrastructure. Term limits. Draining the swamp. Now we know there isn’t a single Democrat that believes in any MAGA principle. But there should be some Republicans, outside of the twenty or so that are in the Freedom Caucus.
Vivek was the only one in that debate that spoke out against our disastrous, terribly wasteful support of the penis-piano-playing “Democratic” dictator in Ukraine. Without Trump there, and without Vivek on stage, all the others are what many of us used to call Republicrats. They support all war, all the time. They apologize on cue. They capitulate, backtrack, and break what few promises they make. They aren’t about to change anything for the better, even if they could. Nikki Haley? Can they be serious? Chris Christie? Are we supposed to believe that a party utterly dominated at the grass roots level by MAGA people, would ever vote for any of these horrific career politicians, outside of Vivek and perhaps DeSantis?
And that’s the essential problem with the MAGA movement being associated with the Republican Party. I don’t think we’ve ever seen a situation where the vast majority of the members of a political party are mocked and despised by those who run the party. You could call the handful of Freedom Caucus members MAGA, I suppose. But beyond that, what impact did the Trump revolution have on the Republican party? No other president has ever been so hated by the party he represented. Yes, I know that some are in on the Trumpenstein Project. But most are not at that level; they are reacting emotionally to the Trumpenstein stimuli, which was the plan. Where is a single MAGA Republican leader? They are outsiders in their own party.
If one of these RINOS gets the nomination, hopefully then the 70 million or more MAGA voters will finally realize that their votes are meaningless. Haley, Christie, Hutchinson, Pence- just who would be voting for them? What are they offering the millions of MAGA supporters? War? A “strong defense?” Tax cuts? A “pathway to citizenship” for the millions of illegal immigrants? A continuation of the America Last policies that have created the worst disparity of wealth in world history, and a Third World infrastructure? RINOS aren’t the answer to the Social Justice Warriors. Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker aren’t viable alternatives to the insanity enveloping us.
There is no political answer possible at this point. Not on the national, or even state level. Turning it around at the local level? Perhaps. But I haven’t seen much encouraging news on that front regarding the tyrannical school boards. If we can’t stop the insanity there, where our children are being directly impacted, then where can we? When you have 100 million or more voters who are dumbed down enough, and brainwashed enough, to vote the worst people in the world back into office at a rate not even seen in the Politburo at the height of the Soviet Union, the ballot box isn’t the answer. The uninformed, the duped, and the massively ignorant outnumber us. Significantly. We can’t outvote them.
Thanks to the RINOs and neocons that continue to run the “opposition” party, voter demographics now assure Democratic Party victories in all the most populated areas, and the ones with the most electoral votes. The Nikki Haleys and Chris Christies love immigration. They appeal to the naive, good hearted conservatives who think that Republicans can win with a “big tent” strategy. In other words, a nonwhite strategy. Blacks and Hispanics have been conditioned to vote for Democrats. Period. You can’t continue to permit millions of undocumented people from other parts of the world to freely enter your country, and allow them to vote without citizenship, without getting the “new normal” type of “representatives” (think “The Squad”).
I had an argument online a year or so ago with a nonwhite woman that informed me she didn’t support “your White free speech.” I’m sure this is the heartfelt belief of the Ilhan Omars of the world. They think the Bill of Rights is a “White thing.” I was astonished, and asked her if she believed in free speech. She didn’t. Because it’s “White.” Again, the nonwhite population is being sent this message continuously. Basic math. Proper grammar. Manners. All of these are “racist concepts.” The Republicans, and this includes much of the MAGA crowd, continue to ignore the issue of race. They cower in fear of being accused of recognizing the obvious reality of the Great Replacement. Whites are being replaced, and it must be confronted.
Other than Trump, the only two Republican presidential candidates who stress at least some important themes are Vivek and Larry Elder, who was not allowed to participate in the debate. Both nonwhite. White Republicans exemplify the kind of cucked, pathetic mindset that has resulted in the mass acceptance of certifiably insane concepts like “Hate Speech,” “mansplaining,” and Transgender Story Hour. Despite grumbling about “foreigners,” they voted for the RINOs year after year, and accepted the demonization of the Pat Buchanans and Ron Pauls. They still believe Ronald Reagan was a great president who looked out for their interests.
Vivek is the only presidential candidate I’ve ever known who is on the record for eliminating Affirmative Action, and abolishing at least some federal agencies. Ronald Reagan talked about “big gubmint,” but he made it bigger. He didn’t even cut a single sub-agency. Just like Trump didn’t do anything about immigration, his hot button issue. What is his hot button issue, now, I wonder? Absurdly claiming he created the “greatest economy ever?” Bragging that he won in a “landslide?” Coining childish and pointless nicknames like DeSanctimonious for his opponents? Trump is good at insults, let’s give him that. Just like a sixth grade bully is good at insults.
As I’ve noted many times, it ought to be really easy to defeat the worst of these “Woke” Democrats. But you have to have uncompromised, honest, and sensible opponents running against them. The Stupid Party hates those types. They hate Trump (at the least the ones who aren’t in on the whole Trumpenstein Project), for the things he says. If they aren’t privy to the script, perhaps some of them fear he might actually do something. And that could very well be the case, if he were just an incredibly egotistical and arrogant, wildcard billionaire. But there is no possibility of that if he’s acting at the behest of powerful forces, which I think he is.
At this point, the MAGA crowd should be thoroughly accustomed to losing. The man who embodies their cause, Donald Trump, is being indicted for one ridiculous “crime” or another seemingly every week. They now have a mugshot of him. And his former lawyers, like Rudy Giuliani and Sidney “Release the Kraken” Powell. I think they’re all part of the act, but the act has them losing, over and over again. They never win. The MAGA side never wins. Conservatives continue to trust our corrupt and militarized police forces, who are never on their side. The police are kind and gentle, and usually hand’s off, when it’s Antifa or BLM protesting. You saw what happened on January 6. Sure, they waved them into the Capitol, but were any of the cops on the MAGA side?
There is not a single institution on the MAGA side in America 2.0. Every corporation is fully betrothed to the LGBQT madness. Every corporation favors nonwhites over Whites, at all times. You know every government agency does. Every media outlet does. With a handful of outliers, everyone in Hollywood does. And even those outliers don’t call out the anti-White agenda. They’ll criticize Biden and talk about gun rights. And yet, most of the MAGA side supports big business (the private sector), and the rigged marketplace. They “support the troops.” They worship police. They give money to evangelical churches that didn’t protest being closed down, and aren’t protesting the transgender lunacy. They certainly aren’t protesting the Great Replacement.
Even the “best” of the Republicans aren’t really fighting effectively. Marjorie Taylor- Green is almost a caricature at times. Her big contribution is touting a “divorce,” which we definitely need, but neither she nor anyone else is explaining just how this would be accomplished. And then there’s that whole secession thing they tried back in 1860. Which was viciously crushed by Abraham Lincoln. Who is the patron saint for all Republicans. They love the tyrant who showed that the union is not voluntary. Who obliterated the right of consent, the principle upon which our founding was based. And who hated the Founders, especially Thomas Jefferson.
If the MAGA people want to accomplish anything, they have to be more informed. Study history. The kind of hidden history I specialize in. Look into the backgrounds of those you are unwisely trusting. Understand that “law and order” is not a good thing, if the law is unjust and unfairly applied. Recognize that the Supreme Court- under your iconic hero Reagan- first ruled that the police have no obligation to protect the public. So stop calling them. Stop trusting them. They represent the evil forces you oppose. Don’t call yourselves “conservatives.” What is there about this crumbling country that you want to conserve?
This is the problem when the opposition movement gets defined, and defines itself as “conservative.” MAGA people oppose the current powers that be, who run every single organ in our society. There isn’t a “conservative” base of power anywhere, including the Chambers of Commerce and organized religion. They are all “Woke” at least to the degree that they accept that there is such a thing as “hate speech” (in other words, Thought Crime) and “White Supremacy.” There is no “White Supremacy,” because the Whites powerful enough to theoretically have it are all overtly anti-White. So if you’re “conservative,” you want to conserve that. The 1950s existed in a galaxy far, far away. Eisenhower isn’t president. Reagan isn’t even president.
If they do indeed trot out yet another “variant” of the phantom “COVID-19,” and institute yet another lockdown, how many will protest? How many MAGA people will disobey the authorities who despise them? The retired but not forgotten Anthony Fauci has suggested publicly that all the unvaccinated should be “quarantined” this time. Does this mean the FEMA camps? Does anyone doubt that we’ll be vastly outnumbered again, by the compliant mask-wearing social distancers? Will there be BLM-sized rallies staged against these new unconstitutional decrees? Is there plenty of room in prison for new “terrorists” next to the J6 political prisoners?
If there is a new lockdown, my book Masking the Truth should be more relevant than ever, especially to the big alternative platforms. The ones who have studiously ignored the book thus far. I was informed earlier this week that Coast to Coast, which I’ve been on probably a dozen times, will not allow me to appear and discuss this book. George Noory has decreed that they will not be doing any more COVID shows. Well, at least not any that talk about the things I do in my book. I know some of you have contacted names like Jimmy Dore, Stew Peters, Alex Jones, Tim Pool, etc. about my book. None of them seem interested. At least the MAGA people basically stick together. Not the alt media crowd. They don’t want a united front.
With an alt media united on the most crucial point- that we are being ruled by unaccountable and corrupt monsters- it could make a huge difference. Instead, they are every bit as fractured and divided as the JFK assassination research community has been since the first ones started questioning the Warren Report circa 1965. The demonic Left does come together on their most important issues. Hostility towards White people. Passion for war. Hatred of the nuclear family. Toxic feminism morphed into toxic transgenderism. Opposition to the Bill of Rights, especially free speech. Politicized prosecutions. Vote fraud. Support of censoring those who disagree with the “Woke” agenda. Hatred of traditional values and beliefs.
Hypothetically, it shouldn’t be hard to sway most people to the side of liberty, free speech, peace, and placing our own country’s interests first. But millions of eligible voters in America don’t want liberty, or peace, and oppose free speech, if they disagree with it. They’re just fine with putting someone on trial because of something they said, or expressing the “wrong” opinion. This is why Alex Jones keeps being symbolically prosecuted. It’s a message to all those MAGA people; you aren’t legally permitted to dissent. Consent of the governed died at Appomattox. They’ve extended the law of eminent domain, whereby you can lose your property, to the intellectual sphere, whereby they can stop you from saying and thinking certain things.
None of this could have happened with an informed and courageous population. Or even with a few powerful institutions and national political figures who objected. But no one with any power objected. To any of it. From road checkpoints to free speech zones. So it was a small step from there to required mask wearing and vaccine mandates. My friend Dr. Sherri Tenpenny recently had her medical license suspended, because she dared to speak out on the forbidden COVID topic. That’s what happens to every whistleblower now. So it’s a wonder that anyone is still willing to come forward. To point out the utter nakedness of our emperors. The mob is still admiring their magnificent clothing.
I hope that first Republican debate, as well as Trump’s interview with Tucker Carlson, opened some MAGA eyes. There is no political answer. Even if another sincere Huey Long emerged, it would be one very demonized individual against a devious elite and their hordes of unthinking sycophants. Getting a politician to accomplish anything good of substance would be a monumental achievement. Political reform has to start from the bottom up. If you must vote, try getting some honest sheriff or school board member in power. Maybe something will happen if enough of them are elected.
Other than that, we can only keep a strong faith in God, and enjoy the blessings we still have. I treasure my house, and my neighborhood, and above all my wife and children. And, of course, my diva golden retriever. If you live in a peaceful community, and have no toxic people around you, then the world still seems pretty wonderful. I can’t really turn off the madness, since I now write and talk about this madness for a living. But I can watch an old film, or my own home videos, and understand what the MAGA people are longing for. Maybe you can’t go home again, but you can strive to make things more pleasant and sane. No one should accept that we can’t do better.
Reading this made me angrier than hell. Thank you for articulating what so many of us see happening all around us. It does get tiring feeling this pissed off ALL THE TIME NOW. Just gotta cling to whatever goodness we can I guess...
We can't all pull this off. But if--like me--you live in a decent, rural community you should be preparing with neighbors to resist the next lockdown. Too many people love totalitarianism because they derive a vicarious thrill from seeing Big Brother grind others beneath his boot. (And they think he'll never come for them.)