I found the results from a recent poll to be pleasantly stunning. Some two-thirds of Americans believe that the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ as described in the Bible is “completely accurate.” However, this was down significantly from a 2010 Rasmussen Report that put the figure at 78 percent. An astounding three quarters of the public believed in the virgin birth of Christ, according to a 2013 poll. I’m guessing the figure would be a lot lower in Hollywood and Washington, D.C.
Polls indicate a majority of Americans accepting other basic Biblical doctrine about Jesus, but another study found that 52 percent agreed with the statement, “Jesus was a great teacher, but he was not God.” This reminds me of all the polls where a huge majority of Americans believe that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK, but just as overwhelming a majority are against a new investigation of the case. Are these primary examples of Orwellian Doublethink?
In another 2021 poll, more Americans (31 percent) report never attending church than those who attend regularly (22 percent). A solid majority, with some polls topping 80 percent, believe that humans evolved over time. Despite what my high school biology teacher and countless other scientists have told us, evolution is simply not compatible with the Bible. So again, polls reflect a divided mindset, and the kind of confused, largely uneducated (in a real sense) public we’ve come to know and love.
I don’t know about other religions; many polls, for instance have shown that about half of all Jews profess to be atheists. Not sure how that adds up a religion. Having never read the Koran I don’t know if all that the anti-Muslims claim is in there actually is. Interesting, virtually all the horrific things said to be in the Koran are identical to what anti-Jews claim is in the Talmud. Sometimes word for word. No one really knows what the Hindus think. As for Buddhists, Buddha himself rejected the notion of a creator God. But the Christians I’ve known have far too often not lived up to their rhetoric. They are great at talking the talk, without walking the walk.
As a child, going to Catholic mass meant seeing all the women in their Sunday finest, complete with veiled hats. The men, of course, all wore suits. Catholic neighbors were known to keep track of who was there, and who took communion. I think today’s “nondenominational” churches mirror that hypocritical style over substance. The huge “prosperity gospel” churches go well beyond anything any Catholic ever did. It is hard to find anything spiritual or Godly in these “super” churches, or those who attend them. Praise the Lord and pass the plate.
My favorite verse in the Bible is the one where Jesus advises us that it is harder for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. Now, almost every Christian I mention this verse to goes absolutely apoplectic in trying to interpret it differently. In a way that allows them to pursue, or enjoy, wealth without losing all hope of Heaven. The explanation has long been trotted out that Jesus was referring to low tunnels that would have required a camel to get down on its knees, not a conventional needle. However, a camel apparently cannot move on its knees. So they need to devise another explanation. Or stop pursuing wealth.
While those poll numbers are encouraging to those of us who believe, I can only imagine how low they would be if just mainstream scientists were polled. Or the wealthiest men in the world, like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, etc. Their world view simply cannot accommodate anything supernatural, least of all a God that will one day judge them. They have explained everything. In the beginning, there was a giant ball, humans evolved over billions of years, yada, yada, yada.
An omnipresent being that is capable of creating all this, of raising the dead, of an immaculate conception, is capable of anything. It is impossible not to fear such a being, who is beyond all our powers of comprehension. I shudder at the prospect of being judged. I try to do the right thing all the time, but I fail miserably all too often. I’m not proud of thoughts that appear in my mind. That’s one of the reasons I’d never be assigned to a jury. I would find it almost impossible to convict anyone. Judge not lest ye be judged. Do onto others. Easy to say, but very, very hard to do.
Easter, like Spring, represents a rebirth of life. The flowers and plants are blooming, in all their lustrous diversity. Jesus dying on the cross for our sins, and then rising from the dead, is the foundation western civilization was built upon. To dismiss it as fantasy is to dismiss western civilization. The cover of the April 8, 1966 edition of Time magazine asked “Is God Dead?” Just in time for the Easter season. For those who run the state controlled media, God is indeed dead. Or never existed. The entire worldview they promulgate in every story is based upon that foundational belief. It is the anti-western civilization concept.
It is a hopeful sign that most Americans, even in the face of decades of anti-religious propaganda, still believe in God. But the problem is that those misleading us don’t. I suspect they know he exists, but have chosen to believe in another deity; the dark force that seems to have dominion over this world. They may literally sell their souls to Satan. All those hand signals, and circles around one eye, are the same sort of trappings we see with Catholics blessing themselves with the sign of the cross. It is evident that they worship something, and it isn’t Jesus Christ.
Which brings us to the “war” I mentioned in the title of this post. I wrote a few months back that we are already in World War III; an undeclared war by the governments of the world against their own citizens. This was exemplified by the draconian lockdown measures, adopted by every nation on earth. However, I think that World War III can be looked at in a broader sense. More of a satanic elite vs. those who still maintain at least some traditional Christian principles. Good vs. Evil if you will. This is more than a political battle; it is a spiritual one.
Believing in God in a Godless society isn’t easy. Believing in forgiveness in an unforgiving world isn’t easy. Trying to find justice in an unjust system is almost impossible. It has become very hard to find love in our narcissist culture. Empathy is on the endangered species list. Basically, being a good person has become a challenging task. Few of us can keep turning the other cheek. If you’re still able to feel guilt, and have a strong conscience, you’re ahead of the pack.
I don’t mean this to sound preachy. When those of us attempting to expose corruption and high level criminality ignore the spiritual aspect, we ignore a key component of it all, in my view. Some people may just be addicted to earthly pleasures, and revel in temporary possessions, without being inspired by, or doing the bidding of, Satan. We’ve allowed a vacuous culture to be constructed, so it’s entirely possible that many misguided souls are serving the Devil’s purposes without signing a deal with him. Or even being aware he exists.
As Truman’s Secretary of Defense James Forrestal told Senator Joe McCarthy, before they pushed him out of a window at Bethesda Naval Hospital, if this wasn’t a huge, organized conspiracy, once in a while they’d make a mistake in our favor. Expanding that a bit, if the dark force didn’t have a firm grip on our world, once in a while some goodness would slip through. Some honest leaders would attain power. Some good would be accomplished.
Clearly, that isn’t the case here on earth. Nothing is ever done to eradicate poverty, or stop war, or end injustice. The swamp is never drained. And if the establishment narrative that we are all just random, meaningless specks in an infinite universe is correct, then we would see some random results in politics. In the culture. We don’t. Madness always wins. Can anyone believe that we arrived at fifty seven genders, and everything from band aids to birds being labeled “racist,” by some random fashion? “Woke” authoritarian agendas are utterly insane by any definition. Are we to believe that all these educated people just randomly follow them, like lemmings?
Sure, doctors apologizing for saying only women can give birth could perhaps be attributed to fear of losing a lucrative income. Anyone who isn’t independently wealthy would understandably be concerned of being “cancelled” themselves if they didn’t go along with the program, mad though it may be. But those at the top, who have no financial worries, cannot be so easily understood. The mob mentality can explain most of the “I Stand with Ukraine” type of mindlessness, but it doesn’t explain why the narratives being sold are always mindless. Always contrary to reality.
“You are of your father the devil,” Jesus memorably said, calling Satan “the father of lies.” He also called the Devil “a murderer from the beginning.” Interestingly, because Jesus makes these accusations against “the Jews,” the Zionist-dominated Christian denominations tend to ignore this verse almost as much as they ignore the “camel going through the eye of a needle” one. How do we reconcile Jesus calling “the Jews” the children of the Devil? How do we reconcile him saying that the rich will be unable to enter Heaven?
We need to stop thinking of those who conspire against the interests of the people as being “Right” or “Left.” They are serving the interests of organized evil, and the head of the conspiracy is that same Father of all Lies that Jesus called out. At least that is what I believe. Many may serve his interests unintentionally, but those in key positions unquestionably know who they are working for. As Bob Dylan reminded us, you have to serve somebody. Your choices are good and evil. Door number one or door number two. Happy Easter. Choose wisely.
Happy Easter Donald!
A little more than 31 years ago I had a spontaneous religious experience that changed me to my core. I did a 180 overnight. I never joined a church, so maintaining my faith and submission to God over these last, extremely challenging, 31 years has been a difficult road. I could never have retained my new life, if I had not dropped out of the culture of America. I don't mean going to live in a cabin in the woods (although I did do that) rather, I mean no consumption of pop-culture...getting rid of the idiot box. At that time in 1990, I had already stopped going to the cinema ten years prior, so it's been 42 years since I've been in a cinema. I do enjoy pre-1960 films on dvd.
After 31 years of spreading the Good News of Christ Jesus, and spreading the bad news of "conspiracy theories", and talking to hundreds of folk, I can only count four people who I had influenced enough, so that when the vax was rolled out, they believed me when I told them it is planned genocide...and did not take it. If I only ever reach four people... that's ok. I know I did my best all these years...and never held back any effort or took the easy way out. I have come to believe that maybe, for us in this "work", we will only ever reach one or two others...and that was the plan from the get-go. I remember well, my overwhelming optimism some 31 years ago. It worked out differently...but that's ok.
Donald, you have reached far more than four people...you'll never know how many. Better to remain faithful to God and reach only one other person...than to sell-out and have a following of millions. I know that for myself, I always feel better after listening to you on Monday evenings. May the Lord bless and keep you and your family.
Don... Well said. We ARE in a spiritual war and always have been. The Good News is that God still reigns and He has already paid the price of our salvation. The sad thing is to see how man has corrupted religion in his vain attempts to control everything and everyone. If there is no Grace - if there is nothing beyond the physical - then we are in a dark place, indeed.
We are all here and gone in the blink of an eye - no matter how much gold or how many WMDs one has at his command. No one has ever taken any of their riches with them (though they have certainly tried over the centuries). Humans have been playing at being "as gods" since the beginning and we never seem to learn... "There is nothing new under the Sun..."
The sheer complexity of life and the physical world around us proclaims the existence of a Creator. The absurdity of our authoritarian, technocratic, "scientific" Elites believing that THEY understand how life and Universe works and that they CAN now morph into gods via their transhumanist plans would be laughable if it were not so ANTI-Human...
On another note, some of the most godly people I have met in my lifetime have been Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim believers. Some of the worst specimens have been fellow Christians. When you look at the war-mongering, cheating. immorality, flag-waving-fascist tendencies of some who profess faith in Christ, you cannot help but be ashamed and appalled.
Happy Easter!