The other day, there was a rumble in Congress. A real rumble. What has been called the Ghettosburg Address. Marjorie Taylor Greene made a comment about Jasmine Crockett’s false eyelashes, AOC predictably sprung to her defense (AOC is obligated to side with all POCs), and then Crockett belittled Greene’s looks.
It was an unprecedented instance of classlessness. One imagines that, even when Senator Charles Sumner was nearly beaten to death by the cane of Senator Preston Brooks in 1856, there was still some kind of twisted decorum involved. It is doubtful that Brooks chided Sumner with, “Baby girl, I don’t play,” as AOC did, with a laughable attempt to gain street credibility. It was too early in history for those gender fluid references, anyhow. The country was young, with only two genders. Whatever their faults, the Congress then had no member speaking fluent Ebonics. What was even more striking about the Ghettosburg Address was the fact that no male colleague attempted to intervene. None dared call it Idiocracy. This is a trend throughout American society now. Men don’t try to stop what used to be called cat fights. They’re probably thinking of all those females beating up all those males onscreen.
Also this week, Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker created a firestorm with his remarks during a commencement address at Benedictine College, a Catholic institution. Butker proudly expressed his own strong Catholic faith, and declared that it was fine for women to “take pride in homemaking.” The NFL sharply attacked his comments. The same NFL that celebrates genuine thugs who’ve been charged with multiple violent crimes, more often than not against women. Basically, the “controversy” revolved around him saying that cooking, cleaning, and raising kids was nothing for a woman to be ashamed of, as well as him not embracing the LGBTQ+ movement. As recently as thirty years ago, no one would have batted an eye at his comments. Despite coach Andy Reid’s surprising show of support, Butker will be lucky to avoid being “cancelled.”
I need to emphasize that I love women. They can still turn my head with shocking ease. Like the men I criticize, I’ve always been a ready foil for them. They can flash an intoxicating smile, utter a few sweet words, and I am ready for any manipulation. I still put them on a pedestal, and like Steve Martin joked, I can’t help but look up their dresses when doing so. To me, the human female is the crown jewel of the world. The exclusive bearer of life, despite what the crazed transgender crowd says. Over a century ago, Irving Berlin wrote A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody. Today, with the ugly accoutrements of obesity, tattoos, and resting bitch faces, a pretty girl is a rarer and rarer commodity. And yet, when you see a lovely female smile, or hear a tender, caring voice, and witness their instinctive compassion, your heart still melts.
There is no question that women were mistreated in the past. My grandmother literally never left her home, baking from scratch, and putting up with an alcoholic and probably abusive husband. Now that husband is the grandfather I’ve mentioned before, who worked 12 hours a day, 365 days a year. So he was certainly a “victim” too, to use the present favored terminology. But did he have to get that upset when she took a day trip to Baltimore without his permission? Just imagine how cloistered you have to be to get thrilled about seeing Baltimore. At any rate, my guess is both of them died without ever seeing the ocean. So, even when the patriarchy permitted husbands to hit their wives, and forced the women to obey them, they really both were living lives of what went far beyond the “quiet desperation” Thoreau described.
But even at the height of patriarchy in the western world, women were still generally venerated. The majority White societies never broke the feet of little girls, as was the custom in China, and forced them to wear shoes that were too small, to keep them unable to wander far from their homes. They certainly were never stoned for showing their faces, which apparently still happens in some Muslim countries. Before the feminists discovered the female orgasm, Africans had a brutal tradition of female circumcision, which is still going on today. But from the beginning of the feminist movement, the focus was on the mistreatment of women in America, and other nations ruled by hopelessly racist and chauvinist White men.
I considered myself a feminist as a young man, back when I was a card carrying member of the ACLU. Who wouldn’t support equal rights for all under the law? Who could be against equal pay for equal work? And of all the girls I dated back in those prehistoric times, I never really encountered a vocal feminist. I didn’t see the bitterness. The resting bitch faces we’ve come to take for granted. But it was all cool. I didn’t feel compelled to open a car door for them, although I still usually opened doors to restaurants, etc. I still had some chivalry. If they paid for half of the date, I didn’t argue. It was indeed like being with an equal. Equals with benefits, or something like that. There were no arguments over the Equal Rights Amendment.
But when they came up with that whole “a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle” thing, they began to lose me. That’s a really vicious slogan. It’s akin to those men who denigrate women as “cunts” or “gashes.” Actor Peter Fonda was fond of using the “gash” sobriquet on the Platform Formerly Known as Twitter. I hate those terms. Really, really ugly words. I wonder why they’re not considered “Hate Speech?” Maybe if you said Jewish gash or Black cunt, it might qualify? The feminists instead have come to glorify their vaginas. As in The Vagina Dialogues. I would like to talk to any man who sat through that. Congratulations on your vagina, I guess. It has been responsible for many men doing many foolish things over the course of history.
I can’t look at feminism as anything other than a disaster for our society. One can argue that it lit the fuse that eventually resulted in America 2.0. I have often pointed out that, once women entered the work force in large numbers, it should have resulted in married couples being financially better off. After all, two incomes are better than one, even in the common core world. But somehow, that didn’t happen. In fact, the standard of living began to slip. Daycare centers became a thriving industry, and they weren’t cheap. Gas and car maintenance expenses doubled. And the worst impact was on the children. Latch key kids came home to lonely homes. No June Cleaver ready to hug them, ask them about their day, and give them milk and cookies.
And, of course, the career woman was born. I’m pretty sure they stopped having Home Ec classes in high school. When I graduated in 1974, all the girls were still taking them. They’ve undoubtedly all been banished to the darkest memory hole by now. It became not only “uncool,” but nearly forbidden, for young girls to be interested in cooking and taking care of a home. Abortions skyrocketed, which is going to happen when you have a massive increase in premarital sex. Women benefited from Affirmative Action in the same way Blacks did. And it soon became obvious that most women were not using their newfound authority to push the traditional feminine virtues. They weren’t trying to introduce harmony and cordiality into the workplace. Instead, they tried to be harder assed than the men.
Feminists, of course, insisted that men were “threatened” by women being in charge, and that they had to be tough to “prove themselves.” I think it would have been better if they’d just tried to be fair. To stop playing favorites and end the old-boy network. But if anything, they seemed to be even more unreasonable and irrational than the male bosses. I’ve met very few people, men or women, who really enjoyed working under a female superior. Your mileage may vary. But then again, I always had issues with management. I guess it’s the born rebel in me. If I’d had the pleasure of being supervised by a transgender, I’m sure I would have found that unpleasant, too. My pronouns should probably be criticize and protest. As in I Protest.
The feminist agenda effectively transformed America from a patriarchy into a matriarchy. This would eventually culminate in what we see today. A society where 80 percent of the females want the same 20 percent of the males. The “chads.” And the hapless 80 percent who aren’t “chads” become belittled as “incels,” or involuntarily celibate. I haven’t dated anyone else since I met my wife in 1979, so I’m hardly an expert here. But I see the attitudes so many young girls have today, as reflected on TikTok or Instagram. Bragging about not being able (or willing) to cook. Relishing in all the things they won’t do for any man. In many cases, not offering much other than their vagina, while demanding that anyone who dare contact them on a dating site be over six feet tall, in shape, make six figures, be attentive to their needs, etc.
Every study shows that marriage rates for young people are at an all time low. And why not? Marriage is still seen as a traditional institution. Traditional values are not consistent with the madness of America 2.0. What marriages happen are in barns, or vineyards, not a church. Those with the financial means opt for destination weddings. And they don’t have to be between a man and a woman. Birth rates have plummeted, and it’s largely because women, especially White women, no longer have the maternal instinct. That impulse has effectively been channeled into parental doting on pets like cats and dogs. With so many locked into the cyber world, the stark reality of marriage, and the effort it takes to make it work, is simply not attractive to many young men and women. Social media, and online porn, have supplanted human companionship. Considering the state of the real world, perhaps this is understandable.
Perhaps an even more alarming statistic is that a far higher percentage of adult males are virgins now than ever before in recorded history. Well, that should be expected with the explosion of incels. Female virginity rates have remained stable, however. This, of course, could only be mathematically possible if a good chunk of females are having sex with the same lucky chunk of “chads.” Whoever thought there could be a MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) movement even twenty years ago? Nothing is more important to a young male cisgender than the attention of females. For a growing portion of them to simply turn their backs and walk away from women is a shocking, troubling phenomenon. This is good news to the eugenicists who run our corrupt world. The last thing they want is for people to be fruitful and multiply.
We know they’ve put something in our foods, and our corroded public water supply, which has essentially made females more aggressive and masculine, and males more submissive and feminine. Male testosterone rates are lower than they’ve ever been. And women who’ve been fully vaxxed will find it harder to get pregnant, and more likely to miscarry if they do, if they actually desire children. The desperate financial circumstances of Bidenomics make it very difficult for those rare young traditionalists, to permit the wife to stay home and care for the kids. All workplaces are inundated with unnecessary stress, so couples bring that home with them. The schools would be forced to close if all the parents who wanted to homeschool were financially able to. As it is, homeschooling is still at an all time high.
I hope I don’t get accused of mansplaining here. Just think about what that ridiculous “Woke” term implies. That a group comprising half of the population is so insignificant that their opinion doesn’t matter. It’s literally a flipped version of the ancient “women should be seen and not heard” mentality. All females must be respected, but no males need be. Unless they are pretending to be women, in which case they get all the rights and privileges of mere cisgender women. No mansplaining for them. The transgender lunacy has collided with toxic feminism, creating a situation where pretend women are actually given preference over biological women. And the ones pushing this insanity hardest are biological women, just like Whites are the loudest voices condemning “White Supremacy.”
I will always cherish women. My best friend in ninth grade was a girl, long before Nickelodeon and the Disney Channel made such things popular. I prefer their company. Wives were called “the better half” because most men recognized they were. Men know how perverted we all can be. How easily tempted. In elementary school, we were taught that boys were made of snails and puppy dog tails, while girls were made of everything nice. We just assume they’re morally superior. We always give them the benefit of the doubt. We apologize, even when we shouldn’t have to, and sometimes when we should be apologized to. That’s another slice of Hollywood. Let me know how many times you see a female apologize to a male onscreen.
We have to face the fact that there is a huge cultural divide between men and women. Supposedly, if you took only male votes, the entire country would be red. Now, I am no fan of Republicans, but that really says a lot about voting patterns. It indicates that a majority of women want drastically different things from their government than the majority of men do. What is the point of a husband and wife cancelling each other’s votes? What a meaningless exercise. So watch the Ghettosburg Address again and ask yourself; what have we created here? How quickly we went from mud wrestling and wet t-shirt contests to this. You can’t bring back Home Ec classes. Increasing the testosterone rates can’t be easy. Try to be kind and considerate to all, but don’t be a pushover. Even if it’s undeniably true that a fish doesn’t need a bicycle.
Wow! Perfectly penned! I’m one of those traditional homemakers who has stayed home with our three children. I still home-school our 15 year-old while doing a ton of work with our family business (our own cigar company). It is extremely challenging and exhausting work but we sure are tight as a family unit and all three kids lean decidedly conservative. Working outside of our home would have been a much easier route but far less rewarding and our kids would have felt the necessary neglect. Oh and I might add that at different points, we were dirt poor but we managed the best we could and taught our children some great survival skills.
I think man is God's gift to woman and woman is God's gift to man.