The top story this past week has been the imminent release of the list containing prominent names that had flown on billionaire sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express.” Because our state controlled media has zero interest in this story, it is unclear just how many of them visited Epstein’s “Lolita Island.”
I’m still not sure if we’ve seen the official “list.” The ones I’ve seen have included many of the biggest names in the entertainment world, including a shocking number of female celebrities. You’d think that Oprah would have enough money to forego toiling as a groomer for all those salivating men. She doesn’t seem to have a high opinion of the less fair sex. And Angelina Jolie should be busy with her duties as the most inexplicable member of the Council on Foreign Relations. While researching Survival of the Richest, I wrote the CFR, asking them what the qualifications were to be a member. I certainly had Jolie, whose connection to “foreign relations” is unknown, in mind here. They responded by sending me a membership application.
An entertaining aside to all this was NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers mentioning the list on an ESPN podcast, and singling out lame talk show host Jimmy Kimmel. Kimmel angrily threatened to sue Rodgers, who is becoming the closest thing the sports world has ever seen to a real “conspiracy theorist.” He claimed that Rodgers was placing his family in danger. Well, if Kimmel really was on an island with a bunch of underage girls being forced to satisfy adult men, then his reputation should be in danger. I don’t think he’s married, but if so that would certainly raise the specter of divorce. Kimmel’s name was on the Epstein list I saw. Incidentally, Kimmel’s former girlfriend, vulgar comedian Sarah Silverman, was also on the list. Some couples go to the movies or dinner. Some go to Lolita Island.
We have heard rumors that there is a John Doe 307 or something. Was it Bill Clinton? Do sex tapes including Clinton, Donald Trump, and One Percenter Richard Branson exist? Not with each other, of course. With assorted girls that are legally too young to consent. I imagine that those behind bars who were convicted of statutory rape for having sex with their sixteen year old girlfriend, when they were eighteen, are probably smoldering over the injustice of it. They never got to go to Lolita Island. They just became smitten with a younger high school classmate. It seems wrong to have some who had sex with underage girls imprisoned, while others had their cake and ate it, too. It’s an age of consent thing, you wouldn’t understand.
One of those on the list is actor Kevin Spacey. Not sure if he’s “out” or not, but Spacey is widely acknowledged to be gay. This may explain why he has been accused of sexual assault by more than thirty different males. He’s kind of the Hollywood version of NFL quarterback Deshaun Watson. While Watson was accused of sexually assaulting or harassing multiple females at massage parlors, at least some of Spacey’s accusers were underage boys. Demonstrating that their courts are as bad as ours, a jury in London acquitted Spacey of nine counts of sexual charges against four men. Showcasing what fame and entitlement mean in this world, a New York jury topped that by awarding Spacey $40 million in a civil lawsuit against one of his accusers.
Spacey is in a unique category. Evidently, at least three of Spacey’s accusers have left this mortal coil. He has his own fledgling Body Count. Ari Behn, a Norwegian author married to a princess, supposedly killed himself on Christmas Day 2019, two years after belatedly claiming Spacey had groped him against his will. This came the day after Spacey’s extremely creepy Christmas Eve video, where he suggested, in dealing with those you don’t like, “kill them with kindness.” Earlier in 2019, another accuser was hit by a car and killed. Yet another died of unknown causes two months before Behn. Spacey broke down in tears in court upon being acquitted. He is an actor after all. But what was there to attract the attention of Spacey on Lolita Island? Lolitas, after all, are underage girls, not boys. Maybe Epstein stocked some little Lolitos.
Just looking at Spacey’s history on this issue, what chance is there for anyone accusing the likes of Clinton, or Trump, or Prince Andrew, of sexual crimes? They’d be fortunate to escape the fate of those Kevin Spacey accusers. The Clintons still have the most impressive Body Count. They’re like the Beatles of Body Counts. They sure aren’t going to convict a member of British royalty for anything. Maybe all the attention will be funneled to Trumpenstein, who may garner yet another fake conviction. I don’t think Trump, or anyone else, is going to be sent to prison over any Lolita crimes. It there are any token convictions, they will probably be discreetly flown to Epstein’s island, where he may well still be trafficking underage girls.
For those that don’t know, the term Lolita comes from Vladimir Nabokov’s 1955 novel Lolita. It describes the obsession an older man feels for a nubile young girl. The term for this kind of sexual attraction is not pedophilia, which is a sexual attraction to prepubescent children, but hebephilia, an attraction to teenagers. It was made into a 1962 film starring James Mason and Shelley Winters, directed by the legendary Stanley Kubrick. Sue Lyon played Lolita, and was fourteen at the time. Such a movie could not be made today. Unless, of course, Lolita was a male “transgender” pretending to be a female. Then he/she/it could be twelve, or ten, or two. They’ve all but waived the age of consent for transgenders. Transgender sex at any age is cool!
The civil libertarian in me urges caution here. It is perfectly possible that some, if not many, of those on the Epstein list might have just gone for a ride on his plane. Thought it was cool to hobnob with a billionaire. If I was a young actor, and some billionaire surrounded by beautiful young girls invited me on his private jet, I can’t be confident I could refuse. Regardless of how many celebrities actually went to Lolita Island and had sex with underage girls, which in the non-celebrity world is ipso facto statutory rape- no one will be prosecuted, let alone convicted, unless the elite want to sacrifice them. Rock stars, athletes, and actors have been having unpunished sex with minors for a very, very long time. The exiled Roman Polanski allegedly raped a thirteen year old girl in 1978. He was given a standing ovation at the 2003 Oscars.
What exactly was happening on Epstein’s island? Was adrenochrome served to the guests? Were there truly prepubescent little girls and boys there, provided to the famous pedophiles? Were any of the girls there because they wanted to be? Were any of them killed, to satisfy the sickest of urges these parasites possess? Snuff films are all too real, and obviously the turnover rate for those “starring” in them is very high. Was “spirit cooking” going on in the kitchen? Were there cameras catching the famous visitors in flagrante with their illegal conquests? Was this kind of a year-round version of the all-male festivities at Bohemian Grove?
Virginia Giuffre is a bold woman. She’s the blonde teenager in the famous photo, standing next to Prince Andrew and Epstein’s now imprisoned bottom bitch Ghislaine Maxwell. Prince Andrew reached a settlement with Giuffre in February, 2022. Giuffre was labeled as “a money hungry sex kitten.” Giuffre had settled a previous lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell in 2017. Giuffre’s father, interestingly enough, once worked as a maintenance manager at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property. Giuffre also accused high profile lawyer Alan Dershowitz of rape, to which he reacted by alleging perhaps Giuffre should be charged with rape, as she supposedly brought an underage friend to Epstein Island when she herself was a legal adult.
Epstein’s August 10, 2019 death in prison, as he was awaiting trial, was basically scoffed at by the whole world. Even The New York Times appeared skeptical of his “suicide.” And The New York Times is not known to be skeptical about many things. Unless you’re a “conspiracy theorist.” They are very skeptical of “conspiracy theorists.” Epstein had been found with neck injuries on July 23. Although he claimed to have been attacked, the authorities suspected a suicide attempt, and put him on suicide watch. Epstein’s original cellmate was a policeman suspected of murder. He would allege, after Epstein’s death, that he had been threatened by federal guards. Epstein’s last cellmate would die of “COVID” in November, 2020.
In February 2022, Jean-Luc Brunel, suspected of procuring underage girls for Epstein, was found hanged in a French prison. Brunel, an influential talent scout, was accused of sexual assault and rape by several top French models. Virginia Giuffre claimed Epstein had bragged that he’d slept with over a thousand of “Brunel’s girls.” Ghislaine Maxwell’s brother Ian Maxwell reacted by saying, “It’s really shocking. Another death by hanging in a high-security prison. My reaction is one of total shock and bewilderment.” Regarding his sister, he noted that his family “fears for her safety.” A twenty year old model, dubbed the “Russian Rapunzel,” plunged to her death from her Wall Street apartment in 2008, two years after being transported to Lolita Island. She was mentioned in the recently released, apparently voluminous Epstein documents.
Prison guards Tova Noel and Michael Thomas, admitted that they “willfully and knowingly” falsely filled out documents claiming that they had been checking Epstein’s cell as scheduled on the day he died. In actuality, they surfed the internet, and slept for at least two hours during their shift. Federal prosecutors sentenced them to one hundred hours of community service. Prosecutors laughably maintained that “the interests of justice” were being best served by a deferred prosecution. Epstein had also been incomprehensibly taken off suicide watch, when the authorities alleged that he’d just attempted suicide little more than two weeks earlier. The chief medical examiner and the U.S. Bureau of Prisons engaged in a comprehensive coverup of the case.
It’s fun to watch those who irrationally think the Democrats are the good guys, focus all their attention on Donald Trump. They would never believe any of their beloved celebrities could consort carnally with females (or males) not old enough to legally consent, but there is nothing they’d put past Trumpenstein. He is their Immanuel Goldstein, after all. They can picture him raping an entire kindergarten class. With his orange micro-penis, of course. Can’t leave that out. Republicans, meanwhile, are hoping that tape exists of Bill Clinton raping someone underage. He had at least three women over the agent of consent accuse him of rape, but no prosecutions resulted. They’re naively confident he’ll be less fortunate with statutory rape allegations.
Speaking of Clinton, the Epstein docs reportedly reveal that the always lovely Hillary Clinton sent a henchman to intimidate one of the witnesses. Well, that’s the sort of thing you do when you’re the co-chair of a powerful crime family. Witness Sarah Ransome claimed that her friend has videotape that clearly shows the faces of Clinton, Prince Andrew, and Richard Branson as they have sex with her. Ransome stated, “A couple months later, she was then approached, by Special Agents Forces….sent directly by Hillary Clinton herself…to protect her presidential campaign in 2008. They heavily intimidated her, ruffled her up (luckily she took photos as evidence) and was then forced to sign a confidentiality agreement which ensures that she can never come forward publicly implicating her husband.”
Ransome went on to note that “She was then given a substantial payout, directly from the Clinton Foundation to keep her quiet. She is 1000% certain that the FBI did a cover up and she has the individual names of Hillary’s Special Agent Officers involved in intimidating her. She was then forced against her will to sign a legally binding confidentially (sic) agreement on Hillary’s behalf for her eternal silence. If she breaks this agreement, she is dead.” The witness supposedly has the sex tapes backed up on “several USB sticks,” and has a kill switch in case something happens to her. Because, you know, in all these cases where no foul play is found by the authorities, “something happens” to a lot of witnesses. The witness also claimed she had consensual sex with Donald Trump at Epstein’s New York mansion “on regular occasions.”
If such sex tapes exist, I believe that they have as much chance of seeing the light of day as the tapes Seymour Hersh has been talking about for years, which supposedly show U.S. troops raping young Iraqi boys in front of their screaming mothers. Such footage alone would bring this bogus house of cards down. If anything can wake up the Sheeple, that would. I think. Not completely sure at this point that anything could open the eyes of those that have enabled such unprecedented corruption. Odds are such tapes would be hidden in some secluded spot, to be perhaps shown every New Year’s Eve, along with the lost Babushka Lady film of the JFK assassination, to new initiates into the Illuminati, or whatever they call it. I guess it beats being paddled.
Google maps, according to the conspiracy world, shows mass graves on Epstein’s island. The new unsealed documents supposedly disclose that Virginia Giuffre cleared Trump of any wrongdoing. She said she never saw him with minors, or at Epstein’s New York mansion. Jeffrey Epstein led a charmed life indeed. Hired as a math teacher by William Barr’s father at the private, progressive Dalton School. Without having a college degree. It is normally impossible to teach in any school without a college degree. But then it would seemingly be just as impossible to acquire a billion dollar fortune from teaching math. How and where did Epstein get his money? You can’t enter the lucrative world of sex trafficking without sufficient funds.
Already the usual suspects are crying that some, or all, of the names on the Epstein list have been photoshopped in there. By pesky “conspiracy theorists,” of course. In the age of CGI, it is very hard to prove that something is not fake. Unless it’s a picture of alleged Israeli victims of Hamas, or something. That couldn’t be photoshopped. If any celebrities bother to respond at all, they’ll simply claim “Hey, I just took a ride on Jeff’s plane. He seemed like a nice guy.” None will admit to ever being on Lolita Island. What do lonely Lolitas do? It’s odd for someone to set up a Lolita Island like that, and have no one ever come. Well, no one you ever heard of. They may track down a plumber from Pittsburgh or something and throw the book at him.
Jimmy Kimmel, for instance, is doubling down on his ridiculous attacks on Aaron Rodgers. Kimmel’s entire “act” consists of Democratic Party talking points. Without Donald Trump to childishly ridicule, this “comedian” would never have a monologue. Despite his name appearing on the published Epstein list, Kimmel insists it’s not. And demands that Aaron Rodgers apologize. For being right, I guess. This will be the norm here; simply dismiss all references to a list as “conspiracy theories.” What is the point of having a list, if everyone on it just says it’s “fake news?” Or doesn’t even acknowledge its existence? Ah, what the Trumpenstein project created.
Because all of the names on the list, assuming they are legitimate, represent the “Woke” Hollywood and Washington, D.C. establishments, it is impossible to imagine any part of our state controlled media asking the right questions. The only name they’ll be interested in is Donald Trump. Which, of course, leads us into yet another act of the Trumpenstein Project. Trump will claim any list with him on it is “fake,” and everyone else will claim the list is “fake” too, except for Trump’s name. He was a serial rapist. A bigly rapist. A Lolita destroyer. Even with that micro-penis. Bill Clinton, on the other hand, has nothing to worry about. Ask Juanita Broderick.
If you’re offered a ride on some dashing billionaire’s jet, think twice about it. Sure the gorgeous females he sends to escort you up the steps look enticing. No one would expect you to check their IDs. That kind of stuff is for the rubes. Let them worry about statutory rape. Not you. Some billionaires are extraordinarily generous. It’s not like you’re going to be asked for anything in return. It’s not like you might be recorded in compromising positions. But if you’re ever inclined to say Oswald didn’t do it, or that 9/11 was an inside job, or if you aspire to leading at least a semi-moral life someday, then remember the words from the old Twilight Zone episode. Don’t get on the ship.
For any critical thinking person, it's clear, there were also little boys, and human sacrifice going on at Lolita Island. What else would that mini temple be for? What is surprising is that I have actually seen a few msm sources float the idea that Epstein and Maxwell had a Mossad honeypot going on. Maxwell's father had an Israeli state funeral and burial on the Mount of Olives, for his service to Mossad. I have never believed for one second, that Epstein is dead.
There are those who are higher than the filthy political/celebrity class taking the heat just now. I think this big reveal of the stinking filth who "govern" us is just one more piece of the great takedown of America 2.0 happening this year. A lot of those who have faithfully served the Beast all their lives, are in for a very rude awakening this year
Don, these people should be hunted down by parents with pitchforks and axes… instead our government, the media and “normal”people just roll their eyes and call it bullshit conspiracy. The insane on both sides of the red-blue spectrum actually watch these sickos movies and tv shows, they celebrate them.
We live in an evil world, I am not religious, but maybe the devil does exist and life on earth is hell…. Starting the really believe this theory I have had for a long time.