Don't bother with him, this guy is a kook and I can't tell if he's a brazen liar or just that stupid. He's only here to proselytize his insane ideas, he's not into that truth jive.
Don't bother with him, this guy is a kook and I can't tell if he's a brazen liar or just that stupid. He's only here to proselytize his insane ideas, he's not into that truth jive.
Yes, I will beware of scattering the proverbial pearls before swine. But in the meantime it is always interesting to hear what such people have to say before they break out into a cosmic rant.
He did that to me too, put a ridiculous comment under my article (shameless plug and pulled me into Dms. He actually sent me free copies of his books so I thought, cool. But within 20 minutes of reading them I ran into some really bizarre statements and rebutted. Then he just went into his spiral of insanity and wouldn't even argue his ideas, he instead demonstrated how "christians are so wrong and bad cuz I started preaching against their faith and they turned on me and I got arrested for my ideas (color me skeptical of that claim)." I think he's a narcissist because he has a childlike lack of self awareness but pushes his ideas on others hard.
I was arrrested because I wrote this book, dumass which exposed the government and those above it.
There was a тАЬpurgingтАЭ of our military leaders who had a history of courage and integrity. These men had backbone, and more than one or two have stated unofficially that the real reason for discharge was a little different. It is rumored (and referred to by some dismissed generals), and I believe it, that the real reason for discharge was that, when asked if they would follow directions to open fire on American citizens, would they comply and pass on the order.
If they indicated that they had vertebrae enough to disregard such orders, they were removed from service. It has been said that many of those discharged warriors had expressed disagreement with (but not disobedience to) the current administrationтАЩs policies. Whatever the true motivations for these actions, one thing has been the result of this route of action.
The current military leaders for this nation are well aware that they will be relieved of their position if they dissent in any way. They now have no spine, not one will do what is right, and they will all fall into obedience to an evil dictatorship (or fascist police state).
Here it is, in simple clear language: The plain dam truth is that the illuminati have a world population goal of five hundred million. That should make it all very clear. They plan to eliminate twelve out of thirteen people inhabiting planet earth, within ten years.
There is a document released by the United Nations- Agenda 21 тАУ which describes a nice society тАУ no illiteracy-no poverty- no starvation- but leaves out some things you may glean by тАЬreading between the lines.тАЭ
They will tell you where to live, how you are educated, what work you will do. The documentтАЩs purpose is just to sell the idea; it reveals no policies, no specific facts, and no real implementation. Like everything else that we are exposed to, it is all cosmetics, looks nice, but where is the substance? What is being covered up and glossed over?
As I have stated before, what they have planned for me and for you (if we are not killed), is a world fascist police state. So just sit back and do nothing. That assures them victory. Rebel and you could be killed. The odds are that you will die anyway. Once again, here is the solution that I offer: Stand up and refuse to obey them. This involves the whole planet. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Unless an almost unanimous effort is involved, we will be defeated. First educate everybody, everywhere. United we stand, divided we fall. Do not be intimidated. Do not be bought. Do not be tempted. Do not be deceived. Disobedience on a planetary scale will keep us free.
Our rulers are not our benefactors. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Be strong. Be courageous. Walk circumspectly. Use wisdom. Be prepared. Be sober and alert. Keep your heart, use your mind. Now for more developments. There is a technological development that has been in use for ten years in its experimental
Back to the warden illuminati plans. Gates with his abortion and vaccinations. Much medical science and the pharmaceuticals are in the process of developing likeminded work. The pollution card is there.
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) has purchased two million under-water body bags. For those of you who canтАЩt add two plus two, these are for putting dead bodies into, and throwing them into the ocean where they cannot be found.
FEMA has much more power and funding, and a different agenda than that which is publically shown, and is the organization that will be used to take down America. Only six percent of their funding is used for relief of natural disasters.
Under the radar: Through various domestic state and federal government agencies such as: Wildlife and Game, IRS, FBI, CIA, FEMA, Parole, Probation, Local and County Police, Public Works, etc... our government ordered two billion hollow point bullets. For those of you who donтАЩt know, these are expensive ammunition that expand on impact, and are usually fatal. They are for use on our own soil, on American citizens.
The police are now being equipped with new riot gear and instructions for use in our cities like combat zones. They are also being equipped with military style weapons and most counties are being given tanks. SWAT teams are being deployed in increasing incidents exponentially, although crime has not increased to warrant this.
I never said that I was arrested for ideas. I was arrested for facts- I exposed the government in my book. May 2016
By the end of the year 2013, it was reported that 197 generals and other senior commanders in our military had been relieved from duty. Included were 37 four star generals, highly decorated and trusted brass who were removed from service. Why? Let me give you some examples to make your own conclusion from.
Vice Admiral Tim Giardina, Deputy Commander of US Strategic Command was rejected, and what was the reason?
The charges as stated officially, were: He used counterfeit poker chips. It sounds to me that the crime was, in a friendly game of poker with his friends, he pretended to use chips, and they were plastic. He should be hung for such a crime. Just think of the potential harm he could have caused. He might have toppled some leggos.
Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette was removed for uttering a racial slur.
There was a тАЬpurgingтАЭ of our military leaders who had a history of courage and integrity. These men had backbone, and more than one or two have stated unofficially that the real reason for discharge was a little different. It is rumored (and referred to by some dismissed generals), and I believe it, that the real reason for discharge was that, when asked if they would follow directions to open fire on American citizens, would they comply and pass on the order. If they indicated that they had vertebrae enough to disregard such orders, they were removed from service. It has been said that many of those discharged warriors had expressed disagreement with (but not disobedience to) the current administrationтАЩs policies.
Whatever the true motivations for these actions, one thing has been the result of this route of action. The current military leaders for this nation are well aware that they will be relieved of their position if they dissent in any way. They now have no spine, not one will do what is right, and they will all fall into obedience to an evil dictatorship (or fascist police state).
See now this is some pretty interesting information and I don't disagree with your fact finding in this regard. The problem is you use that as a Trojan horse to push your agenda and wacky gnostic ideas that even the feds couldn't push in good conscience. Can't you see that you made yourself toxic to your community? If you commit to fundamentally undermining people's deeply held spiritual beliefs, and not because you are correcting them or trying to get them closer to the truth or even because you care about them, but because you're categorically right (in your own mind) and have a need to put yourself over people for your insane ego. Who wouldn't turn on you when you behave that way? It's even antisocial by postmodern standards. There's not even a shred of evidence to back up your "scriptural debunking" from your "studies". Josephus wrote the entire new testament, wow amazing. He's not even a reliable historian in his actual work, more a person of interest because he discussed Jesus and we have few accounts of historians that did. We also have precious few writings from early church fathers, so I guess Caesar wrote the new testament now? Your ideology is just garbled Nietzschean garbage that isn't even as vital as his syphilitic work, which has become the gospel to the foolish nowadays
I watched Bill Gates do a speech on just that. First he came up with all kinds of statistics of how many people there would be on the planet decades from now. He then used statistics to show how much food we would have, of course the numbers indicated that we would not have enough. He then gave some solutions to overpopulation.
One of the solutions was vaccinations. That confused me at first. ArenтАЩt vaccinations a way to promote more life? The answer came a few days later in my research. Another documentary revealed that some vaccinations in Africa funded by Gates caused about 47,000 deaths. Furthermore, I learned that Gates intends to reduce world population by 15% via means of vaccinations. In Chad, Gates-funded vaccinations recently caused 50 paralyzations.
He also funds abortions. It sounds like an agenda of death for this billionaire тАЬphilanthropistтАЭ (he publicly announced his generous contribution to abortions and like donations). Does that not enrage you? If not, there is something seriously wrong with you, as there is with that lovely murderer, Gates. Funny, but
rich. But the politicians donтАЩt decide, they are just puppets. The puppeteers, the illuminati, they are the ones who choose decades ahead, who will be president, and everything else.
What about voting and elections? Who owns the ballot machines, and who counts them? I did a quick little search and found that the Bush family is involved in ownership, and also their affiliates with the CIA and other тАЬintelligence agenciesтАЭ here in good old USA.
You should know of BushтАЩs wealth and corruption, but even more so the ways of our agencies which somehow were a target of President Kennedy, who in his attempts to expose them, was assassinated, by some coincidence. Accidently on purpose.
But that doesnтАЩt matter, though, because our votes hold absolutely no significance whatsoever. Our politicians are puppets that are made and selected by the puppeteers. They recite rhetoric to look good, while collecting bribes and gifts, and they constantly go in and out of office in revolving doors with executive positions paying millions of dollars
I cannot disagree with much of what you are disclosing here. Much of this information is available elsewhere (obviously not on Mainstream media sources), but, it seems evident from your posts that you just want people to purchase your book(s) and listen to your rants. Also, I cannot agree with you at all regarding your positions on Christianity. Are there people who profess to be Christians and don't act like it? Yes! Are there many who just warm the pews on Sunday morning so they can feel good about themselves? Yes! Are there those who have no regard for the "Golden Rule?" Yes! Christians are clearly imperfect, just like everyone else--from the moment they pop out of the womb. Hence the need for our Saviour, whom God so graciously sent. But to call Jehovah Satan? Well, that is blasphemous. I am truly sorry that you were hurt so badly by those who claim to be followers of Christ. I have been hurt too and have gone through 3 church splits in my lifetime, though not wounded as badly as you were. We must pray for and forgive those who trespass against us and if so, the bitterness and anger will resolve. It may not be instant, but will settle the soul/troubled heart. God be with you.
First of all, you were the one providing absolutely no debating points, all you had was ridicule but no evidence against my points. Because I said that Josephus penned the NT, you said I was mad because Josephus was an unbeliever. YOu are fuckin retarded. Jesus was a creation of Josephus, he never existed, he was composed to create a slave and submissive mentality on Rome's citizens. The NT is all fabricated deception, a psyop by Rome to subvert humanity.
We've got the most luminous intelligences of the last 2000 years accepting Christian Revelation as self evident. eg Augustine, Aquinas, Tolstoy, Pascal, Samuel Johnson, Dostoevsky etc al. I think I'd rather be wrong with them than right with you Michael, if that's alright.
I don't know of too many people prepared to die for a lie, (martyrs) and then you've got to work out a motivation for the eye-witnesses to Christ to lie. It certainly wasn't worldly advancement or riches, but rather persecution and often death, penury etc.
As for your political revelations, we're all over them, don't worry.
Don't bother with him, this guy is a kook and I can't tell if he's a brazen liar or just that stupid. He's only here to proselytize his insane ideas, he's not into that truth jive.
Yes, I will beware of scattering the proverbial pearls before swine. But in the meantime it is always interesting to hear what such people have to say before they break out into a cosmic rant.
I thought so too until I talked with him, LOL! We have so few pearls anymore and so many swine
Yeah, I'm beginning think that he is a kook.
He wants to be recognized as a kuckuck so he can get all pee'd off at people who disagree and
make this his forum.
He did that to me too, put a ridiculous comment under my article (shameless plug and pulled me into Dms. He actually sent me free copies of his books so I thought, cool. But within 20 minutes of reading them I ran into some really bizarre statements and rebutted. Then he just went into his spiral of insanity and wouldn't even argue his ideas, he instead demonstrated how "christians are so wrong and bad cuz I started preaching against their faith and they turned on me and I got arrested for my ideas (color me skeptical of that claim)." I think he's a narcissist because he has a childlike lack of self awareness but pushes his ideas on others hard.
I was arrrested because I wrote this book, dumass which exposed the government and those above it.
There was a тАЬpurgingтАЭ of our military leaders who had a history of courage and integrity. These men had backbone, and more than one or two have stated unofficially that the real reason for discharge was a little different. It is rumored (and referred to by some dismissed generals), and I believe it, that the real reason for discharge was that, when asked if they would follow directions to open fire on American citizens, would they comply and pass on the order.
If they indicated that they had vertebrae enough to disregard such orders, they were removed from service. It has been said that many of those discharged warriors had expressed disagreement with (but not disobedience to) the current administrationтАЩs policies. Whatever the true motivations for these actions, one thing has been the result of this route of action.
The current military leaders for this nation are well aware that they will be relieved of their position if they dissent in any way. They now have no spine, not one will do what is right, and they will all fall into obedience to an evil dictatorship (or fascist police state).
Here it is, in simple clear language: The plain dam truth is that the illuminati have a world population goal of five hundred million. That should make it all very clear. They plan to eliminate twelve out of thirteen people inhabiting planet earth, within ten years.
There is a document released by the United Nations- Agenda 21 тАУ which describes a nice society тАУ no illiteracy-no poverty- no starvation- but leaves out some things you may glean by тАЬreading between the lines.тАЭ
They will tell you where to live, how you are educated, what work you will do. The documentтАЩs purpose is just to sell the idea; it reveals no policies, no specific facts, and no real implementation. Like everything else that we are exposed to, it is all cosmetics, looks nice, but where is the substance? What is being covered up and glossed over?
As I have stated before, what they have planned for me and for you (if we are not killed), is a world fascist police state. So just sit back and do nothing. That assures them victory. Rebel and you could be killed. The odds are that you will die anyway. Once again, here is the solution that I offer: Stand up and refuse to obey them. This involves the whole planet. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Unless an almost unanimous effort is involved, we will be defeated. First educate everybody, everywhere. United we stand, divided we fall. Do not be intimidated. Do not be bought. Do not be tempted. Do not be deceived. Disobedience on a planetary scale will keep us free.
Our rulers are not our benefactors. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Be strong. Be courageous. Walk circumspectly. Use wisdom. Be prepared. Be sober and alert. Keep your heart, use your mind. Now for more developments. There is a technological development that has been in use for ten years in its experimental
From my first and least volatile book May 2016
Back to the warden illuminati plans. Gates with his abortion and vaccinations. Much medical science and the pharmaceuticals are in the process of developing likeminded work. The pollution card is there.
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) has purchased two million under-water body bags. For those of you who canтАЩt add two plus two, these are for putting dead bodies into, and throwing them into the ocean where they cannot be found.
FEMA has much more power and funding, and a different agenda than that which is publically shown, and is the organization that will be used to take down America. Only six percent of their funding is used for relief of natural disasters.
Under the radar: Through various domestic state and federal government agencies such as: Wildlife and Game, IRS, FBI, CIA, FEMA, Parole, Probation, Local and County Police, Public Works, etc... our government ordered two billion hollow point bullets. For those of you who donтАЩt know, these are expensive ammunition that expand on impact, and are usually fatal. They are for use on our own soil, on American citizens.
The police are now being equipped with new riot gear and instructions for use in our cities like combat zones. They are also being equipped with military style weapons and most counties are being given tanks. SWAT teams are being deployed in increasing incidents exponentially, although crime has not increased to warrant this.
I never said that I was arrested for ideas. I was arrested for facts- I exposed the government in my book. May 2016
By the end of the year 2013, it was reported that 197 generals and other senior commanders in our military had been relieved from duty. Included were 37 four star generals, highly decorated and trusted brass who were removed from service. Why? Let me give you some examples to make your own conclusion from.
Vice Admiral Tim Giardina, Deputy Commander of US Strategic Command was rejected, and what was the reason?
The charges as stated officially, were: He used counterfeit poker chips. It sounds to me that the crime was, in a friendly game of poker with his friends, he pretended to use chips, and they were plastic. He should be hung for such a crime. Just think of the potential harm he could have caused. He might have toppled some leggos.
Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette was removed for uttering a racial slur.
There was a тАЬpurgingтАЭ of our military leaders who had a history of courage and integrity. These men had backbone, and more than one or two have stated unofficially that the real reason for discharge was a little different. It is rumored (and referred to by some dismissed generals), and I believe it, that the real reason for discharge was that, when asked if they would follow directions to open fire on American citizens, would they comply and pass on the order. If they indicated that they had vertebrae enough to disregard such orders, they were removed from service. It has been said that many of those discharged warriors had expressed disagreement with (but not disobedience to) the current administrationтАЩs policies.
Whatever the true motivations for these actions, one thing has been the result of this route of action. The current military leaders for this nation are well aware that they will be relieved of their position if they dissent in any way. They now have no spine, not one will do what is right, and they will all fall into obedience to an evil dictatorship (or fascist police state).
See now this is some pretty interesting information and I don't disagree with your fact finding in this regard. The problem is you use that as a Trojan horse to push your agenda and wacky gnostic ideas that even the feds couldn't push in good conscience. Can't you see that you made yourself toxic to your community? If you commit to fundamentally undermining people's deeply held spiritual beliefs, and not because you are correcting them or trying to get them closer to the truth or even because you care about them, but because you're categorically right (in your own mind) and have a need to put yourself over people for your insane ego. Who wouldn't turn on you when you behave that way? It's even antisocial by postmodern standards. There's not even a shred of evidence to back up your "scriptural debunking" from your "studies". Josephus wrote the entire new testament, wow amazing. He's not even a reliable historian in his actual work, more a person of interest because he discussed Jesus and we have few accounts of historians that did. We also have precious few writings from early church fathers, so I guess Caesar wrote the new testament now? Your ideology is just garbled Nietzschean garbage that isn't even as vital as his syphilitic work, which has become the gospel to the foolish nowadays
I published the book MAY 2016
I watched Bill Gates do a speech on just that. First he came up with all kinds of statistics of how many people there would be on the planet decades from now. He then used statistics to show how much food we would have, of course the numbers indicated that we would not have enough. He then gave some solutions to overpopulation.
One of the solutions was vaccinations. That confused me at first. ArenтАЩt vaccinations a way to promote more life? The answer came a few days later in my research. Another documentary revealed that some vaccinations in Africa funded by Gates caused about 47,000 deaths. Furthermore, I learned that Gates intends to reduce world population by 15% via means of vaccinations. In Chad, Gates-funded vaccinations recently caused 50 paralyzations.
He also funds abortions. It sounds like an agenda of death for this billionaire тАЬphilanthropistтАЭ (he publicly announced his generous contribution to abortions and like donations). Does that not enrage you? If not, there is something seriously wrong with you, as there is with that lovely murderer, Gates. Funny, but
rich. But the politicians donтАЩt decide, they are just puppets. The puppeteers, the illuminati, they are the ones who choose decades ahead, who will be president, and everything else.
What about voting and elections? Who owns the ballot machines, and who counts them? I did a quick little search and found that the Bush family is involved in ownership, and also their affiliates with the CIA and other тАЬintelligence agenciesтАЭ here in good old USA.
You should know of BushтАЩs wealth and corruption, but even more so the ways of our agencies which somehow were a target of President Kennedy, who in his attempts to expose them, was assassinated, by some coincidence. Accidently on purpose.
But that doesnтАЩt matter, though, because our votes hold absolutely no significance whatsoever. Our politicians are puppets that are made and selected by the puppeteers. They recite rhetoric to look good, while collecting bribes and gifts, and they constantly go in and out of office in revolving doors with executive positions paying millions of dollars
I cannot disagree with much of what you are disclosing here. Much of this information is available elsewhere (obviously not on Mainstream media sources), but, it seems evident from your posts that you just want people to purchase your book(s) and listen to your rants. Also, I cannot agree with you at all regarding your positions on Christianity. Are there people who profess to be Christians and don't act like it? Yes! Are there many who just warm the pews on Sunday morning so they can feel good about themselves? Yes! Are there those who have no regard for the "Golden Rule?" Yes! Christians are clearly imperfect, just like everyone else--from the moment they pop out of the womb. Hence the need for our Saviour, whom God so graciously sent. But to call Jehovah Satan? Well, that is blasphemous. I am truly sorry that you were hurt so badly by those who claim to be followers of Christ. I have been hurt too and have gone through 3 church splits in my lifetime, though not wounded as badly as you were. We must pray for and forgive those who trespass against us and if so, the bitterness and anger will resolve. It may not be instant, but will settle the soul/troubled heart. God be with you.
First of all, you were the one providing absolutely no debating points, all you had was ridicule but no evidence against my points. Because I said that Josephus penned the NT, you said I was mad because Josephus was an unbeliever. YOu are fuckin retarded. Jesus was a creation of Josephus, he never existed, he was composed to create a slave and submissive mentality on Rome's citizens. The NT is all fabricated deception, a psyop by Rome to subvert humanity.
We've got the most luminous intelligences of the last 2000 years accepting Christian Revelation as self evident. eg Augustine, Aquinas, Tolstoy, Pascal, Samuel Johnson, Dostoevsky etc al. I think I'd rather be wrong with them than right with you Michael, if that's alright.
I don't know of too many people prepared to die for a lie, (martyrs) and then you've got to work out a motivation for the eye-witnesses to Christ to lie. It certainly wasn't worldly advancement or riches, but rather persecution and often death, penury etc.
As for your political revelations, we're all over them, don't worry.