So they tell us that a train derailed in Palestine, Ohio on February 3. We didn’t really hear much about it until about a week later. There was a surrealistic video of a mushroom cloud, with a reporter’s matter-of-fact description that this was “the planned release of toxic chemicals.”
We are told that the authorities were forced to do a “controlled release” some 48 hours after fifty railroad cars derailed. This was supposedly due to concerns over “a potential major explosion.” So, in fitting America 2.0 fashion, our illustrious leaders exploded things themselves. Sure, it seems absolutely insane on the surface, to ignite what is said to be the most carcinogenic substance known to man into the sky, but the state controlled media assures us that everything went as planned. After the explosion, the entire community was poisoned, and a forced evacuation ensued. Fish and livestock dying. Drinking water unsafe. So this is what was “planned?”
After causing the situation with their recklessness, and forcing residents to leave the area, officials would subsequently claim that it was safe for Palestinians (I guess that’s what they call them-and yes, it is pretty curious that this took place in a place named after one of the most embattled areas on the earth) to return home. Ignore the dead fish, and dead animals, and the alarming behavior of your pets. Maybe you should filter that water, though. Just to be sure. Or buy bottled water. The community members say the government hasn’t done anything. Shocker there. They literally won’t even answer questions from the concerned residents.
Palestine, Ohio, is a largely White, lower income area. So perhaps the demographics explain the lack of outrage from “journalists” and celebrities. Compare to how they reacted to the government’s failure, at every level, during Katrina. Or to the inexcusable drinking water situation in Flint, Michigan. But those were largely communities “of color.” You can’t virtue signal over poor Whites. They were born with that “privilege” we hear so much about. That’s why they ignore the poorest people in America, the mostly White population of Appalachia. Only John and Robert Kennedy really ever paid any attention to them.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg reacted by literally pretending there was no crisis, and instead raved about construction crews having too many White workers in hard hats. Well, they didn’t call him “Mayor Pothole” for no reason in South Bend, Indiana. This clown, like everyone in the twisted Biden administration, is incapable of commenting on any subject without forcing it into the ugly world of identity politics. Regardless, don’t look for Mayor Pothole to be criticized. He’s gay married, you know. The first syllable of his last name tells you all you need to know.
So, we can believe the authorities, who insist that there is nothing to see here, move along. Those poor White Palestinians can just go back to what they do best; being poor and White. Or we can listen to the residents, who report a completely different story. But what do they know? Where did they go to college? You can watch video of Building 7 collapsing, or listen to the authorities who dismiss it as a “conspiracy theory.” First hand accounts, video footage, mean nothing compared to the words of an “expert.” We aren’t “fact checkers,” and we don’t work for Snopes.
What’s most obvious is the total lack of concern over this monumental environmental disaster from “Climate Change” activists. Where is Greta Thunberg? Al Gore? No “Climate Change” activist has ever said a word about the BP Oil spill, or Fukushima. “Climate Change” has nothing to do with ecology. They don’t care about clean air. If they did, they’d stop spraying us with chemtrails on a regular basis. They don’t care about clean water, or they would have removed fluoride and all the other dangerous substances from the public water supply. We shouldn’t have to spend money on home filtration systems and bottles of spring water. We should have clean drinking water.
So, considering they spray nasty chemicals into the air all the time, why would they care about this particular deadly chemical? In my book Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963, I published a timeline of the military and scientific authorities dropping deadly substances on communities throughout the twentieth century. So this is nothing new. They don’t care how dirty and unsafe our world is. They want to lower your standard of living. And continually lecture you. A huge corporation like BP is no big deal. But your lifestyle is. You driving your own car. Eating meat. Having a single family home.
If “Climate Change” wasn’t a phony, government-sponsored psyop to destroy the middle class and herd us all into small cubicles, Greta Thunberg and company would be protesting in Palestine, Ohio. Late night talk show hosts would be eviscerating officials over blowing up a derailment, spewing deadly chemicals into the air. But you’ll never hear them mention Palestine. Either Palestine. You can’t virtue signal a real crisis. You can’t call a chemical “racist.” Well, maybe you can. They’ve done things that are just as ridiculous.
“Vinyl chloride in of itself is cancerous. Some of the other stuff is just as bad,’ declared hazardous materials specialist Silverio Caggiano. “Hydrogen chloride is bad enough that when you inhale it, it mixes with the water in your lungs and you could have acid burns in your lungs.” Some note that the burning of these substances could produce phosgene, a highly toxic gas that is so dangerous it was used as a weapon during World War I. But the EPA says things are “safe,” even though animals dying inexplicably have been reported from many miles away. “Climate Change” means “racist” roads, not actual threats to our living conditions.
I write a lot about America’s collapsing infrastructure. It is embarrassingly bad, but that’s to be expected when it sat there untended to for over sixty years. Railroads are part of the infrastructure. Many railroad tracks date back to the Civil War, at least the ones that survived the terrorism of “hero” William Sherman’s “bummer” troops, who routinely destroyed and mangled them. Besides Palestine, there have been two other recent train derailments. What is going on here? Is it just the result of atrophy and inattention? You could have a new train derailment every day, and most of the public wouldn’t be moved. Our leaders certainly wouldn’t be motivated to fix them.
This is part of a larger problem. Our woeful power grids, equipped with sensors made in China, are ripe for the picking. They’re on their last legs. If real “terrorists” existed, they could wipe them out with ease. Our roads and bridges are Fourth World level in many areas. It’s really been a miracle that no bridge has collapsed during rush hour. Our planes can be thirty years old, and the average age of most airlines’ fleets are usually fifteen years or so. Now, they are lowering the standards for pilots, in order to hire more “pilots of color.” So that sounds safe. Also, they have recently loosened up the EKG requirements for pilots. What with all the heart damage from vaccines.
But don’t worry. The state controlled media assures us that old planes are really cool. And Affirmative Action pilots will be even more rewarding for society than Affirmative Action employees in other industries. It’s not dangerous to have a pilot, even if he isn’t an Affirmative Action project, flying with a heart condition. Stop complaining. Next you’ll be asking why there was so much more leg room during the 1960s and 1970s, why you got a meal with your flight, drinks, etc. In America 2.0, it’s normal for things to go backwards technologically. Like the average life expectancy dropping lower each year. That’s even better than old planes and train derailments.
Many First World nations boast rail systems that go much faster than ours, and were certainly built well after the Civil War era. Our internet is slower than in the Dominican Republic. Why don’t we have free wi-fi readily available for all? Exactly what is Joe Biden’s trillion dollar “infrastructure” bill supposed to fix? We should have heated highways by now. Instead, I don’t see any of the countless potholes being fixed. But they do close lots of highway lanes, while they don’t work on the roads. It’s an America 2.0 thing, you wouldn’t understand.
It’s impossible to argue against the notion that our leaders are purposefully trying to bring down our society. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t be doing any of the things they’re doing, and they’d be busy doing things any sane leaders would be doing. A trillion dollars ought to get a decent national infrastructure upgrade started. If they’re going to make it impossible for average workers to own their own automobile, then the least they could do is have a fast and modern rail system. You know, like real First World nations do. The roads and bridges would be repaired. They must have substances now, which don’t crack from a little snow or ice.
Only a government as corrupt as ours could take a trillion dollars, claim it was for the infrastructure, and get nothing done. The roads aren’t going to bet better. Sooner or later, you will have a tragic bridge collapse, with massive loss of life. It’s inevitable. The power grids are so antiquated, that you could conceivably have a huge blackout without it being planned. Along with locking up more people than have ever been locked up before, and creating a disparity of wealth no “free” nation has ever approached, this “don’t look, don’t do” attitude towards the infrastructure is unique among the nations of the world.
I live in Virginia. I’m hoping the vinyl chloride doesn’t reach me here. I guess we survived Fukushima and the BP Oil spill, so we’ll survive this. Too bad about the fish and the animals. And Palestine’s water supply. I feel bad for the residents in that unlucky town. They were leading pretty hard lives to begin with, without worrying about the air they breathe and the water they drink. One thing is certain; the “Climate Change” activists aren’t worried about it. They’ve got bigger, living fish to fry. Like “racist” roads. Too many Whites wearing construction hats. Private ownership of cars. Human births. Save the planet. #Support Ukraine.
There may have been outrage over Flint and Katrina, but not much was done for the people of color n either place
I read somewhere that in Ohio is the most prime farmland in the U.S. too, not claiming correlation is related but considering all the controversy and war on farmers and farmland globally it is worth noting I think.
Prayers to all those in Ohio, this is brutal beyond words. People need to start standing up now and I say that as a guy living in Canada, which sometimes seems like the land of the docile, glorified human livestock wandering around oblivious thinking it's business as usual w/out seeing business is trying actively to kill and oppress them, but I digress.
Really disgraceful that NONE of the major news outlets are covering this, that I've seen. Thankfully as usual, most of the main online news is liked Jimmy Dore, Redacted, etc. etc. Thank you Don.