I can remember when America wasn’t a Third World shithole. Like in 2015. We’ve deteriorated very rapidly. I think Trump becoming president opened the door to every form of madness. We’d never seen anything quite like the shrieking Pussy Hat brigade before. The Antifa crowd was something well beyond any previous Leftist incarnation.
Those holding demonstrations, which have almost always exclusively come from the Left of the political spectrum in this country, used to clearly state their grievances. Their signs indicated exactly what it was they were protesting. But the Pussy Hats just hated Donald Trump and shouted “Not my president!” Antifa was violently opposed to…. something, but it wasn’t clear just what that something was. Their signs were basically decrying “Racism” and “White Supremacy.” No details. Even when the police were rightfully castigated, it was part of a general anti-White theme. And making the madness complete, most of the anti-White protesters were….White.
America was once the envy of the world, reaching the peak of its commanding First World presence on November 21, 1963. The day before our own government killed the President of the United States. That successful coup, sold to a much more innocent public as the act of a lone nut, patsy Lee Harvey Oswald, precipitated a decade of other assassinations, an escalation of the Vietnam War JFK had planned to withdraw from, and a “generation gap” between those who fought World War II and the hippies who created the drug culture and free love.
But America sailed along, still in the First Class lane, until at least the 1990s. The internet and the birth of alternative media exposed both the constant crimes and conspiracies of our awful leaders, and the fact our “free press” was indistinguishable from Tass and Pravda at the height of the Soviet Union. One thing about the World War II generation that cannot be denied- they took pride in being competent and efficient. They had their own corruption, and swallowed propaganda without a hiccup. But the streets were plowed when it snowed. The power stayed on. Even after the JFK assassination and endless other Deep State crimes, the cost of living was still manageable for most and society still ran relatively efficiently.
It was inevitable that America would reach the stage it has reached. The last major upgrade to the infrastructure was the national highway system built under Eisenhower. That was over sixty years ago. So of course we look like a Third World nation. They don’t maintain their roads, bridges, and power grids either. Can you picture even the most corrupt politician imaginable from the 1960s or 1970s telling the public that their state was running out of water? That they should expect rolling power blackouts? Even when they were worshiping the odious Uncle Sam figure, or forcing you to tuck your shirt in, those old timers had pride.
The loss of civil liberties began in earnest with the “Inside Job” that was 9/11. The unconstitutional Patriot Act and the Unconstitutional Department of Homeland Security. Free speech zones. The widespread dissemination of the anti-First Amendment term “political correctness,” and the indefinable “Hate Speech” that is in reality Thought Crime. The elimination of any effective opposition on the Left, classical liberals, civil libertarians and populists. They are gone now, banished from public life. Relegated to writing articles like this one on platforms like Substack.
The corruption has become so ingrained in America 2.0, at all levels, that it would make Caligula blush. Genghis Khan. Hitler. Stalin. Mao. None of them ever presided over this kind of institutionalized criminality. We are the most corrupt society in the history of the world. Could Sodom and Gomorrah really have compared to us? Things are so bad that the few honest souls out there who are willing to come forward to expose any aspect of it, are attacked and often prosecuted. The entire system is morally opposed to whistleblowers. But then the entire system is morally opposed to any kind of decency. The system feeds on darkness and depravity.
Politically, have any Third World elections, which Americans have long scoffed at, rivaled the 2020 or 2022 elections? I mean in terms of obvious fraud. Widespread dead voting. Virtually no safeguards or checks on the validity of the increasing number of mail-in ballots. Electronic voting machines that are easy to manipulate, hard to monitor, and break down often at crucial times. The antithesis of an open process. And just questioning it brings condemnation from the entire rigged system. Bans on social media. Americans have accepted a “representative” system that has a lower turnover rate than the old Soviet Politburo.
And really it’s unfair to Third World countries to put them in the same category with us. Sure, some of them defecate in the street, just like we do here in California and other places, but I don’t think any of them feature a diabolical agenda, backed by all corporate and government entities, to confuse young children and convince them to “change” their gender. Or an evil medical system that eagerly mutilates them by cutting off their little penises or little breasts. Does any “Tin Pot” dictator in Latin America support that? Do they say “pregnant people” in any Third World countries? Do they claim there are fifty seven (or whatever the number is now) genders?
If you turn on one of those innumerable award shows now, and compare it to any of the innumerable awards shows from even less than ten years ago, you’ll be shocked at the differences. First, every awards show now, like commercials and television programs, are dominated by Blacks. Very few Whites seen anywhere, and of those few almost no White males. Well, straight White males. The “fashions” are beyond outlandish. Often, it looks like the entertainers are wearing pajamas, or some contrived monstrosity from an Aleister Crowley nightmare. There is no attempt at intellectual discourse. All conversation is “Ebonics” or worse. It is Idiocracy.
Literature is dead. I ought to know. I turned to nonfiction because neither the publishing industry, or what’s left of the reading public, wants literary fiction. Dickens would pile up the rejection slips if he were around today. The last great novelist was Kurt Vonnegut. Is there any real music being produced today, outside of the talented artists who can’t get a record contract? And there are no comedians left, because they’ve basically outlawed real comedy. It must be hard to continue coming up with bits and standup material, poking fun at Donald Trump and White people.
I don’t even recognize the names of 90 percent of today’s “celebrities.” Third World celebrities. More annoying than talented, which I suppose befits a Banana Republic. And most of them aren’t the least bit attractive. Which is bizarre, given the history of celebrities, and the traditional preference for good looks in especially female entertainers. But then again, there is no “female” or “male” in this decaying shell of a country. Maybe young men- if they dare still call themselves that- are looking for a few “hot” transgenders, to paraphrase the pre-”Woke” Marines.
Those of you who watch my weekly live streaming “I Protest” show, and my weekly appearances with Billy Ray Valentine and Tony Arterburn on “America Unplugged,” are aware of my internet issues. Some are probably thinking, “Damn, that guy’s internet really sucks! Why is he so cheap? He really needs to step up his game!” I am paying plenty. I’ve gone to the most expensive program- the “gigablast” plan, and have had three different technicians come out in recent weeks, all telling me different things. None of them have improved the situation. A fourth tech is coming out today. I have no confidence that he, or she, or they/them will be any better.
That kind of now institutionalized incompetence is the real hallmark of America 2.0 Nobody seems to be able to fix anything any more. Just like nobody seems to be able to make a quality product of any kind any more. But they’re all damn good at texting. They are blazing fast with the thumbs. Mine just get in the way. Those old timers from World War II, who ran the workplaces when I was a young radical, had enough self-respect to do a good job, regardless of any other faults they had. As perhaps the original defiant, untucked shirt guy, I’d happily tuck my shirt in today to have some of that competence back. I’d even wear the suit and tie I hated as well.
As I get older, I dread the winter more each year. It’s not only just shoveling snow, which is obviously more arduous for oldsters. It’s the fear of the power going out, which is a real possibility now with a few inches of snow, or even sleet and ice. I never had to worry about that until the 1990s or so. Power grids only last so long, if you never update or upgrade them. But even with newer power grids, you have to factor in the people working on them. As Rodney Dangerfield might say, “They’re no prize, either!” It’s a deadly combination of faulty products and faulty maintenance. Like Tupac Shakur, I trust no one to build or repair anything these days.
I notice the little things. The really little things. Like how hard it is sometimes to open a bottle of juice or something. Those interior seals, with the popup peel, are mostly beyond my sixty six year old skills. I often have to use a knife to open them. I don’t remember it being that hard even twenty years ago. I think I’m still in good enough shape to pull those tabs, so blame it on the slave labor shops where these things are sealed on by machines, supervised by workers who are barely being paid, let alone being paid enough to care. One day I’ll write one of my famous complaining emails, asking if they’re trying to prevent consumption of their product.
Nothing makes sense in America 2.0. Which I guess is probably the way it’s always been in Banana Republics. What are Third World television commercials like? They can’t be worse than ours. Most of the time, it’s impossible to figure out what is even being advertised. The focus is always instead on the “Woke,” invariably anti-White message. There is a clear agenda, and they’re selling something else besides a particular brand of beer or laundry detergent. They had entertaining commercials back in America 1.0. “I can’t believe I ate that whole thing.” Or the great Hai Karate aftershave commercials. As a kid, I couldn’t wait to fight off the girls wearing that.
Is Bollywood more ridiculous than present-day Hollywood? Does the absurd political correctness permeate every show and film out of India? I seriously doubt that, given that there is no real racial card to play, and Hollywood’s persistent messaging revolves around attacking “toxic” Whiteness. Does Bollywood push the transgender madness? I don’t know, I’ve never seen a Bollywood film. But then I don’t think India is considered Third World, are they? They have been defecating in the streets for a long time, but we do that now here, too. What exactly is the criteria for a Third World country? America 2.0 certainly has to qualify.
Charles Dickens, in one of his great novels (which could not be published today), wrote about the men who were “experts in how not to get it done” back in the mid- nineteenth century. Not sure which book it was, perhaps Bleak House. At any rate, is there anyone in a position of power in America 2.0 who isn’t an expert in “how not to get it done?” How not to have even a few decades of peace? How not to fix and repair our laughable infrastructure? How not to expose the corruption all around them? How not to share America’s enormous wealth even semi-fairly? How not to build and service any product? Dickens could never have envisioned anything like America 2.0.
The first step in becoming a Banana Republic was to start looking like one. Sure, not mowing median strips and the like helped establish the proper shoddy ambiance, but once we started importing millions of Third Worlders, the transition moved at warp speed, just like Donald Trump’s magical vaccine. If you import the Third World, you become the Third World. We have become the Third World. Third World values. Third World service. Third World workmanship. All the things we once bragged about. Actually, still brag about. That’s a real anomaly in America 2.0. The leaders who are experts at not getting it done are as good at bragging as our old leaders were.
So braggadocio is one thing America 2.0 is good at. You want fierce aggressiveness? Watch a crowd whipped up into a “USA! USA!” chant. They will chant it right in your face. Take that! It doesn’t matter that life expectancy in this country continues to fall, or that we can’t get faster internet today than we did twenty years ago. The Dominican Republic has faster internet than us. Why can’t we have “warp speed” internet? Lots of countries, who perhaps fit the definition of Third World, have better internet. And longer life expectancies. But none of them can do that “USA! USA!” chant like we can. And childhood cancer. We’re number one there. Don’t even mention obesity. Is there any nation on earth that can top us in that category?
All First World countries seem a lot cleaner than the United States. Certainly their infrastructure is much better, since they actually have made improvements over the past sixty plus years. Safe mass transit systems exist around the world. Just not here. Is there any First World healthcare system that doesn’t put our sinfully expensive, bloated, and often fatal system to shame? Are the courts in Peru and Venezuela any more politicized and corrupt than our own Kangaroo legal system? America’s ranking among nations of the world in terms of quality of life is as sad as our life expectancy and infant mortality rankings are. We don’t rank high in any positive category.
The only people enjoying a high quality of life in America 2.0 are the wealthiest members of the One Percent. It’s hard not to have a great quality of life if you’re a billionaire, even in a real shithole country like ours. That’s one thing that still works in this forsaken land; the rigged economic system can produce incomprehensible wealth for a very small faction. And armed with insider knowledge, those lucky few become very skilled at making even more money. You too, can grow up to be a billionaire. If you come from an upper crust family. If you are morally compromised and have no principles. And if you’re willing to claim you “earned it.”
Maybe I am just getting old enough to be the guy who yells at the kids to get off his lawn. But kids being on my lawn has never bothered me. Neighborhood dogs crapping on my lawn, like an increasing number of Californians, does bother me. Especially when no one cleans it up, as is the case with those California human beings. I know it’s natural to think the world has gone to hell, once you reach a certain age, and the changes become obvious. But the changes even between 2015 and 2023 are so dramatic, it is impossible not to notice. And to feel depressed because of it.
I stay sane because of my faith, and the other awake people I communicate with. There are millions of us out here, who don’t approve of America 2.0. If you don’t like vulgarity, and physical and emotional ugliness, and slovenliness and incompetence, and injustice, and above all corruption, you will have a hard time of it in what has become the World’s Wealthiest Banana Republic. We won’t bother to sweep the dirt under the rug, or the shit off the streets, any more. We don’t care. That’s a fitting slogan for America 2.0. Respect the flag- the LBGQT flag. Always remember that diversity is our strength, might makes right, and that we are the best.
You nailed it, and gave me a few smiles while reading. I am just a couple of years younger, widowed, orphaned, and sans children. But I am glad for it. I am envious of those who have gone to their graves. I am thankful my parents, the WWII and Depression generation, are not here to witness this insanity. I am sorry for those with young children or grandchildren, especially if they are troubled by this amoral clown world. I have no words to encourage them to press on, to fight the tide. I believe we've gone too far to ever see this craziness end. The only truth is God's Word and to that I point them. Considering the numbers dying suddenly and unexpectedly, I pray people take time to seek God and the free gift of salvation they can find there. But without fail I find people who think the Titanic will turn just in time, and they are busy rearranging the deck chairs and planning tomorrow's menu. Most of them will take the injection, the chips, the digital ID, whatever is required to access their digital dollars. They see no reason to plan for what I plainly see coming like a 400 foot rogue wave. I feel like a mute trying to scream warnings while all those around me smile and nod their heads. I only find consolation in stepping into eternity with The Light when my time comes.
Shit hole is the exact word I use to describe the United States these days. The USPS is one example. When I was a kid in the sixties, I clearly remember adults mocking third world postal systems. Is there any difference between these postal systems now, and our own?
I knew things were bad, but not quite as bad as I realized until last summer. Unfortunately, I live about 15 miles from Portland (hopefully not for much longer). Yet it has been years since I have been inside the city limits (except for passing through on the interstate). I avoid Portland like the plague. Last August I went to pick up a kitten. I had not driven down 122nd Ave for 17 years. I had to keep asking myself if I was dreaming. The entire length I drove was hideous...garbage on street and sidewalks, abandoned cars, and mobs of people sleeping/passed out on the sidewalks. I have driven through Kenya, and that is exactly what it reminded me of...a Kenyan town away from the tourist areas. I can tell you, I was shook up for days afterwards. How could this change happen in 17 years?