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This account is most sad, but most understandable. What Chris needs to do, Don, is get the Hell out of Dodge. You should have him taken to a safe place, where he can totally hide from the system. After a few months, especially when they see he has advocates, all those stupid and incomprehensible charges will just go away, as they did in my case. The system is lazy, and, contrary to what they project, hardly functions like a well-oiled machine. Rather, they will, at least at the local level, weigh costs against benefits, and ultimately decide not to extricate or extradite him. Not unless some cop has a personal grudge, that is, and I doubt that is the case here.

I have my own list of medical horror stories. I could start where I dislocated my finger trying to catch a long football pass. I was in pain, but all the hospital was interested in was my insurance. I was ultimately told the specialist was not in, AFTER my doctor- who was worse than useless- recommended I go to the emergency room for x-rays. Then I was told to go home and take an aspirin.

Years ago, my grandmother trusted the medical racket. They had her on seven medications- and this was way back in the 1970's. I said there is no way in hell even the most intelligent doctor can tell anyone how seven medications are going to interact with each other. As a chemist, if I throw seven reagents into a beaker full of water, I have no way of knowing what is going to ultimately happen, or even what color the precipitate will be.

When I was in Texas, I took Brother Dismas to the hospital. He was in obvious pain, but the first stop was to the administration to verify his insurance. Needless to say, he should have been admitted right away and placed, if not in intensive care, at least under observation.

Recently, on a video of the Civil Rights Lawyer, I watched in absolute unbelief as cops pulled a disabled and dying man from an ambulance at the behest of an obviously unqualified paramedic. He staggered over to a bench on the sidewalk, and collapsed beside it. Then two paramedics and ten cops just stood around for five minutes before going over and finding him dead.

This system, this country, and this people are beyond broken. The lack of the most fundamental charity is astounding. Stalinist Russia would blush.

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I don't know how I could have taken Chris anywhere, WW. He's in Massachusetts and I'm in Virginia. I've done everything I can to help him. Your experiences are very common. If you'd been an illegal, there would no pit stop for insurance information. I saw that video from the Civil Rights Lawyer. Seems to do good work, but refuses to answer people. Thanks.

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The Civil Rights Lawyer is One Dimensional. He berates the cops which I totally agree with, but he acts as though the other parts of the system- the courts in particular- will weed out the bad cops if only activism increases. Nothing could be further from the truth, but of course he is not going to go there. And of course, donate, donate, donate to his organizations. So, while he does have good material, I suspect he is ultimately a shill.

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Some/many/most hospitals have a charity write off option for uninsured patients who cannot pay the hospital bill. It's a simple form to fill out, and I was able to get a $35K hospital bill written off. The write offs are tax deductions for the hospital, so they don't mind doing them. It is no loss for them.

It is a little known secret that I found out about that works.

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Helpful info! Thank you. What exactly does one ask for? A "charity write-off" form?

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That's what the hospital I was in called it, but other hospitals may call it something else. It's basically declaring your inability to pay the bill, and that you have no medical insurance.

It's a form you get from the billing department of the hospital.

Fill it out and submit it, then they have to approve it, which it seems they do in most cases.

If the bill is a smaller amount of a few thousand, they sometimes discount it 50-70% since their markup is usually the same 50-70%.

If it's a larger amount like mine was, they already assume you won't be able to pay it, so it's better for them to just write off the full amount than send it to collections for pennies on the dollar.

Their ER was run by another company, so I got a separate bill from that company for the ER services. The hospital can't write that off, but that company can usually discount their ER bill rather than get nothing.

I don't know if all hospitals do this, but I would think they would.

I also suspect that they get some compensation from the government for their write offs too.

Hope it helps anyone in that situation.

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They use people as guinea pigs. So its a "luck of the draw", if you will, if you can stay out of clutches of their dirty filthy hands. We're back in the times of the Salem Witch Trials, but about 1000 times worse.

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What is happening now has absolutely no precedent in history. Evil disguises itself as good. Diabolical Narcissists are running everything, yet the sheeple continue to pretend these are the good guys.

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More humans on the planet, more evil, IMO. We know they are not the good guys, and honestly, I think most people do. But are so afraid to speak against them. Not me. I don't fool myself because you cannot fool God.

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A lot of dangerous people are not sociopaths on par with Bill Gates, Elon Musk or Klaus Schwab. They are just cold and indifferent to the suffering of those around them. They don't plot to hurt others or actively delight in destroying lives.

They just follow orders for the paycheck. It's not their fault if standard care doesn't help. They won't be held accountable by those they work for.

These people enable what is going on. It wouldn't work without their help.

Not sheeple so much as machines. Heartless, remorseless, indifferent. The same sort that broadcast their "empathy" on SM every day.

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The world has lost it's soul. This is what comes from it.

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As this evil becomes more exposed and obvious, people are more responsible. My mother always said that the year 2020 gave us 20/20 vision concerning the geopolitical reality. The Plandemic did clearly revealed the conspirational nature of the international world and transnational corporations. But at this time many people simply do not want to admit that they were fooled. Even a lot of good people were surprised at the breadth and depth of the conspiracy, and now they do not want to admit the obvious.

I am done with those who think some sort of political or even military solution is going to solve this crisis of humanity. We are in the midst of the Great Apostasy foretold by St Paul, and, as he also foretold, charity has grown cold.

People at this point simply do not want to reform their lives and embrace the Christian ideal, which includes chastity, honesty, humility, perserverence, and submission to Truth. They prefer rather all the trinkets and entertainments that the Satanic Pederasts have to offer, and they are going to pay dearly, in this life and in the next.

God is not mocked.

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Those same diabolical narcissists, sociopaths and psychopathic predators have always been here stalking and killing their prey, throughout human history.

The difference now is that those same predators have taken control of most governments, which makes them even more dangerous than ever before, as is more obvious now than ever before.

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The difference is that once upon a time there were a few good men, so they kept to the shadows rather than risking the wrath of justice. But now those good men are gone, and, like the slimy things that can only tolerate damp days, they come into the open.

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That's why God said his laws are not mans laws. Focus on me, not be in the ways of the world. It's evilness and I am very afraid it will get even worse, much worse. This is Lite Mode.

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It says allllllll of this in the Bible.

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Yes, especially in the 12th Chapter of Daniel and the 13th Chapter of the Apocalypse.

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I think a concentrated effort should be for speed in reading every word of the Bible right now. Getting the bells rang loud and clear for Jesus Christ is coming. For all to announce hurriedly "get your minds in order and clean out our souls. Repent before you can't".

Thanks for your interaction.

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Have you studied Our Lady of Fatima? She had much to say concerning the current state of the World.

In the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

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I only read the Bible. There are too many fakes out there. Ya know, the way of the world thing.

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Look up what happened at Fatima Portugal on Oct 13th, 1917. (Hint, it made all the papers.) Then think long and hard about it.

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A well-oiled tree chipper.

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Why people tolerate all that ..? In my country Spain, we have free healthcare and free medicines, none can even try to take this away from us.We had free Health Care when we had a dictature during 40 years, and afterwards when democracy came it continues the same, none will tolerate to take that away from us never .

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And the majority of 'Murricans would scoff at your "socialized" system, Ketina. Americans seem to be just as addicted to the hopelessly corrupt and ineffective system itself, as they are to all the Big Pharma products it produces. Thanks.

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I can understand someone being addicted to something that give them pleasure,like sex, alcohol, drugs etc. But I don't understand why anyone can be addicted to something that cause them pain , do you have any answer Donald..?

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Yes, that really is the irony of it all, that so many Americans have been brainwashed to believe in the "American dream" and if they don´t make it, it´s their fault for not trying hard enough and then being adamant about "not taking charity". Many simply won´t question the corrupt and utterly unfair system.

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Free Healthcare and free medicines. Imagine that. Socialism on steroids.

The best solution is to have the church and benefactors running things. Then you have accountability.

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What the satanic church have to do with free Health Care..??I just mentioned to talk with a priest to help Donald friend, because there are some charitable priests that like to help people , not the church in general.

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Yes, the current hierarchy is satanic. No argument there. I was thinking of better times of yore, and hopefully better times to come.

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You and Donald are mixing thing in your comments creating confusing

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Not sure how we're confusing you, Ketina. WW and I sometimes see things differently. I think that, with the dysfunctional society that has been built, that you have to have some kind of safety net, or millions of people like Chris will fall through the cracks. Thanks.

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Yes, Donald and I can agree to disagree, and those disagreements might get sharper as time progresses. Meanwhile, socialism is never an ultimate solution to problems that should be handled by priests and family members. it is a shame that both of these have become lazy and uncharitable, That is a big reason for our current malaise.

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States with fully funded healthcare can order patients be killed and call it an act of mercy.

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They are making overt what has been covert for years. The sadistic side of me says that the only reason doctors were against "mercy killing" was it would prematurely cut off a source of income.

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They can do it now without state funding.

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Why? Do you think doctors and nurses kill for the fun of it? Most are not serial killers but obscenely greedy.

All hospitals receive state funding. Most depend on it to stay afloat. Most of the elderly and disabled receive state healthcare as the insurance. Those are the people authoritarian regimes want culled. Hospitals get paid by the state for following state guidelines of standard care.

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By 2028 Social Security will have no---NO funds to pay to recipients.

That is why they kill the disabled and elderly.

Greed......whatever you want to call it, is still evil soulless and yes psychopaths. Serial killers sounds so mild really in now days time.

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Free healthcare can still kill people.

It's not about lack of government funds.

The government pays doctors and nurses regardless of what happens. At any rate, these professionals simply don't care if their patients live or die. Our care is already mostly socialized. Turning medicine 100% government based instead of 95% won't solve the heartlessness of the professionals. Especially if the state is paying the hospital to administer lethal treatments. In case you didn't notice over the past 4 years, a lot of government officials and their experts despise human life.

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Hey man keep paying taxes ,and keep paying hospital bills and medicines. I've see many people in bankrupt because medical bill when I was living in the States, it's really outrageous to be paying taxes and not being taken care. Of course hospitals are not perfect and people die from medical malpractice, that happens everywhere, the system is not perfect, but people's rights to have free access to medical care is paramount. I can't imagine living without free healthcare,in Spain we have it forever, during 40 years of dictature and after with democracy .

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Before there was Big Pharma, we had natural therapy . People were trained in natural cures. Any (joke) health system now days, regardless if socialized or private funded, is Big Pharma. Pharmakia. Evil and deceptive. The world will never return back to natural therapy. I would never think free as free. I am glad you do well with it.

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"Free healthcare" crippled me. Because it was free and I couldn't earn enough to pay for help getting off the cocktail of addictive drugs they prescribed, I had to do my own research. To this day, I avoid doctors despite not having to pay.

Yep. Free healthcare exists for many Americans. And it only makes us sicker.

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Pharmaceuticals are the only thing they can give to treat--T R E A T --any condition. They are evil and do never cure. (you learned the hard way.) Thank God you had your brains enough to get off of them. Many don't before their lives are consumed.

My sister was on 'free' health care and all they ever wanted to do was hack on her. I told her once..."You know just because it's free doesn't mean for you to let them do it". She was one of the sad cases that didn't have the brain left to stop it all. Sadly, she killed herself. I hate the medical system. I hate hospitals. I hate the fakery of caregivers. It is all BS.

And yes 95% of any and all practicing on humans are evil bastards. I do not have insurance and never will have. Why? Because if you are paid for by the state or own health insurance, the 95% will suck it dry of what is allowed, and toss you out. So yes, they are evil and have 0% soul. Soulless. The machine needs a pay check. That's all.

Sorry for such a long spill, but this really hits a nerve that people are practicing science as their God. Never thought I would be alive to see this happen before my eyes.

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I love the movie "Fargo". It gave me ideas. Just saying.

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It is just so messy... I still favor the old tried and true Madame Guillotine... Neat and quick and the blood is somewhat contained...

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Or dump them in the woods and let the Sasquatch deal with it.

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That works... We have them here in N. FL. interestingly. One of my patients has had multiple encounters that seem all too real... Not sure what to make of it all.

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The hearts of men have failed them. There is very little love or concern for their fellow man. It's all about money now. Money, money, money. Money and worthless shit (things). It's a rotten and ruined world.

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Ain't that the Truth. Time for Our Lord Jesus Christ to return and take out the garbage.

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None seem aware how worthless that money they sold out their fellow man for will soon become.

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